31 October 2009

Taking a Gander

I was just sorting through photos trying to pick my favorites of the past year and realized that I have been blessed to take some pictures of some amazing people. In fact, in my craziness, I even forgot to post anything from a wedding reception I got to photograph back in July! So, here's a couple of my fav's.

You can find more here.

26 October 2009


So, we had these plans to go to Florida, see my "Greenie" from the mission, go to Disney World, swim in pools, go to the beach, relax, enjoy the family and celebrate our anniversary.
We opted not to go to Florida since the forecast predicted not just rain, but thunderstorms for the week. It's a good thing, too, because Emily ended up getting sick yesterday afternoon and we didn't sleep much last night anyway.
Now our plans for the week consists of getting those things done around the house that we just never have time for...all that "winterizing" because it seems we may actually have to remember what cold weather feels like this year....getting things up in storage that we won't be needing for another couple of years and that jazz.
Oh, and btw, Gianna is finally (occasionally) crawling on all fours, which means I have hope that some of her clothing will survive to use for another future child after all. We also believe in the use of a "deconstructed" bed to transition between the crib and a regular bed (no toddler beds for us)...so, she is enjoying sleeping on her mattress and I'm happy to have the crib put away. Now, to figure out how to remove the weird stains on the wall from her touching the wall between slats. =)

24 October 2009

True Love

It's a few days late, but I had to find the picture on the computer first...

My visiting teachers dropped by this week and one of them made a comment on this photo:

She said, "Now this (indicating the photo in a frame on a shelf) is True Love." This is one of the greatest compliments I could ever receive.
Eric and I are so in love with each other...even more-so four years later. I am so glad to know that others see this in us. We know too many couples that don't demonstrate their love or you don't feel it from them. We know even others who have given up all together and have separated permanently. We hope that our children will grow up knowing how much their parents love each other and will find a companion whom they can love and is equally able to love that person. Love is a rare quality in this world, but it is worth searching for and hanging onto. I'm so grateful I found my husband who IS my True Love.
Happy Anniversary, Eric! (a few days late)

23 October 2009

Princess Party

Emily was invited to a friend's birthday party, a la Princess/Fairy. It was SO fun to take pictures of these adorable girls decked out in their finery. This one I just adore (you know me and that whole anonymity affair). Though I am pleased to say I have many favorites from today, this one just says to me something of the Victorian era novel...she looks like a damsel in distress, doesn't she? The princess someone in shining armor and on a noble steed needs to save!

Here are more...

21 October 2009

Book Club

Book Club was SO awesome last night. Although some were unable to finish reading the book (long book, plus the logistics of actually obtaining a copy of an unusual book), we had great conversations.
Yes, I probably talked too much, but I'm learning that I really, REALLY like to talk and that I need to just shut my mouth sometimes and let other people think...especially when what they are saying gives me an epiphany...if I can just wait a second to let them finish their thoughts!! Other people mentioned that they feel an affinity to Annette, but I think I'm more verbose than she!
I got so much more out of the discussion and appreciate the book even more now.
So, any of you wanting to give the gothic novel a chance, try Ann Radcliffe's The Mysteries of Udolpho! She actually has quite a bit to say that you have to kind of read between the lines. And, any of you that are local, please join our group. If you are long distance, please feel free to read with us and make comments as we go!
I am incredibly excited to have such a great group of friends to get together with once a month and discuss literature. It's something I have missed doing since I finished college.

