19 December 2012

Time for a Laugh at My Expense

You know how moms seem to be really good at multi-tasking and can basically be classified as superheroes? Well, not this mom. In fact, this mom learned something very profound tonight. Grilled cheese does not make for a good open-faced sandwich. I carefully placed two slices of bread on the sandwich maker grill facings. I then applied the sliced cheese with added chunks in what would then become the center of those halves. Next, I closed the lid on the machine and walked away to set the table. When I returned, I noticed two slices of bread sitting patiently next to the sandwich maker. Horrified, I opened the machine and saw the rest of the sandwiches glued nicely to the top grill plates. Yep. Lesson learned: grilled cheese sandwiches do not make good open faced sandwiches.

15 December 2012

Heroes, a Dying Quality

Can you think back to the heroes of your childhood? Who were they? Why were they heroes? Did they accomplish something amazing? Did they have high moral codes? As I ponder this, I am sad to say that I don't see many people in this world who are classified as heroes in my book. Gone are the days of good deeds and helping your neighbor. Instead, we have a world rife with pain and sorrow and few real, living heroes to look to. I'm grateful to know there is a prophet of God living on the earth and guiding us. Thomas S. Monson is a true hero in my eyes. He follows the path of the Savior. He stays true to his morals and does good in this world. His life has been a pattern of doing good. I know there are other good people out there doing good, but this man and the others who serve and follow Christ with him are some of my heroes. Let's all try to be the heroes this world, and especially our children, need. Do a little more to help others. Do a little more to show love, not just to say it. Let's lift our country and our world by doing a good deed daily. My thoughts and prayers are also with those suffering from the terrible shooting yesterday in Newtown, Connecticut. May we all do more to lift those who suffer and mourn.