29 October 2012


I'm super excited. I finally figured out how to make sure that E understands the concepts she is learning....she has to teach G! This kills two birds with one stone because G sits and tries to be patient while we do E's homework every afternoon. Now she is more involved (she already has done spelling words and I'm surprised at how much she remembers!!) and loves it PLUS I now can see where E may have missed a step and catch it and correct it. By the way, it is THE cutest thing in the world to watch the older sister teaching the younger sister. "It's so fluffy!!" has nothing on this cuteness.

23 October 2012

Full Family Fun Day

We were finally able to spend a full Saturday doing just anything our little hearts desired. And, we did. The first thing we did was take the girls to Raleigh to show them the CowParade...well, a portion of it. We had fun finding the cows and taking pictures with them. Eric got some good shots, so I'll have to figure out how to post them, but here are a few I took. The CowParade is a bunch of different cows that artists have painted and stylized. It's a fun little thing and puts are in a public (read "free") forum. We also did a bit of driving around and checking things out. To wrap up the evening, we went to another little town and did their Family Haunted Trail. It was a fun and random day of just doing what we pleased...and it was a welcomed day.

03 October 2012

Donating Blood, Confidence Boost

We had a blood drive at church tonight. We had a pretty good turnout. I donated, too, and I enjoy it because it makes me feel good that I can help others out in such a way. What I didn't expect was the confidence boost. Before allowing me to donate, the second lady did a double check on my birthdate...she thought I looked too young and needed to check that I was at least nineteen. Um, yep! But, it was really nice of her to think so!! If you've been sitting on the fence to donate blood, let me encourage you to do so. Service always brings joy and this type of service takes about an hour, but in the end, you help up to three individuals! That's pretty impressive and doesn't require too much of you. There's always a need. Check out your local American Red Cross and go donate today or find out when the next local drive is scheduled. It'll bless your life and the lives of others!