28 December 2008

Gianna Elise

If you haven't heard yet, we have our new baby!!
Gianna Elise arrived December 26th at 3:30 am. We decided to go to the hospital when contractions were consistently 3 minutes apart (Christmas Eve I stayed up with contractions hitting about 5 minutes apart, so I didn't want to get sent home from the hospital w/o a baby). We got checked in at midnight and she came 3.5 hours later! Quick and smooth delivery. No problems.
She weighed in at 6 lbs 12.3 oz and measured 19 3/4 inches long at birth. She has a round face with small little ears and a head full of blonde hair.
We're very happy to have her already and let Eric spend some time with her before he goes back to work.

24 December 2008


Cameron reminded me that I haven't posted any prego pics. So, here's me at 9 months...any day now and we'll welcome this little one into our home. Emily is very excited and keeps asking when she's going to come out.
This other picture is of Emily in her "Erella Dress" that Mema Lasley sent to her. She was quite the poser even though she didn't even have her hair brushed!
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22 December 2008

I Got Your Nose!

One of Emily's favorite games is playing "I Got Your Nose!" She thinks it's hilarious and we all get involved in the chase of getting back whatever body part was "stolen". I about died this morning as she "stole" the baby out of my belly and put it in hers. I was laughing too hard to chase her.
Another funny thing she has said multiple times this weekend is also about the baby. She will randomly ask me, "Mommy have baby?" I'll tell her no and then she'll say, "Aw, man!" and sound really disappointed. This big sister is going to adore having a younger sister around. She visits with the baby a lot and hugs and kisses my belly and talks to her. It's really adorable, though I would like to have my belly back and private from these two girls!!

19 December 2008

Impromptu Photo Shoot

A friend up the street called yesterday for an impromptu photo shoot. She wanted to get pictures done really quick for her Christmas card (I'm not the only one in disbelief that Christmas is next week). Anyway, I really love doing pictures for people. I love how pleased people are and that I can help in some small way to preserve a memory for them. This is one of my favs. We turned their swing set pole (for the teeter-totter swing) into a Christmas decoration. =)

17 December 2008

Wishful Thinking

So, we're 37 weeks and barely dilated at all (a "fingertip"). With Em, I was already at a 1, so I'm thinking we're in for the long-haul. However, it doesn't stop us from wishful thinking. There would be so many benefits (aside from that tax break) for having this baby before the New Year.
1. Eric is home and no matter what time I went into labor, could drive me to the hospital (he'll have to take the van to work for awhile after he returns to work b/c his shoulder won't be completely healed nor have we taken time/money to repair the bike yet).
2. We have adopted some girls as sisters and they are currently on Christmas break, so they could come at a moment's notice to keep Emily for us as our logical help people are not going to be able (yes, Stef, that means you running away to spend the holiday with your families =) but also my in-laws since Mama is laid up with her newly finished surgery).
3. Eric won't have to use up vacation time since he's already out.
4. I'm selfish and want to breathe and eat again...not to mention sleep comfortably (although I realize it may be interrupted the same amount).
5. I can keep my shirt down over my belly b/c Emily won't want to "see the baby" as she'll already be visible to her.
6. Yes, the tax break would be great.
SO, anyone who knows some extra tricks to help get things going, feel free to volunteer information.

13 December 2008

Buckle Up for Safety!

Things have gotten a little, shall we say, confused at times with getting us into the car with the wheelchair and whatnot. Well, I must say that I am extremely glad that Emily is a creature of habit. When we put her in the car last night, we had the wheelchair, her bag, her potty chair (she was going to her g-rents while Eric and I got to go on our date and since they are both a little less mobile at the moment, we figured we'd help them out), Emily, and of course, us. We opened the door and she climbed in while we loaded up everything else. Eric and I got in and buckled up and then we heard a little voice say, "buckle please". No, it wasn't the "still small voice" of the Spirit...it was Emily asking for help with her seat belts. She was really trying hard to do it, but knew she couldn't and made sure she was buckled up for safety before we started moving. THANK YOU, EMILY!!

Classic Liz

I've been known to accidentally switch the first letters of words to make strange phrases. Sarah-beth may remember when I visited her one Thanksgiving in Idaho and I asked her if she had a jar of "cry pust" instead of "pie crust". Well, tonight I added a new one to the list.
Eric and I went to a celtic guitar concert tonight. Afterwards we were talking about one gentleman who laughed incredibly loud after each joke the performers told. Now, the jokes were funny, but weren't "butt gusting" (er, uh, "gut busting"). The funniest part was that Eric agreed with me and didn't even realize what I had actually said until I started busting up about it. So, watch out for some butt gusting comedy coming your way!

10 December 2008

My Parents Are the Best

I know everyone thinks they have great parents, but mine are great, too. After Eric's accident, we attempted to go shopping for some more winter-type clothes (especially a dress) for Emily. It was quite the event for us...a toddler who is independent and strong-willed (whoops, just defined "toddler"), a broken husband who didn't even have a brace on his ankle yet (just some crazy "shoe" that didn't do much of anything), and an 8 month prego lady trying to push the wheel chair along with both of them in it. Just so you get a good picture in your head.
My mom called as I was pushing them up a ramp and I told her what we were doing (with no success). She took it upon herself to find some clothes for Emily and shipped them to us. It was definitely an early Christmas yesterday for Emily. Her eyes got as big as saucers when I handed her one of the packages and told her it was for her. Opening them and finding such adorable (or, in Emily terms "'rella clothes" which means they are pretty and she greatly approves) clothes...including two dresses was awesome.
My parents also sent us a check which more than covered our heater repair. How do you spell "gratitude"?...I..L-O-V-E...M-Y...P-A-R-E-N-T-S!

09 December 2008

I Love Heat!

We were without heat for a couple of weeks but now we're back on!! We had several different people with different companies give us estimates on the repair or their ability to repair the damage. Thankfully, one of Eric's friends has a brother who does this work as a living. He came out and fixed it for us for WAAAAY cheaper than other quotes...and we threw in a batch of our infamous E Boyd Peanut Butter Cookies. He was my favorite person a couple days ago!! It is so nice to be warm in every room as we walk through the house instead of using the space heater to warm up the bathroom while we shower and dress and then move it to the next area we'll be in.
I also have to give shout-outs to those who tried their best to help us but were willing to acknowledge that it was a bigger job than they felt comfortable handling. First up, Ethan Dooley who diagnosed the problem originally. Secondly, Jim Grigsby who came out on his own time to attempt to fix it himself.

04 December 2008

A Belated Update

I realized today that I hadn't updated Eric's status here on our blog.
Eric went to see the orthopedic doctor Tuesday morning. They did more x-rays and came back with a slightly worse scenario than we thought...but he's still okay.
Left foot: dislocated the fourth toe which stayed in socket from the night they reset it to the appointment. Now it has to be buddy wrapped to prevent it from slipping out again. He broke (I'm not sure if these are fractures or BREAKS) the bones on his foot leading to the 3rd and 5th toes. They gave him a walking boot to wear but is restricted in standing on it. As the pain becomes more bearable, he'll be able to start walking on it.
Left shoulder: fractured clavicle but lets add in a separated ac. This is the doctor's greatest concern. He feels the bones will heal just fine, but the separation on the joint is in the moderate zone. We are hoping that when he goes back at the end of the month, it will be healing appropriately and we can skip surgery. His arm is in a sling and he is to do some light exercises to keep the arm from getting stiff. He is also prohibited from lifting anything more than one pound.

30 November 2008


I'm a stay-at-home mom and enjoy this "job". I know how precious this time is for me as well as my child (soon to be children). However, getting the random monetary gig can be such a blessing at just the right time. In speaking of blessings earlier, I should have also mentioned that the Lord even provided the means to pay the ER co-pay from Wednesday night. He set this up way in advance for us to be able to pay for it w/o interfering in our regular bills!! Thanksgiving morning we went down to a large family photo shoot (a grown family with 11 children who all have their own families now, too!). It was a lot of fun, a way for us to be occupied with other thoughts than Eric's injuries, and the way to earn the money to pay for this accident. (We also got to eat Thanksgiving dinner and not lift a finger for preparation or clean-up.)
Then, the next day, we got spoiled again by Stef and Ryan coming over and serving us Thanksgiving dinner. It was really good food and nice to be with our friends who have become our family, too.
I also have to mention helpful family. Eric's two brothers came Wednesday night to pick up the bike for us while I took Eric to the urgent care. I'm so grateful they could do that for us (and sadly, one of them ended up with an accident the day after Thanksgiving...they signed the papers on their new car and as they drove home that evening, a huge buck ran out and crashed into the side of their car. The car was obviously damaged, but they were all okay...Boyds don't have a good track record with Thanksgiving weekend as it was!).
I've also been blessed with a great opportunity to get paid to do someone else's genealogy, so that added bit of income has been another blessing at just the right moment (with Eric being out of work, he won't make the same money as he has...no way to sell phones when you're sitting at home!). So, the Lord has definitely blessed us a lot; especially this past week!

