24 December 2011

Wishing You Merry Christmas

Have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

21 December 2011

Two Too Cute Owls

I saw a tutorial online of how to make a baby toy. With a little modification, I've created quiet toys the girls can take with them to church. They can button down the wings and tie the feet just to practice some skills. I had fun making them and hope the girls will enjoy discovering them under the tree this Christmas!

20 December 2011

Miracle on 34th Street

It's not just a movie. It's a musical, too! Know how I know? We went to see it last night at Macon's The Grand Opera House. Yep. Pretty cool and not something we would usually do....not that we don't love the theater, it is just a really crazy time of year for Eric's work. AND, we actually went as a date and...get this...we left the girls with a sitter who is one of my super friends. (Seriously, this isn't the first time she has come through for me on a last minute, so she IS a super hero.)
Last week Eric won the tickets from the local radio station. AWESOME! So, having free tickets and a shortened work day allowed us to bite the bullet and actually go OUT on a date. Eric and I try to spend as much time as possible together, but due to his schedule, we typically only date IN (I mean, really, how often does a couple have their date night on a Monday?). It was really great to get "dressed up" (b/c we weren't in pj's for this date) and be a couple. My girls were just like roommates...all giddy and excited for me (or maybe that was because they love my friend and were excited that she was going to babysit them). It was just really a nice evening and I am very grateful.
It's funny that we won tickets to this show (Eric had never seen the movie, even) because we don't do the whole believe in Santa thing. Now, that isn't to say we don't let our kids enjoy hearing the (avert your eyes for the next few lines in the event that you are a believer) fairytale of Santa Clause and the reindeer and all. They know who he is and they love all of the shows, they just understand that they are visiting the land of "Imagine-nation". My kids have GREAT imaginations and I don't feel that we are "taking away their childhood" like so many others fear. It's okay. They are grounded and my kids LIVE in the Imagine-nation. Seriously...have you met them? =)
It was fun all around (minus the cigarette smoke that drifted in through the exit door we were seated near) and I'm grateful for this season of hope, love, charity, and renewal. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Joyful Winter Solstice....however you celebrate, may you have joy!

17 December 2011

Winter in Georgia

We are past the mid-point for the month of December and I am sitting here with sunshine streaming in my open windows. One thing I really love about living in the South is the warmth. I just really, really love being able to enjoy fresh air nearly all year round. It's a beautiful Saturday, and although it doesn't seem much like the Decembers I once knew, I can say that I really enjoy December in Georgia. Of course, there are cooler days that hit us sporadically, but overall, December is quite a pleasant month.

13 December 2011

At the End of the Day, You're Grateful

I've really become a homebody since getting married and having kids. There was a period of adjustment, but after having my second child, I just really prefer to stay home and "mind my own business". Sometimes I probably verge on being reclusive.
There are reasons for that. For instance, with a child in school and our continued crazy work schedule we flex with for Eric, time at home comes at a premium for our family. But, even when those two are gone, I just like to be at home and play with Gianna or sew or read, or...well, you get the picture. It isn't because I don't like people...it's just there is effort involved. =)
So, a friend of mine needed some sewing assistance. I agreed to help and although I was tempted to cancel (all because of the time of day she would be available conflicted with picking up Emily), I made the necessary arrangements and went.
Guess what? I was really happy that I went. It was good to sit and talk and accomplish something productive, too. I much prefer DOING something when I'm with a friend than just languishing about talking about nothing good.
At the end of the day, I'm grateful that I was able to spend some time with a friend AND help her in a time of need. Too bad it takes such a kick in the pants to get me going to start with.

12 December 2011

Seamstress for Hire

That sounds really great, but it is NOT profitable. However, it DOES open people's eyes to the reality that you aren't going to be able to get CHEAP clothes by making them. What you ARE going to get is (hopefully) a good quality item that is actually fitted to the real individual instead of the masses.
But, I'm proud of my efforts and look forward to making dresses for myself. By the way, this is the FIRST adult-sized dress I've endeavored to create.