18 October 2009

Then the Pumpkin Rotted

By no means am I complaining about today. I'm just sitting here and so grateful that I'm in a good place because otherwise, I might be REALLY short-tempered right about now.
Yes, the pumpkin rotted...on my counter. I just discovered it after coming home from a hectic day at church.
So, to start with, I already knew the day was going to be a bit crazy. However, I was not expecting all that happened. However, it makes for a good story...especially because I like to laugh at myself and the crazy things that tend to happen to me. (Yes, Trouble IS my middle name...we just put an accent over the "e" so I can be cool like the French.)
Once every month, Eric has to leave in the middle of sacrament meeting because of a meeting at work (trust me, even the church leaders have said that this is a necessity if your employer demands it: priorities go "family, work, church"). No big deal: I recruited a sister in the ward to help me (I LOVE YOU, Sister Vicki!!) We got through sacrament meeting (the big, everyone-in-the-church meeting) with only a little loud jabbering and complaining from Gianna.
Next, off to Nursery we go for the remaining 2 hours. I love Nursery and the kids are fairly well behaved for 18 month to 3 year olds. Okay, so they are probably EXTREMELY well behaved. Due to other circumstances, I ended up being the only nursery personnel today. No big deal, because, like I said, the kids are well behaved. I just had to think how I was going to get Emily to the potty since I needed to be there to receive kids.
We had a couple of visiting children, so departures from parents were a little shaky. Sadly, I ended up with 3 cryers (one poor girl just got all upset b/c 2 others wouldn't stop crying). I gave up about 10 minutes into the crying and resolved that I would just have to take the entire nursery on a field trip finding parents of crying kids AND make a potty stop.
So, here we all go trooping out...one crazy lady in heels with a baby on hip, 3 crying children and 5 mostly quiet ones in tow. Drop off crying child 1, 2, and 3...then the potty. Hmm...line up against the wall, kids! Thankfully, another one of my favorite people saved me in the hallway and took the one boy who needed to potty with him (Yes, Bro. Barber, you are ALWAYS a knight in shining armor!). Potty child 1, 2, and 3 finished!
Now, back to the Nursery!!
AMAZINGLY, we actually had a decent lesson where ALL the remaining kids stayed focus and in the seats (seriously, this is HUGE as it rarely happens even with 3 or 4 adults present...ah, the Lord knew I needed that!).
Help during coloring time and singing time from some other wonderful women came at just the right moments. Sadly, I did not escape ONE first today...I did have a child have a potty accident and no way to really address it since it happened about 2 minutes until the end of church...no use trying to round up kids to find her mommy when other classes were getting out (and, no worries, Mother of My Sweet Little Trooper....it was just kind of ironic that it would happen today).
Sure, the kids ran a little amok today, but at least we got through it. Of course, only to go to choir, which I love, but can be exhausting when my children don't want to be reverent for yet another hour. But, we got through it.
Gianna mercifully fell asleep on the ride home and stayed that way as I put her in bed. Emily has been playing nicely with her "Tea Party" set and play-doh this whole time. I was just sad that the pumpkin rotted on the counter since we hadn't gotten a chance to actually carve it and set it outside yet (it was gutted a week ago at a church activity).

17 October 2009

Karate Kid

Last night we enjoyed a good trip down memory lane by watching Karate Kid. It brought good memories, but, being an amateur critic, I realized a lot has changed since it's debut!
The intro scene was incredibly long. "Back in the day," a director was permitted to take the liberty of conveying an appropriate setup for the movie. In Karate Kid, John G. Avildsen did just that. The movie starts without even SEEING the star until a few minutes into the movie, yet we have watched all the opening credits and been given the long visual intro of the huge move they made across country (Jersey to Cali). I'm afraid that in today's society, we've become so accustomed to jumping right in on the action that if we watched this film for the first time today, many would have walked out before meeting Daniel Larusso, great underdog of the decade!
Aside from the story boarding/filming techniques of this classic, the casting also made me realize the huge changes in our culture. Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso) starred with Elisabeth Shue (Ali Mills). Yeah, Macchio definitely got the part because he was IMMENSELY skinny...helps with that image of the triumph of the underdog, but Shue seemed more plump next to him. Now, poor Shue, had this been cast today, possibly would have been forced to drop some pounds for the role. I'm not saying that it makes a person less beautiful by being of a more healthy weight. What I AM saying is that it is completely shocking to compare today's "highschool stars" to yesterday's. It's unbelievable! I've been desensitized into thinking that it's always been skinny, beautiful girls co-staring with muscular hunks.
If we think that society has not had it's influence on us, it's time to take a reality check. It makes me realize that Dove has a point in their efforts to help girls develop better self-esteem. I, too, have been walking down the middle of the road on these types of things. You know what Miyagi says about that...

16 October 2009

My Girl, the Actress

I love that Emily has such a great imagination. It makes life so incredibly more entertaining! She can stay in character so well that it's almost like she has really taken on that persona as her own.
Last night she decided that she was "Mommy" and I was "Emily". She uses this kind of ethereal voice to portray mine and it is hilarious! I don't think I sound like that, but this is her interpretation, not mine.
In taking on my persona, she informed us that we needed to have scriptures and prayer. She picked up The Friend and read us a story about Jesus. When she was finished, she told us we needed to pray. She even gave instructions that we needed to "fold our knees" and "fold our arms". She then gave a prayer in this same voice. She did our entire evening routine as if she was "Mommy," never forgetting to speak with that voice and hold her body just the right way.
We didn't have the heart to argue that we needed to read from the scriptures or anything. We just let her be the "Mommy" and she went to bed very peacefully last night.
Oh, I love my little girl! She's a riot...even when she is being so calm and collected in her imaginary play.

15 October 2009

A Random Memory

This just popped in my head and got me laughing...although I'm not sure it will be as funny to everyone else, so I will just dedicate it to Sarahann.
While attending BYU, my best friend and roommate was Sarahann. We chose to live in apartments just south and east of campus due to accessibility. Sarah had the awesome opportunity to work at the newspaper as she was a journalism major. Sometimes she would be late up on campus and would need an escort home. I typically got some wonderful guy friend or another to drop me off where I could meet her and then we'd walk home.
There was a large hill at the south of campus that was a ramp, so we could go down. Stairs, I am afraid are not good for wheelchairs. I'm not sure how the psychotic thought came into our heads, but we would shut off the electricity to the wheelchair and then I would run behind it, gaining speed until I would have to come to a crazy forced stop before we ran of the edge of the sidewalk at the end.
I know. Crazy. I was very dangerous with my poor friend. But, we had fun and it is one of those memories that I will always cherish because it was completely random and hilariously fun with a bit of fright mixed in. I mean, that wheelchair was heavy so I was always just a little afraid we'd get going too fast for me to stop it.
Again, I'm not sure why this completely random memory came to my head. I guess I just miss you, Sarah!!