29 November 2008

Deep Thoughts

We're sitting here watching ABCFamily,which is playing a couple Charlie Brown movies. I have a few questions about Charlie Brown and perhaps someone out there knows.
Why is Charlie Brown mostly bald? He has a few hairs, but basically is bald. Did he an illness or treatment for an illness that caused this?
What's the deal with Snoopy's obsession with the Red Baron?
Why does EVERYONE refer to Charlie as "Charlie Brown"? No one regularly calls him just Charlie.
Why do all the adults squawk yet the characters still can figure out what they are talking about?
Why does everyone make fun of Charlie Brown for having such a large head, but all the others have just as large of heads PLUS hair that makes their heads bigger?

27 November 2008

One Thing After Another

Okay, I am really not trying to complain, but update everyone on our lives. Eric had a bit of an accident last night coming home from work. Don't worry, he's okay for the most part. He was slowing down to turn into our subdivision and didn't see the plank board in the road (it was dusk/getting dark). The board wasn't very thick, but it was a finished/glossy piece of wood. It caught Eric's back tire and spun the bike from under him. He laid it down on the left side and has injuries on his left (a fractured clavicle and a fractured food, plus he dislocated his fourth toe on that foot...but they were successful in putting it back into socket).
He is on pain medication and a muscle relaxer and will be out from work for at least the next 5 days...moving around only possible by the use of the wheelchair we are borrowing from his parents. I know it sounds exciting, but he isn't hurt too bad, yet it is just enough to be completely annoying and makes him dependent on me (someone suggested that perhaps I was in need of relearning about service...I think she's right!). I don't mind and am grateful for earlier training in my life when I worked as a care attendant while going to BYU.
So, my thanksgiving this year is that my family is safe and alive...even if we have bumps and bruises and things might be hard...we are so blessed to be together!

25 November 2008


So, we've been trying to refinance our house for a few months now. We were working with a company called Elite Financial, and particularly two employees of that company (both our broker and his manager). This post is mostly to warn our friends and family of the company. They are a broker who uses Taylor, Bean and Whitaker. I'm sure there is nothing wrong with that financial institution, but Elite does have problems.
I could go on for pages and pages about the lies they told (even down to telling Eric that I had "misinformed" them about not having a basement....uh, yeah, that was something they never asked but then tried to pass the buck on! Or the fact that they told us the house was appraised at 10K higher than "the bank would accept" only to find out today that what the appraiser had figured it at WAS the number the bank accepted...and it wasn't that higher figure, either).
I just mostly wanted to get this out there to be careful when signing anything. Thankfully we followed the promptings and did NOT sign, as today we have uncovered more lies they have spun over the past nearly 3 months. NEVER, NEVER let someone make you feel pressured to sign something or purchase something.

24 November 2008

Heat Pump Meltdown

We discovered our heat pump wasn't working yesterday. It took opening the unit in our attic to find out why...as you can see from the pictures, we barely escaped having a house fire. We aren't sure what really caused this and are still waiting for the service guys to get out here this morning, but live wires and metal are not a good combination.

21 November 2008


5 Shows I love to Watch:

1. House, except we don't even watch that when it comes on
2. ?...the only other things we may watch are cartoons for Em
3. ?...or perhaps a movie, which doesn't happen that often
4. ?
5. ?

5 Favorite Restaurants:

1. The Rodigio (sp?) Grill (Brazilian)
2. The Spaghetti Factory (Italian)
3. Casa Mexico (decent Mexican in middle GA)
4. Ingleside Pizza (recent addition to the list...obviously, pizza parlor)
5. Cold Stone (ice cream...but if that doesn't count, I'd go back to Kneader's Bakery Cafe in a second for a yummy turkey sandwich or other tasty treats)

5 Things that Happened Yesterday:

1. Decorated our Christmas Tree (yeah, it's early, but not by much!)
2. Lazed around for most of the day b/c Eric had the day off and we didn't HAVE to do anything
3. Counted contractions because they were so strong and consistent (no matter what position or how much water I drank) for about 5 hours, but stopped after we got the tree up, so no worries
4. Let Eric make a huge yummy breakfast (Eric loves to cook, so anytime he wants to, I'm happy to oblige and just be the spectator/eater)
5. Watched some cheesy Christmas movie on ABC Family (they have a countdown TO their 25 days of Christmas...which is basically also our countdown to baby #2)

5 Things I Look Forward to:

1. Rachel and Adam's sealing in April, which includes a (hopefully) 2 week vacation visiting Missouri family
2. Having this baby at the end of next month (think positive, think positive!)
3. Having a fenced back yard
4. Eric finally being able to graduate and work in his chosen career
5. The Millennium so people aren't crazy anymore

5 Things I Love about Fall:

1. Autumn colors and cooler air
2. Wearing sweaters and warm snuggly clothing
3. Our anniversary
4. The holiday seasons
5. The smell of wood chimneys which evoke images in my mind of warmth and cheery homes

5 Things on My Wish List:

1. To be out of debt...completely: no car payment, no mortgage, etc.
2. To be healthy and comfortable in my own skin (though it is fun to feel the first movements of a child, this one has gotten quite rough and my skin feels like it's going to rip)
3. To have all my children grow up in the church with strong testimonies of their own
4. Not to worry about the economy and it's impact on our "quality" of life
5. To have Eric finished with college and working in his chosen field with a good company that has great benefits like the one he works for now (he can still work for Verizon, that's fine...just not in sales).

5 People I Tag:

1. Sarah-ann
2. Sarah Beth
3. Lori
4. Julie
5. Crystal

Dual Meaning of Words

I guess I haven't taught Emily that there are certain words that have more than one meaning...
Emily wanted to go to the garage to play with Hannah (this is the only open space the two of them are able to romp in and I don't have to worry much). I told her she had to go find her socks and shoes. Of course, this started me laughing because she put her hands over her mouth and started calling them, "Sock and shoe, where are you?" This isn't the funniest, though. After she came back and claimed she couldn't find them, I told her that her socks were in her bottom drawer, "So go check your bottom drawer." Simple enough direction, I thought. Well, Emily began pulling down her pants and underwear. I asked her what she was doing and she replied, "Bottom drawer". Uh, yeah. That's your bottom, but I hope there isn't a drawer installed there. Needless to say, I started cracking up...much the same as I am doing now trying to relate the story.

19 November 2008

Strange Things Your Children Say

I've often been entertained by a friend's blog when she posts things her adorable daughter says. Sometimes I'm laughing so hard that it is hard to breathe. Emily has come up with something that did that to me just recently. She was getting a bath when she started doing a tummy roll. She shouted out, "It's a hotdog!" and pointed to her belly. We were laughing so hard as it was completely random...and because we've told Emily that she's going to become a hotdog because she eats so many.

The Holidays

I have always loved the holidays, but they became even more exciting when I was a missionary and now I've completely reverted to being a child now that I'm married and have a child!! So, I can hardly wait to put up the Christmas tree, especially after last night when we HAD to turn on the heat (we had a freeze warning, as temperatures dropped yesterday and it was already down to 33 degrees when Eric got home around 9 pm). So, to satisfy my desire to just drag down the tree from the attic and go ahead and set it up, I've changed my background to live the festive spirit of the fall/winter holidays!!

18 November 2008

Barely Skating By

We had our next doctor's appointment today. I got to see the final member of this practice. I must say, I am so grateful to finally have found a great OB/GYN...and that goes for his entire practice (all other doctors, nurses, and office employees)!! Fourth times the charm, right?
Anyway, I continue to struggle gaining weight. I'm measuring a little on the small side for my week (33 weeks) and I'm barely hitting the "minimum" weight gain they like to see. However, the doctor didn't make me feel bad. In fact, he was reassuring. Although my weight gain has plateaued, he commented that Emily was born at a good, healthy weight (and I only gained 25 lbs with her), so this one would probably be the same.
I think...hey, we have some huge holidays coming before the end of this pregnancy. Let's see (if I can squeeze food into this belly) if I hit their "recommended" weight by the end of this. =)
I was also glad to hear that he thinks that the baby coming the last week of December is very possible. We'll know more as we get closer!!

15 November 2008

My Wishbone Wish

Not that I have one, but if I pulled on a wishbone and was granted my wish, I'd like to be home at my parents for one more Thanksgiving (or Christmas). I just miss that big family feast that my family traditionally holds. It was different being on the mission and even more different now that I'm married and living close to my in-laws. I have yet to prepare a holiday meal since we always do these meals with Eric's family.
I was blessed to grow up in a home with a mother who loves to cook. I know she spent countless hours preparing meals in general, but more specifically, those holiday feasts. I know I moaned and groaned about having to peel potatoes or whatever assignment she gave (the worst was cleaning up afterward!! No dishwasher in our household growing up...unless you count each of us kids!), but I really do appreciate the love and effort she put into those meals.
It's very enlightening to find out what each family serves as their traditional Thanksgiving meal. For the Lasley's, the following menu was ours (and is what I am craving...along with just being able to be with my side of the family for a holiday for once):
Oven roasted turkey
Giblet gravy
Mashed potatoes
Dinner rolls
Green beans and pintos
Brown beans with piccalilli relish
Cranberry sauce (jellied-type)
*Cranberry relish
*Pineapple and cheese salad
*Broccoli salad
*"Pink stuff"
Relish tray: dill pickles, sweet pickles, sweet cherry peppers, carrots, green onions, black olives, green olives
Pumpkin pie
Apple pie
Pecan pie
Whipped cream

...and of course, that crisp, cold weather that makes gathering together in a warm house filled with the wonderful smells of food just that much more enticing!
What are traditional foods your family enjoys for these feasting holidays? (And, for any of you Lasley kids reading this, did I miss anything? It has been quite a long time since I was home for the holidays!!)
*recipes I've only ever had with my family.

10 November 2008

The Next Julia Child

...or Betty Crocker, or Emmeril....
Emily LOVES to help in the kitchen. We've let her assist in the making of cookies and cinnamon rolls, but last night, we ventured even further. She wanted to make dinner. She chose everything: bow tie pasta with red sauce served with cooked broccoli. I opened the cans for her and she dumped them in the pot. I handed her the seasonings and she shook them into the pot until I told her it was enough. She put the broccoli in the pot to cook and loved stirring things (especially if she could taste-test the sauce some more). She even boiled the noodles. She was quite proud of herself and called her Daddy to tell him. (Eric loved the dinner so much that he actually had seconds, which he normally doesn't do.)
Today she wanted to cook some more, but we figured the breakfast Eric was making wasn't child friendly (too much grease involved and popping...not a good combo w/a small child). So, for lunch she asked to cook. We stretched the meaning of that word and showed her how to make a peanut butter sandwich (no jelly for this girl...she wants the PB straight up!). Again, pleased as punch, she gobbled up her sandwich.
I can see it now...in a few more years I won't have to figure out dinner...she'll decide and cook it for me!!! =P

07 November 2008

MY Pumpkin!

Last night I realized that Mr. Pumpkin was starting to get hairy on the inside. So, this morning during clean up, I asked Eric to take it out and throw it away. I should have had him do it last night. Emily was in tears about us taking away HER pumpkin. I had no idea she was so attached!

06 November 2008

Joke's On Us

Wanna laugh at how intelligent Eric and I are?
We got up this morning and decided to go for a family bike ride. We even took Hannah with us(she does really well attached to the back of Em's bike trailer). Eric asked me if we should close the garage door although we weren't going far or would be gone very long. I told him yes, so he hit the button and did the "jump" over the sensor as he left the garage (we don't have an exterior door to the garage.)
We didn't get very far before my brain realized what we'd just done. We left our house VERY locked. Since we've added the child locks, and didn't go out either of those doors but instead left through the garage...we didn't have a way to get back inside.
Eric, in his calm manner, said to not worry about it and just enjoy our ride...we'd figure it out when we got back. I'm so glad I'm married to such a patient and calm man! After our ride, we realized that we'd (luckily) left the van unlocked, so we could open the garage with the garage opener clicker!! And the only reason it was unlocked is because my loving husband got in there before we left to grab my sunglasses for me.
Now I just have to remember never to leave the house through the garage UNLESS I have a van key with me so I can get back inside!!

04 November 2008

Child Locks, a Must-Have

I have not been a big one for getting all crazy with child locks and whatnot. I used hair-ties to "secure" the cabinet under the sink. So, you know that I am not a crazy-lady with the child safety products. However, my biggest concern has been Emily's escaping from the house with me unaware. We have previously just had to make sure we locked the exterior doors. Alas, we knew our child would one day be tall enough and smart enough to figure out how to do those locks. Well, that day has come and gone.
Emily decided she wanted Hannah to go outside, so she unlocked both the door lock and the dead bolt and ordered Hannah to get out. So, I ordered Eric to find new locks to put up high to lock Emily (and any other member of the household needing supervision) IN. I must say, now that she doesn't take a nap and I MUST, I can now rest and relax and not be afraid that she will make a jail break.

30 October 2008

Change of Season Woes

I love autumn. I love the crisp, cool air and bundling up in warm sweaters and coats. I think those are my favorite articles of clothing. However, the change of season also brings a downfall. It doesn't matter if it is changing from cold to hot or hot to cold...I end up with a cold. Ironically, I had a sliver of chocolate (and I really do mean a sliver...like the wrinkle line on the side of the cup) when I gave Emily a peanut butter cup and then my throat started swelling. So, who knows if I actually triggered this to start anyway!
If any of you have a way to boost the immune system at the change of seasons, let me in on your secret!! I don't remember this happening before my mission, but it happens every season now and I'd like to stop the pattern. Of course, at the moment, it would be nice to know pregnancy-safe tricks, too.

24 October 2008

Dinner...Dinner...What's For Dinner?

Potato Soup. I've never made potato soup. I've made soups of different varieties, but never potato soup. It was chilly and rainy today and it just felt like a potato soup night. That's rarely the case, though. I am usually struggling to figure out what I should make for dinner. I've posted a couple sites on my blog list of other blogs/sites that have recipes listed (for any of you who may struggle with the same issue). I currently only have one cookbook, so these are great for me to look at and see what "real" people are making their families for dinner. I used to watch Food Network for ideas, but realize that most of the ingredients they use, I either NEVER have on hand (and who remembers them when you go shopping?) or they don't even sell in Macon grocery stores (or may be so expensive it isn't even worth attempting at the risk-cost factor). If any of you want to share a family favorite that you cook often (sometimes a family fav only gets made on the rare occasion b/c it is a labor of love), I'd love to add to my repertoire of Family Fare Dining (I am NOT an aspiring chef!).

23 October 2008

Three Years and a Breaking of Tradition

Yes, it is official, Eric and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary yesterday (and thanks to Amber, we get to REALLY go do something today!!). Sadly, due to this pregnancy, we have to skip our tradition of going to the temple. We've been there on or near our anniversary date (the day before when it fell on a Sunday) every year since we got married. I'm sad about that, but what can you do?
I am so grateful for the Lord knowing exactly what he was doing when he sent me to Vegas on my mission. Had I not gone at the time I did or served where I did, I would not have met my wonderful husband. I can't imagine a better companion for me. He's gentle and patient, so he's my perfect match to my stress-out self. I'm glad he's willing to put up with me for eternity!! I love you, Eric!

17 October 2008

Froggy Emily

We found the perfect costume for Em yesterday...and she hasn't taken it off since!
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Bedtime Boss Vs. The Light Nazi

In college I was quite the Light Nazi. Come on! I was poor and scrounging for every possible penny!! Anyway, I'm sure it caused some contention between me and a few roommates. In my defense, my Dad does the same thing...he really got on to us for leaving the lights on in rooms we weren't in (as well as leaving the outside doors open or standing "as a door" in front of the TV). Apparently, it's genetic. It's carried on to Emily as well.
For about the past week, Emily has developed a new pattern with her bedtime routine. After we get through everything and I go to close her door, she demands that I turn off the living room light. She'll even get out of bed to come check to see if Mommy and Daddy are going to bed like she has to or if we're staying up without her. If the TV or any other light is on, she will demand that it be turned off. It takes a lot for Eric and me not to snicker at her bossiness.