*Disclaimer: Do not try this at home or under any other circumstances...I already pointed out that it was dangerous and I could have really hurt my friend!*

14 October 2009

The Golden Fleece

Some of you may know we adopted a pound puppy this summer. She is cute, but frustrating. Eric made the observation that she needs a LOT of positive reinforcement (seriously, she would be better off if she belonged to an older lady who could dote on her and give her TONS of affection).
Anyway, Eric decided (after the previous night of no sleep b/c of Nani's whining) that he'd try to have her sleep inside again. She lost that privilege a couple months ago because she ate a book. We're hoping to prevent this by closing our bedroom door at night.
Hannah has a "bed" made up of an actual dog bed with one of my old blankets on top. She wouldn't use the bed unless the blanket was on it. In fact, wherever the blanket goes, so does Hannah. It's as bad a Linus! Well, we've discovered that it is the same way with Nani. Wherever we put that bed last night, Nani was trying to get on it. We set up a different one for Nani, but she was NOT having it. So, we unfolded the Golden Fleece and spread it over the two dog beds so they would have room to sleep.
I still don't know why dogs love this blanket, but it is the only blanket/bed they want. My mom made the blanket for me probably 10 years ago or so and yet it is the preferred bedding.
And, guess what? No whining AT ALL from Nani. So, I guess we'll be sleeping with two dogs in the room from here on out. Not exactly a fan of that, but I am a fan of uninterrupted sleep.

09 October 2009

Excited for Halloween

I love the fall. I love the colors, the temperatures, the food, the holidays.
Our Fall Festival (aka "Halloween Party") at church is tomorrow night. I got all excited and wanted to practice Tinkerbell's makeup on Emily tonight. After that, I had fun taking some snapshots of her. Mental note: always brush your child's teeth before doing this. Sadly, lunch is still visible in several of the cute shots. Go figure.
But, this one was just cute. (And, I really think the photography classes are starting to pay off!)

04 October 2009

"Holy Spirit Yard Sale"

Seriously. I came across this posted sign today while driving. It made me question what I really read and what the purpose of the sign really was.
The thought came to mind that yard sales entice the bargain hunters and the frugal. I know people who yard sale with strict specifics in mind. I know others that are looking for general items. Still others who are just browsing. However, each yard sale purchaser is going to pick and choose what they want, leaving the rest because it has no value to them. If a person is doing this with God's word (or his Spirit), that person will never find a fullness of joy. I understand that some things seem to be hard, but as we allow the Lord to lead us instead of our pride or whatever, the way becomes easier. We may only be ready one step at a time, but we can't discount or ignore any part of the gospel without leaving a hole in our spiritual armor.
Thus, I feel blessed to live in this generation. Twice a year we are blessed to hear from God's prophet and apostles during General Conference. This conference was especially good for me. I've had some things on my mind and pondering certain circumstances and the speakers at these meetings answered those thoughts and were able to be God's messengers in answer to my prayers. I feel so fortified and uplifted because of it. I may not be perfect. I know there are many things I need to improve upon and do, but at least I know I'm on the right path and that I've been given the tools necessary to change. Instead of going to the "Holy Spirit Yard Sale" I was able to sit down and partake of the Spiritual Feast offered by God through his prophet and apostles this weekend. What a blessing in my life!

02 October 2009

"It's Spanish"

Emily loves to make up words. Lately, they have definitely sounded more Spanish than Chinese. I may have to start studying, because when I ask Emily what something means, she looks at me, with all seriousness and declares, "It's Spanish, Mommy."
We recently found some books that are re-tellings of old tales...with a Spanish twist. They are so fun and have some Spanish words in there, so we get a good laugh at Emily saying "Tortuga" or "manana"..and even more at "fefsana".

01 October 2009

The Power of an Apology

I am a work in progress. One of those improvements is in being willing to say I'm sorry and recognize that, intended or not, I am accountable for the way I make people feel. There is a power in apologies. I can honestly say that nine times out of ten (you'd be surprised at how that is NOT a cliche but an actual ratio), when you apologize, it softens the actions/words that caused the initial conflict. What an amazing power! This power comes not of itself, but from the humility that is contained behind it.
I am working on being less offensive to others and mindful of the words I use that may unintentionally cause friction. Until I perfect that, I will also be working on apologizing sincerely so others may be free from pain caused by me.