14 October 2008

A Good Reference Site

One of my college roommates got her degree in Marriage, Home, and Family Science. Basically, the art of happiness in the home and the way to apply it to real life.
Anyway, she has started a website where she utilizes her degree which I think is fantastic. I encourage you to check it out. There were a couple things on there that already made me go "OH!" As parents as well as educated members of our society and country, we should continue to educated ourselves in different matters. She gives tips and hints for the daily run of a family (ie: recipes or stain removal) but also other things such as important information on policies being voted on and updates in safety for children. Take what you want, leave the rest. I just found it to be an informative site (and I finally got her German Pancake Recipe...ah, the good old days of Apt 1 cooking!!). Hope you'll check it out.
Home Maker Etc.

12 October 2008

A Day of Follies

I'm not sure what was in the air yesterday, but I was at odds with the world. Here are a few examples of my inability to function correctly yesterday. Enjoy...and feel free to laugh!

After a week of being on this bland diet, I got heartburn (yes, even after drinking our watered-down version of kool-aid!).

When I let Hannah into the garage to eat her dinner, I got locked out of my house. Don't worry, the culprit was standing on the other side of the door laughing at me through the window (Emily recently learned how to do all the regular locks in the house...including the one on the garage door).

Next, I sliced some cheese for Emily, but not without it's own disaster. I somehow cut my thumb with a super sharp knife.

By the time Eric got home from work, I was exhausted and cautious about everything I did. I was grateful for more reasons than sleep to go to bed!

11 October 2008

Bland Diet Blues

I've been on a bland diet since Monday, as per order of the doc. At first it was okay. So, there's not some amazing flavors and foods I can eat...big deal! Actually, I retract that. It IS a big deal, especially when appetite (I'm not talking about ability to consume food, just having the desire FOR food) is already a problem.
Since Thursday, Eric has also had to alter his food choices due to doctor instruction. We are now officially the most boring family ever! Can't eat "fun" foods. Don't drive "fun" cars.
So, if any of you know some good recipes of bland foods...I'd love to have them. The following is what I can eat.

* Eat 6 to 8 servings a day from this list:
* 1/2 cup cream of wheat
* 1/2 cup cooked white rice
* 1/2 cup mashed potatoes
* 1/2 cup cooked pasta, noodles, or macaroni
* 6 small (2 inch square) saltine crackers
* 1 slice white bread
* 1 medium size (2-1/2 inch) roll or bun
* Do not eat these foods:
* Barbecue and taco chips
* Bran and granola cereals
* Breads and rolls with nuts, seeds, or bran
* Corn chips
* Hard crackers, such as Ry-Krisp®
* Popcorn
* Potato chips, french fries, and fried potatoes
* Whole-grain breads and rolls


* Eat 2 to 3 servings a day from this list:
* 1/2 cup applesauce
* 1/2 cup canned or cooked fruits without skins or seeds
* 1/2 cup mild juices, such as apple, grape, and pear
* 1/2 of a 9 inch banana or 1 small (5 inch) banana
* Do not eat or drink these foods:
* Berries with seeds, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries
* Cranberry, orange, pineapple, and grapefruit juice
* Lemonade
* Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and pineapples


* Eat 2 to 3 servings a day from this list:
* 1/2 cup cooked or mashed vegetables without stems and seeds
* 1/2 cup carrots
* 1/2 cup green beans
* 1/2 cup onions and celery in soups
* 1/2 cup summer squash or zucchini
* 1/2 cup winter squash
* Do not eat these foods:
* Raw vegetables
* Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and other vegetables that cause gas
* Mild or hot peppers
* Sauerkraut and pickled vegetables
* Tomato products, such as tomato paste, tomato sauce, and tomato juice
* Vegetable juice


* Eat 2 to 4 servings a day from this list:
* 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup cottage cheese
* 1/2 cup custard
* 1/2 cup ice cream or ice milk, without nuts
* A 1- to 2-inch-square slice of mild cheese, such as Longhorn, Colby, or Muenster
* 1 cup low fat milk
* 1/2 cup pudding
* 1 cup yogurt without seeds or nuts
* Do not eat these foods:
* Chocolate milk products
* High fat dairy foods, such as cream and half and half
* Spicy or strongly flavored cheeses, such as jalapeno and black pepper


* Eat the equivalent of 5 to 7 ounces of meat a day from this list:
* 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter (equals 1 ounce of meat)
* 1 large egg (equals 1 ounce of meat)
* 1 cup of a casserole made from foods listed in this diet (equals 2 to 3 ounces of meat)
* Fish, turkey, chicken, or other meat that is not tough or stringy
* 1/2 cup tofu or other bland soy products (equals 1 ounce of meat)
* Do not eat these foods:
* Crunchy peanut butter
* Dried cooked beans, such as pinto, kidney, or navy beans
* Fried or greasy meats
* Processed, spicy meats, such as sausage, bacon, ham, and lunch meats
* Ribs and other meats with barbecue sauce
* Tough or stringy meats, such as corned beef or beef jerkey


* Eat 2 to 4 servings a day from this list:
* 1 pat or 1 teaspoon butter
* 1 pat or 1 teaspoon margarine
* 1 teaspoon olive, vegetable, or safflower oil
* Do not eat these foods:
* Fried foods
* Nuts and seeds


* Drink as much as you want from this list:
* Low-acid juices, such as apple, grape, or pear
* Mild herbal teas or weak regular tea
* Water
* Caffeine-free drinks
* Soda (do not drink more than 2 cans a day)
* Do not drink these liquids:
* Alcoholic beverages
* Coffee and regular teas
* Colas and other drinks with caffeine


* Eat or drink as much as you want from this list:
* Bouillon or broth
* 1 serving of a cream soup may take the place of a serving of milk
* Any soup without tomato or strong spices
* Do not eat these foods:
* Chile (any kind)
* Minestrone and other tomato-based soups


* Eat as much as you want from this list:
* Desserts made with approved foods from the lists above
* Herbs
* Mild gravies and sauces
* Salt and other mild seasonings
* Do not eat these foods:
* Chili, taco, or picante sauces
* Chili pepper
* Desserts with nuts or coconut
* Horseradish
* Pickles

06 October 2008

Budding Talents

Emily loves to "colee". We have several of these small doodle pads that go EVERY where with us. She was so proud of this drawing that she wanted me to take a picture. I'd be interested to know what you may see when looking at her drawing. I'm pretty sure of what she was trying to draw and it looks like it to me, but what are your ideas?
Another talent she has is her incredible imagination. I can not believe she has such a vivid imagination and she's only 2!! It's fun to play whatever she comes up with. The one that kind of hurts, though, is when she decides that I have frogs in my mouth and needs to extract them. My TMJ isn't too fond of that, but it still makes me laugh!
Oh, and just one more thing...she's taking after her great-grandma JoAnn Lasley. She loves to go to bed with her books. I was quite the bookworm when I was younger, but this takes the cake! I was talking to my grandma last night and she laughed because she sleeps with books, too...she had 13 on her bed at that moment. So, there is quite of bit of Lasley (or at least Dial) in her after all!

03 October 2008

Pres. Uchtdorf

Last Saturday was the RS General Broadcast. I enjoyed it in the comfort of my own home. I think the biggest part for me was Pres. Uchtdorf's talk about enjoying in the creation. I've recently felt impressed that I need to get "back on the horse" and start writing again. Ironically (or, perhaps, inspirationally) a week prior, I finally penned the rough draft to a children's story I had an idea for over a year ago. I think I see more of the pictures that goes with this story, so that's my next project, getting pictures drawn and then actually submitting it to be published!
After that, there are a lot of other projects I need to get going on as I've been wanting to write different stories largely based on my life. I've been disappointed in recent years going to the public library and finding published books that really don't deserve being published. If they can do it and it's terrible (whether it is the actual writing or the fact that society can't write anything without putting smut in it), I certainly could accomplish my life-long dream of writing something worthwhile!
My challenge to you, oh faithful readers of my blog, is to find out which creative part of you has been dormant and tell it to WAKE UP! SEIZE THE DAY!

30 September 2008

My New BFF

Emily is not one to try new things. If she even THINKS she won't like a food, she'll gag before it reaches her mouth. Thus, it has been very difficult to get her to eat vegetables and anything else with any nutritional benefits. I have gotten sick of hearing doctors and other child specialists tell me that I have to give it to her at least 10 times before she'll eat it. Well, she'd never put it in her mouth, so she was never going to develop a taste for it, period!! I discovered a wonderful new best friend on this battlefront. Couscous!!
I don't remember ever having couscous until I was at BYU and they served it during one of our "cultural" days in French class. I loved it then and I've had it in many different ways since. However, I've never made it for my family until tonight. Emily actually devoured hers and even ate almost ALL of her veggies (corn, peas, carrots) when I mixed it in with it!! She ate it all and nothing was spit back out! I think I'll be stocking up on the stuff asap.

29 September 2008

FHE at a Liquor Store

Contradiction in terms? Sadly, this IS how we spent our FHE tonight. Eric called to let me know he was on his way home. Ten minutes later, I got another phone call. He asked me to bring the gas can and meet him at a funeral parlor parking lot. Apparently waiting was too much for him and he walked the bike further down Pio Nono (just for those of you who AREN'T from Macon, GA, you pronounce that "Pie-ah No-nah") and we met up at a gas station. As Eric poured the gas in, it trickled out. Then, as he attempted to crank it up, gas poured out. Precious gas just running freely out of the bike!! (BTW, there is a gas shortage in northern GA...so that's a reality coming to us soon if things don't change.)
Seeing as the scooter wasn't going to hold ANY gas to get it going long enough to get anywhere, our next option was for me to follow Eric with my hazards on as he walked the bike to the shop we purchased it from. We made it to the next stop light and opted to pull into the parking lot there.
Miracles of miracles, some of Eric's buddies saw us and turned around to see if they could help. After diagnosing the bike with some serious issues, we let them get on to their activity for the evening and awaited Eric's dad who had a trailer. It was during this rendezvous with his friends, I finally realized what this "Silly Willy's Package Store" really meant. We were sitting in the parking lot of a drive-thru liquor store! Oh, it's classic and I know many of you are just dying laughing, but it really is a drive-thru liquor store!
You think the fun is over? Wrong! Emily had to go potty and no where to go potty. So, I pulled her around to the side of the van and let her pee right there (I know, gross and TMI, but you have to understand ALL the chaos of the evening). SHE thought it was hilarious and because she started laughing, it got everywhere!
When Eric's dad finally arrived (it had gotten dark by this point and Eric got off work at 5:45pm), we got the bike up on this tiny little trailer and then realized that the smallest jolt was going to knock the bike over. So, Evil Knievel...aka my husband, straddled the bike to brace it while I followed behind with my hazards on (the trailer lights ended up being dead). Although he was wearing his bike helmet, I really wondered how much that would help him were the bike to slip and force him to the road from that height (he was straddling the bike, which means he was standing up on the trailer and was taller than the Jeep). Oh, and to make things even funnier, his dad handed him a rope that was tied to the posts on either side of the trailer, making a sort of "reins" for the trailer...with Eric perched on top with bike helmet on, it was quite the picture.
Next week, let's hope for a different kind of FHE.

In a Minute

It's funny that as a parent you find out which words and phrases you say the most often. Apparently I am quite the one for saying "in a minute" because that is Emily's favorite phrase now. I can ask her to come eat and she replies, "in a minute." I get the same response when I tell her to come inside or pick up her toys or brush her hair. It's all going to happen "in a minute." Thankfully, she really DOES finish whatever she is doing and comes "in a minute".
Sadly, another phrase she has heard a lot of in the past few months has been that mommy's tummy hurts. She practically tries to diagnose the problem and "fixes" my tummy by applying various toys to it. At times, though, she claims that HER tummy hurts. Don't ask why...you'll laugh...this poor new baby hasn't even gotten here yet and everything is her fault. Emily's response? "Baby," as she points to her tummy. So, I've tried to be more careful in what I tell her as she climbs on me and jabs me in the tummy with her elbows and knees. Two kids kicking from both sides just isn't much fun, but I shouldn't just blanket everything by claiming "that hurts Mommy's tummy."

28 September 2008

An Allergy or Not

I think I am probably one of the few women in the world who eats ice cream three times a day (and this past weekend, I also added in a bag of Skittles). During our last excursion to the grocery store, Eric told me to pick out some sort of ice cream without worrying if he or Emily would eat it (Em doesn't do ice cream period, so that's not much of a decision). I chose Butter Pecan. I've had it before and I really love pecan pie. For some strange reason when I eat this ice cream, my tongue starts to hurt and feels like I've poured acid in my mouth! So now I wonder, did I really need to get this ice cream if it causes pain and why does my body do such strange things when I'm prego?

26 September 2008

Happiness Begins with Sleep

WOW! I forgot what getting a full night of quality sleep felt like! It was great! We all slept peacefully through the night. I don't know how many times I have prayed that in our family prayers, but last night it worked! No tossing and turning. No crazy random mid-sleep wakings by Emily. No disturbances in the night! It was really wonderful. I love waking up happy and refreshed! Can I order another serving tonight?

24 September 2008

The Perfect Nose

For those of you who remember Little Women, the youngest of the four sisters, Amy, had vanity issues about her nose. She wears a clothes pin on her nose to "give it the perfect shape." Apparently Emily has some of these same issues, as you can see (although this is actually an air freshener from the car). She was cracking me up because she wanted me to take her picture. When I asked her what she was doing, she explained (quite matter-of-factly) that she was a frog. So, maybe she doesn't have issues after all...or maybe she does...just which ones. =)

Scooter Boy

We picked up Eric's scooter yesterday. We are quite the (cough: not) cool family now! That's okay, it's saving money and natural resources, right? Now Eric needs to get his license so he can actually use it instead of the van (permits allow you to ride during the day but not at night). Emily is all excited about the bike, so she is Vanna for us.

22 September 2008

Silent Credit Hits

I have heard in the past that those pre-screened offers don't hurt your credit score. Well, I heard today that it does. By removing your name from these offers, you can actually improve your credit score. In fact, the lady told me today that in the next 30 days, your credit score can improve by up to 15 points. I figure that is a good thing, but it also saves my shredder from going through piles and piles of junk mail.
If you are interested in using the opt-out, you can call 1-888-5 OPT OUT (1-888-567-8688) or you can do it via the internet at www.optoutprescreen.com
It's quick and easy.

21 September 2008

RIghteous Traditions

What are our family traditions? The ones we actively present to our children may be a bit more obvious and easily explained. However, after watching April 2008 General Conference again, I realize that perhaps more influential are the traditions we may not recognize that we are passing on to our children.
Cheryl Lant, the Primary General President gave a great talk entitled "Righteous Traditions" and spoke about the most important traditions being the way we live our lives. She posed the question "Are our traditions based on the actions of righteousness and faith?" So, not only is it important that we establish traditions for Christmas, birthdays, and such, but we also need to be aware of the traditions we set by example.
Do we go to church? Or, more importantly, do we demonstrate through our actions and conversations that what we have been taught at church is true? Do we support our leaders, both civic and religious, in both word and action? Or, are we undermining truth and stability because of our own disgruntlement with current situations?
I need to re-evaluate the things that I want my children to emulate and pass on to their children. I want them to be positive thinkers and positive doers so that they brighten the world around them. In order for them to become that way, I too, must work harder to do so.
Interestingly enough, the speaker following Sister Lant also spoke on the importance of learning good Christlike qualities in the home. If you haven't referenced these talks lately (or would like to read them), I encourage you to do so!

20 September 2008

Soccer Mom

I've come across many of my friends who share in the same view of driving a van...we don't want to do it. However, the reality is there if you are going to have more than the current average number of children (1.9...we're almost there now!), then you need a car large enough to provide space for them to sit. However, it isn't just them, it's the car/booster seat needed to make their travel "safe". So, in any particular sedan, the limit is that 1.9 average. You can comfortably seat 2 kids in car seats...usually.
Well, looking at the world and the rising gas costs and such, one would wonder if it is more reasonable to drive two gas friendly cars or just jump in and get that larger vehicle, be it SUV or van (mini-van included in that name). Upon assessing our own situation and desires for family growth, we've decided that it makes more sense to get the van and have Eric drive the eco-friendly gas saver scooter to and from work.
That led us to our decision yesterday to trade in both our cars and get a van. The good part is, we live in Georgia. This is a reasonable decision for us. We have pretty mild winters so scooter driving is possible basically throughout the year. Of course, there will be days of Georgia downpour that won't be so great, but we can figure those out as they come (he drives the van that day). We can't really argue with getting 90 miles per gallon!!
So now, I get to be the lovely soccer mom and get over my pride when it comes to vehicles. Good bye to my way-cool Passat! Hello to filling up a van full of kiddos!

18 September 2008

A Religious Influence

Children pick up on things extremely quickly. Emily has picked up on something that is quite hilarious (although, many of you have probably experienced this, too). She is finally letting me read books to her again. However, she thinks that at "The End" it should be "Amen." It makes me smile every time! Even when she is "reading" by herself, she ends with "amen."

10 September 2008

Crazy Junk Mail

As a parent of a young child, we get quite a bit of junk mail for this "great" offer or another. This past week was the topper of them all. Emily received in the mail some 5x7" cards and some "trader" sized cards of "Weird N Wild" animals. You'll have to check out the website to fully understand why it was over the top.
They are animal cards; some real, some ancient, some mythological. They are ALL depicted in a ferocious state...mouths gaping open with menacing stances or them actually attacking/eating another animal. It gives a description of them and some other key info.
I don't mind Emily learning about these other animals, but I am concerned that she thinks ALL animals bite or are dangerous because of these images. On the other hand, it is pretty funny that she tells Eric every day when he leaves for work to watch out for the "docadile" because it'll "eat/bite you". So, now we not only hunt for frogs, but for crocodiles, too! Watch out (reruns of the) Crocodile Hunter!

08 September 2008

Popcorn Popping`

Emily loves to have her "song" every night before she goes to bed. I'm usually the one to sing to her. Last night, she took a different approach. She came up to Eric and started singing "Popcorn Popping" which is one of the children's songs from church. Most of the words were unintelligible but she had the actions and syllables/beats down! She even did it over the phone for my parents and I did snag a video of it (although I don't know how to convert from our video camera to the computer/internet). SO, thanks to her nursery leaders and the primary chorister who have given their time every Sunday to my child!! It was a very sweet moment last night!

06 September 2008

Another New One

I got the phone call last night around 10pm my time, but I am so excited for my oldest brother to have his first son! Aaron Michael Lasley was born yesterday evening, weighing in at 8 lbs ?oz (as I typed this, I forgot the specific oz) and measured 22 inches long. Welcome to the family Aaron!! This is Steve's third child, so they're old hats at this game. Congratulations, Steve and Lynette!

05 September 2008

0 for 2

Yesterday was a really busy day for us. Eric's days off usually end up that way b/c we think we have to squeeze every last thing into it! However, if was a really exciting day for us. We got to go to the doctor and do the ultrasound for this new baby. We have felt so sure that this little one was going to be a boy that we've even referred to it as "Teddy". Guess what?
So, I'm laying there on the table with Emily holding my hand (she really is disturbed by me being on the table at the doctor's office) while she sits in Eric's lap. The ultrasound lady (is there a technical term for her?) quickly takes all the shots she needs...Baby Boyd being cooperative, unlike our first! Then she turns the screen so we can all see and asks if we'd like to know what we're having. YES!! That's why this appointment is the funnest!! It's like the mid-term surprise we get to celebrate (this is our version of pregnancy, so any of you who'd rather wait, kudos to you for not peeking early!) She pulls that image and points and says, "Looks like you're having a girl!" Eric and I were so shocked that she was a little concerned and then asked, "Were you hoping for a boy?" No, we weren't HOPING for a boy, we just really felt strongly that it would BE a boy.
Anyway, this is way better so Emily can have a sister to grow up with who is close in age, PLUS we don't have to spend as much getting clothing and things together for a boy.
So, next time I am pregnant, I'll listen to my "instincts" and know that it is the opposite of what I think. It was that way with Emily. It was that way for Baby Girl #2 (we haven't actually settled on her name quite yet...I think we're still a little shocked that it's a girl).

02 September 2008

No More Bugs, Please!

Yesterday we had a lovely time with some of Eric's old high school buddies. We grilled out (what other kind of food can you have on a Monday holiday?)but left the grill cover on the ground until that evening. As we went to cover it, I saw this huge black spider. I don't know that I've ever seen a spider's body that was so completely round and black!! I pointed it out to Eric just before he grabbed that edge of the cover. He looked at it a little closer and noticed that it had a red markings on it. It was a black widow!! Just for future reference, however, the red wasn't that glaring and you have to look from above at the spider to see the red because the colors are so rich and it's actually quite shiny!
I am NOT happy to have encountered my first black widow, and especially not so as it was on my back porch!!!

31 August 2008

Bugs Can Scream

Last night we went to the grocery store...not so much for groceries but a little venture to see if I could even get to church today (we were asked to sing again...and after having to cancel due to sickness earlier this month, I didn't want to repeat it). Turns out that I was unable to push the pedals without being in pain, so Eric had to drive.
So, after getting the few groceries we needed, we got back in the car. As I leaned back against the seat, I heard this strange "Eaaaawch!" noise and felt some kind of object behind me. I leaned forward and tried to look behind me. I was greeted by a rather large face of something...I wasn't sure what it was. Eric came and looked and then had to go find something to knock it off of me. As Eric hit it a second time, the thing made the same screeching noise. I was so grossed out from what I had felt of this bug on my back. Eric informed me that it was a rather large (like 3 inches long) horned beetle of some kind. Sadly, we didn't get a picture, but I did get the heebegeebies for the rest of the night.

28 August 2008

I Like Big Butts

Ah, that classic '90's song! You know, when I was younger, I didn't pay that close of attention to the lyrics and it would always make me laugh that this guy liked "big butts in a can". Rachel will remember some other infamous misunderstood lyrics of other songs...hehehe.
But, seriously, I am finally finding a reason to be grateful for my growing bum. I've always wondered why when women are prego, they have to suffer the injustice of "fluffy" body parts. What does having a larger bum have to do with growing a baby? Well, it's for protection!!
Last night, trying to be supermom, I ended up injuring myself instead of saving my child...supermom's outfit needs to be barefoot...socks on hardwood floors are dangerous! Thanks to a fluffier bum, I didn't break anything. Now I get to enjoy a day of Emily dying for me to "come on, Mommy" in whatever activity and I can't really do it. Here's one for being accident prone!

27 August 2008

Ghetto Proofer

LDS women are supposed to be resourceful, right? Well, that's going to be my claim on this one.
Emily and I made (delicious!) cinnamon rolls yesterday. The problem was, it wasn't quite warm enough in the house to get the dough to rise. So, I put a heating pad on top of the dough to help it become warm enough to get the yeast to do its job.
Just so you know, it really does work! We have yummy, fluffy cinnamon rolls to enjoy. And, yes, of course I made cream cheese frosting to make them extra tasty!!

The Joke's On Me

Emily loves this game of "Frog Hunt" and we played shorter games of it the remainder of the day yesterday. However, when Eric got home last night I was telling him about the imaginary game we play inside. He thought that perhaps some of the frogs HAD gotten inside and I think he was going to be proud of me for catching them and getting them out of the house. Little did I know that when I came around the corner in the hallway there would actually be a REAL frog (tree frog) in the house! Maybe Emily really WAS trying to get me to catch the frogs that were in the house.

26 August 2008

Frog Hunt

What do you need for a frog hunt? A mini maglight flashlight and an empty blocks' bag.
We've been getting quite a bit of rain thanks to Fay hanging out south of us longer than expected. Due to that rain, we've also see a lot more frogs (toads? I don't really know the difference in classifications). As Emily loves frogs (and her Mema bought her a few to reinforce that idea), I decided to take her outside during one of our periods of no rainfall for a "frog hunt". I had no idea she'd have such fun with the concept. We walked all around the house jumping at anything that moved. I actually found two frogs during our hunt, but Emily only saw the one that was kinda trapped on the porch next to the grill.
Oh, and I assume you think that's where the story ends. How wrong you are! Apparently our home has been inundated with frogs as we've continued our frog hunt inside for over an hour now (I had to beg a break as all the running and jumping around the house was starting to make me feel overheated and ill). It's so cute!! Of course, Emily's imagination is NOT lacking and sometimes the frogs jump away before bagging them or, gasp!, they actually bite her!! I'm just grateful this isn't a real plague and only an imaginary one.

24 August 2008

Interpreting TSL

Toddlers have trouble pronouncing words and parents are often left to interpret their own child's TSL (Toddler as a Second Language). I'd say that Emily does fairly well but sometimes we get quite a chuckle out of what it sounds like she says. One of our favorites it "I luh loo" which means "I love you." She also says quite often "Me outside" which means "I want to go outside" ("me" = "I want") and "Me budda" ("budda" means peanut butter). A recent addition is "Poc" which means "popsicle." And, of course, you've read about her "Mawdy" and "Dummy". Today, was a classic, though!
Emily turned around in church and saw Caleb sitting there with his book. Caleb saw Emily looking at him book and said, "Mine!" Emily replied, "Ohmeegeekewe?" (say it really fast) which we interpreted "You want me to kick you?" We had our little laugh and then realized she was probably saying, "You want me to get you?" and trying to initiate tag or tickle war.

22 August 2008

Being a Brave Mommy

No one ever told me that mommies need to be brave concerning potty training. Emily has been doing really well without having accidents. I have finally realized that I am the one who needs to change now and actually trust her to let me know she needs to go when we are out and about or over night. So, last night, after her bath, she refused to put on a diaper and was adamant about the "big girl pants". I think Eric and I both went to bed dreading another mid-night waking (she hasn't been sleeping through the night lately) to bathe a girl and change a complete bed. We were delighted to wake up this morning (even sleeping in quite a bit!) to a dry bed and a daughter telling us she needed to go potty.

20 August 2008

Blog List

I hope no one minds that I posted their blog site. It makes it a TON easier for me to scroll through and catch up on everyone's lives this way. I've seen it on tons of your blogs and finally got caught up. Now I'm wondering why it took me this long to add that feature. What a HELP!!!

Touch Ups


I finally got a chance to do some touch ups on the wedding I shot a few weeks ago. This turned out to be one of my favorites. I love back shots. There's something romantic and mysterious about the near anonomity of it.
Posted by Picasa

18 August 2008

Good Sabbath

Yesterday we had some really great talks in sacrament meeting. These stake visitors both spoke on (well, what I took away from it) rolling with the punches. I can't remember the speakers' names, but the first gave an example of his old front door. It was solid wood and from the WWI/WWII era. He spoke about wanting to refinish the door but decided just to re-varnish it without putting putty in the dents and gouges. He talked about how it is the rough spots of our lives that builds character and that although we shouldn't pursue inflicting pain on ourselves, that when it is inevitable, to not hide away from those struggles, but to wear those bumps and bruises knowing that they truly do make us stronger. I felt these words and this image was easy for me to relate to at this point and am grateful for inspiration for complete strangers to be able to come and speak words of comfort to me.

16 August 2008

Purposeful Prayer

Shame on us, I know, but we haven't been the best at remembering to pray for missionary experiences. In the past few months, we have made a better effort at changing this behavior. Most nights we remember to pray that we will be able to be examples to those around us and that we might be blessed to share the gospel with others. We've been in our new home for just over a year now and we haven't met anyone in the neighborhood. Amazingly (but obviously when you consider the source), as soon as we began having the missionaries in our home more frequently and also remembering our own duty to share the gospel and be the "finders", the Lord has put people in our path that we can fellowship. We have to consider these individuals as being divinely guided to us as we have never had this opportunity in our married life until this point. We have now met people in our neighborhood as well as we've had people contact us who have been less active members (via VT letters and such). Including a wonderful young sister I met today, these people are ready to have the gospel more fully in their lives. I know it is nothing that we have changed in our behaviors/actions except that we are having more purposeful prayers and the Lord is answering them.

15 August 2008

Stupid Interviewers

Okay, okay, so I am an Olympics junkie. There have been a few nights that Eric and I have found ourselves up really late...past midnight, which is basically pulling an all-nighter for us (we typically go to bed shortly after Emily does at 9:30pm). Although we've enjoyed watching the games, I've become very annoyed at interviewers in regards to the games. They say the stupidest things and ask the most asinine questions. I mean, really, why would you ask Mark Spitz (sp?) if he will be upset if Michael Phelps surpasses his record? I mean, even IF Spitz was so cocky and would be upset, would he REALLY admit it? But, isn't that also part of being a champion...knowing how to deal graciously with your competitors and the public? Then, another interviewer was talking to Kobe Bryant and asked (using a stupid voice and look, I might add) if "saying your country is the best is 'cool'". Uh, dumb, dumb question.
Anyway, just annoyed at these people. I'm sure they could ask better questions and real questions rather than the stupid stuff (fluff, perhaps) they come up with to fill the spot.

14 August 2008

Emily Does the Laundry

I have wondered why some parents refuse to give their children chores and help them to learn the necessary life skills they will need upon leaving home. Emily has always been helpful with the laundry. It's the first "chore" she has helped me with. I'd dump the clothes on the dryer door, as it folds downward and makes a platform, and she would push them in and then shut the door. I thought it was a pretty good start to learning this chore.
She surprised me today, though! I put a load of clothes in the washer and added the detergent. I stepped away to go check the bathroom to make sure I wasn't missing any items that needed to go in and in that moment, Emily reached up, pushed the power button, turned the knob (randomly selecting a setting) and then pushed the start button as if she does this everyday. I couldn't believe it! This new washer has all the buttons within reach of my little toddler and she has already learned the sequence to get the washer going. I even checked a second time to verify that it wasn't a fluke. Now...if I could just get her to select the correct setting, she could do the laundry from start to dryer! (She's not exactly what I call "helpful" with the folding yet.) =)

13 August 2008

Emily, My Entertainer

Awhile ago I was complaining that Emily didn't want to play with me. That was a blessing while I was sick during the first trimester. Now she just wants me to "come on, Mommy." She'll pull me out of the chair or wherever I may be at the time and take me to go play. She's hilarious. One of her favorite things at the moment is to build block towers. I started this one, but she kept putting on the blocks until it towered over her. I was amazed that it actually kept standing, and you can see on her face how proud she is of herself.

She also has become very curious to other items in the house and is trying to figure out how they relate to her...not necessarily what they do, but what they CAN do. While I was talking to Rachel on the phone, she pulled Hannah's choke collar out of the drawer and kept chanting "I stuck! I stuck!" She could get the collar on, but didn't know how to take it off.

Summer Rain

Having spent my teenage years in Washington state, I was really bugged by the constant rain. Now, after living in Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and a drought-depressed Georgia, I live for the rain! Yesterday it taunted me all day but it finally came in last night and has continued this morning. Maybe it is all those years in Washington that makes it feel so homey, memories of being w/my fam. I feel all snug and safe in my home while it is wet and rainy outside. I am SOOOO looking forward to this autumn!!

12 August 2008

Mulan, Never Would've Guessed

You Are Mulan!
Image hosted by Photobucket.com

Strong and spirited. You're no one's girly girl; actually you are very determined person with a strong sense of self. Never let go of that! The only thing that equals your sense of self is your family, but the traditions of society can always be bent to protect something or someone you love.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

11 August 2008

Update on Attack

Hannah is doing well, we're still trying to understand and are waiting on the outcome from the police department.
Our neighbor is/was new to the unit and had just been given possession of this K-9 (who is also new to the unit, straight from Germany). He was on strict orders to have the K-9 on lead at ALL times, so there will probably be some serious issues for him to deal with as he signed off and has legal documents proving his liability. And, the K-9 was immediately removed from his home and will not be allowed in this area ever again.
The vet came out and checked Hannah out. She's on antibiotics twice daily but really we are amazed that she isn't really hurt with all the ferocity of the attack. She's been kind of clingy, especially to Eric. He's her biggest fan at the moment, I think. She whined when he left for work Saturday but she seems to be doing better now.
Em saw the fight begin, but was locked in her room for the duration. She did see some of the blood in the house while we waited for the police that night, but we don't think she really knows what happened or that anything big happened. I'm just glad we didn't lose Hannah because Emily would never forgive us and my life for the next while would be constant drama w/o her having her playmate. Yes, I'm counting my blessings.
Eric and I are just concerned about the neighbor and why the attack started. We were counseled to call Internal Affairs if we feel they are not addressing the issue appropriately (for instance, if our neighbor is given another K-9, we'll have something to say about that).
So, now we're waiting on police procedure and update. This is the first time something like this has happened, so we get to be the title holders for yet another extremely bizarre occurrence...go figure! =)

08 August 2008

K-9 Attack

Last night ranks as one of our scariest events since we've been married, and this is only a summary of what happened. Anyone wanting the full report, email me and I'll send it to you.
When we got home from our Family Day celebrating Em's b-day, we let Hannah out, as always, to use the bathroom. Eric asked me to come and watch them while he unloaded the car. When I walked outside, Hannah had already left the property and was at the next door neighbor's back porch. I called her and she started coming back. However, when she entered the ring of light our back porch was giving off, I noticed that another larger dog was in hot pursuit. About 10 feet from our back porch (and, therefore, 10 feet from where Emily was standing), this strange dog attacked Hannah and pinned her to the ground. I scooped Emily up and ran inside.
The fight continued and Eric came through the house. Both of us were yelling at the dogs and trying to coax Hannah to escape and find safety in our home. We put Emily in her room, as we didn't need her to get involved, while we tried to take care of this situation. Eric shot the BB gun at the dog while the other owner shouted for us not to do anything and that "His supervisor" told him that if the dog got in a fight, to stay out of it and just let it play out. It was also at this point that he informed us that this was a police K-9. Well, Hannah was not in a fight. She was being attacked and basically submitted to the onslaught.
All the sudden, Hannah was free and running towards the house. She came in, but we weren't able to shut the door before the offending dog following in after her. The fight continued in the house, mainly in our kitchen.
Blood was everywhere and we couldn't get the dog off of Hannah. The owner was not going to interfere and every time we did something to break it up, he'd tell us not to get involved again. Eric and I were both in closer proximity to the dogs than this guy was. Fearing that this K-9 was going to not only kill Hannah, but do it in our kitchen, I screamed for Eric to go get the shovel. He went into the garage and came back with a crowbar. Good choice. In the confined space of the kitchen, a shovel wouldn't have been nearly effective unless Eric was able to knock the other dog out with the first blow.
Eric was definitely guided in his protection of his home and family as he used the crowbar not as a weapon, but as a tool. He hooked the end around the dog's neck and lifted her. Hannah escaped only to have the dog get unhooked and attack her again before we could get her into the garage. Eric crowbarred the dog again and Hannah escaped into the garage, me shutting the door and latching it behind her. At this point, the dog was able to get loose again and started to hunt through the house (dripping blood all over the house...hardwood floors, carpet, walls and doors) searching for her prey again.
Eric shouted for me to get out of the way, at which point I clambered onto the kitchen counter/bar. At this point, the dog leaves the house...and the owner/handler (as we only discovered after he returned that he was a police officer and part of the K-9 unit and that this was his partner) never gave a command nor took hold of her in any way.
Hannah is okay. The Macon City vet is coming this afternoon to treat her. They already brought out antibiotics and collected our (3 page) police report. The K-9 supervisor and the Lieutenant of the Macon Police came out last night to take our initial statement and photos of the damage. Hannah was really good with them and only barked as a protector but didn't lash out at them. Pictures do not establish the real terror of all the blood and the event, but at least you can see a little why we spent over 2 hours cleaning up the blood last night before finally getting to bed around 1 am.

04 August 2008

One of My Favorite People

Em and I randomly go and visit one of the older sisters in our ward, Sister Shirley Furse. I adore this lady and look up to her. Emily, apparently, also feels this affection for her and has dubbed her "Gramma." The last time we went over, she started calling her by this name, and it has stuck. When we got to her door, Emily started trying to knock on it and was calling "Gramma! Gramma!" We intended to have a short visit and to return a book I had borrowed from her (she's my personal librarian, too). But, she was gracious enough to invite us to stay for lunch...and we plagued her for 3 1/2 hours!! Emily feels so at home over there...I'm sure Bro. Furse will soon have his own name from Emily, too.
I've often commented about members of the Church "getting it" and those who "don't". She is definitely one who "gets it" and that is the initial bond between us. We have lots of other similarities, too. I love the fact that we can talk about church and the gospel together and she will also play and tease with Emily. I mean, come on! She had hip replacement surgery a year ago and she'll still hide around the corner from Emily and "boo!" at her. It's fun to watch. I'd like to be that kind of grandma some day. She is just amazing and this is my little tribute to her because I want to be like her.

02 August 2008

First Braids

I've been wanting to put Em's hair in braids but didn't think she'd sit still long enough for me to do it. She proved me wrong yesterday. It was so cute!! I forget her hair is really that long, too. She had a French braid first but that fell out after her nap. But, she sat still again for me to get ready to go to Caleb's and that's when I did these two side braids. And, of course, I couldn't get a shot with her looking at me...whatever was on TV was much more important.

01 August 2008

Toddler Fixations

Emily loves to wear sunglasses. She's had a pair before, but we lost them. This has left her begging for our sunglasses. In an effort to appease her w/o letting her break our more expensive ones, we purchased a new pair for her. These are the most annoying things in my life now!!
We went on a bike ride and spent half the time stopping to "fix it" because she would mess with the glasses and for some reason can't figure out how hers work (she doesn't have this issue with ours, but that's because they are bigger than her face).
Then,last night she had total meltdown over the glasses. She HAD to wear them to bed, but of course, they kept falling off her face. I'm not sure how many times we had to retry sending her to bed, glasses on her face (she'd wail like we beat her if we put them anywhere but on her face). Well, she ended up getting hurt because she walked into her bedroom with no lights on and sunglasses on her face. BONK! Yep, that'll hurt when you run face-first into the side of your bed!
She does this with a couple other items and I just want to hide them until she gets past this phase.

31 July 2008

Wedding Bliss

I am so excited to do photography!! I just got to do my first wedding shoot today (and got paid!!) and I'm thrilled. It was so much fun. I would have loved to have more time and to get more pictures (we only shot for about 45 mins before the heat and humidity won) for them, but I was pleased with what we did get...especially for a first-timer. They are just such a cute couple and I'm really glad I got to do their engagements prior to that. Rapport is so important to getting good pictures of people!

It's great to have this one under my belt now and to move forward if I can start getting appointments set instead of just voiced interest.

28 July 2008

No Fly Zone

"Niner-niner, we've got a bogey out here."
"Identify yourself, aircraft."
"There's no response. Fire when ready."
Or, so I assume there is some kind of defense mechanism going on in my bathroom which might be having conversations with the frequent "bogies".

We don't know why our bathroom has become the fly graveyard. If you take the time to count, there are 27 dead flies on the window sill. We've watched this cycle. The fly finds its way to the bathroom (looking around the house, it isn't like we are plagued with flies. In fact, I don't even see ONE buzzing around today.). It flies around a couple of times, lands on the window and then starts this weird death-throws buzzing ending with it landing dead either on the window sill or in the tub. It's disgusting, yes, but at least they are dying. However, we aren't sure what is causing them to die. Some invisible forcefield or toxic fumes (it is a bathroom, for goodness sakes! jk) or something has to be the cause, but we really don't know what it is.

25 July 2008

Hit Me with Your Best Shot

Stealth and good aim are qualifications for a successful sniper. As I reach for the door latch, I move it as quietly as possible. I don't want my target to notice me before I can get him in my sights. I edge the door open slightly and point the barrel of my gun through the opening. Silently, I take aim; centering on this intruder. I adjust slightly to compensate for the distance my ammo must travel to hit the target. I squeeze the trigger and pray that I hit him with the first shot.
Got him! Right on target. The bully goes running off into the woods!
No, seriously, you have to take charge of your property around here. Living out of city limits has its perks, but also its downfalls. The biggest issue in our neighborhood are loose pets; namely dogs. We've had quite a few issues with people not containing their animals and since animal control doesn't cover our area, it's kind of up to the individuals living here. Our resort has been to use a BB gun, and I've become quite proficient in the use of it. It seems to be quite effective as these animals aren't sure what "bit" them over here, but they aren't too keen on coming back to find out. If they do, they suffer the same punishment.

24 July 2008

Adopt A Random Grandma

While we were at the library today, a grandmother and her two grandchildren sat down on the seats in the reading area of the kid's section. This lady began to read a book, which caught Em's attention. She immediately wanted to get down and walked over to the lady to listen to the story. Random Grandma scooted over to let Em sit next to her (her granddaughter on the other side) and read a book to the kids. It was so cute to see Emily sitting there and listening to the story. (I'm so glad she's gotten back into sitting still for story time.) Anyway, Em didn't know this lady at all, but didn't want to leave her either. So, next time you take your kids to the library, maybe you can adopt a random grandma, too! =)

Going Green

The world market is changing. Resources are being depleted. Gas prices are continuing to hike. What can we do? There's been such hype about going green, but it has it's perks, too...aside from "saving the planet." It can make you feel good, too!
About a month ago Eric purchased a bike and trailer so he could take Em on rides. I stayed home or walked beside them (not making it very fun for them). We thought that should change, so we went today and purchased a second bike: one for me. I love it! (For those of you who are concerned b/c I'm prego...it's okay. I just have to take precautions and try harder not to fall, and yes, I will stop riding when I get too big to be coordinated enough.) We already took them out for a family spin today and had so much fun! It was great to ride down to the store to grab a few items we needed and then up to our (new and beautiful) library and back home. Round-trip, that's 4 miles. Not too shabby for my first ride since the mish! And no gas expenditure, either!! And, that's not to mention how great I feel now after getting some good exercise.
Word to the wise: if any of you are planning to purchase bikes in the next year or so, now is a good time to do so. Due to the world economy and oil prices (as bikes are packed with oil), the 2009 models are about $50+ more expensive than the 2008 models. As the 2008 models get sold out, you'll be left paying that extra moola for the same bike.