30 March 2010

Solar Power

While we were home visiting the family for the summer (back in the day when I was in college), one of my brothers (Mark) kept talking and I wanted to get into the conversation or something. Anyway, I put my hand in front of his eyes and he stopped talking. I removed it and he started talking again. I tried one more time and it worked! He stopped talking. We all started joking about him being solar powered like those old school calculators (do they still sell those??).
The truth be told, I am solar powered. I've kind of wondered for a few years, but I am thoroughly convinced now. We've been blessed with sunshine only (okay, so a bit of overcast skies thrown in there, but no all-day things) for quite a few days now. I've been so happy and chipper...full of energy and life.
It may ruin any plans for us to ever leave Georgia, since we have such short winters and long springs and summers, but I truly love having the sun!!

29 March 2010

Proud Wife

If you haven't noticed, I'm a big fan of my husband. I think he is simply amazing. He'll tackle just about anything and be successful at it. He's sweet, charming, and a whole lot of fun. I really did get to marry my best friend, and we still are best friends. I love him so much.
I'm extra proud of him because he gets to go to Winner's Circle again this year. He's gone every year he has worked at Verizon and it's a lot of fun and very relaxing. It's the one time a year that we are away from our children overnight. That part is a little tough, but at least we get a chance to be a couple on a very nice get-away.
See, we are pretty "cheap". We try to do as much as we can on as little as we can. So, going away to a resort isn't usually in our "budget"...the one where we decide what we are REALLY going to spend money on. It's great that Verizon pays for us to have this weekend together AND they honor Eric for the great job he has done at work.
The standards have stayed the same over the years, but, inevitably, as the business as a whole improves, it becomes harder and harder to maintain the above-and-beyond requirements necessary to be qualified for this special retreat. Eric is the only one in his district that is going. It's sad that we won't know anyone else attending, but I'm proud of my husband for his efforts.
This isn't just his efforts for his employer. It goes beyond that. My husband works as hard as he can to support our growing family. It's nice for his employer to recognize him, but I'd like to recognize him too.
Eric, you are amazing! We love you so much! Thank you for all you do for our family!!

28 March 2010


Typically, as a church, we (those who are able) fast the first Sunday each month. Due to General Conference (semi-annual worldwide meetings where we hear from the Prophet and other church leaders) happening next weekend, our ward held fast Sunday today, giving us two fast Sundays in March.
The meeting is called fast and testimony meeting and all are invited to share their testimonies of Jesus Christ and his gospel. A few people got up and shared and immediately I couldn't contain myself any longer. I was so excited and extremely happy that I just had to share with everyone. I got up and was probably overly excited, but I really wanted to shout with the voice of an angel that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored! It's true! It's here and I have been blessed with it all my life. This isn't the condensed or abridged version. It is whole and complete, and with the power to bind family ties and ordinances not only in this life, but for all time and eternity!! It's amazing. It's beautiful! It's the most important part of my life and my family!
If you want to draw closer to Christ and have His spirit with you, read your scriptures and pray. If you want to know more about his restored gospel, check out this page. I just can't leave it unsaid, especially at this Easter season: Christ Lives!!

25 March 2010

Hereditary Conditions

A couple of days ago, we were driving with the AC on. I was just beginning to think, "It sure is beautiful out here in the country" when I smelled dead flesh. I didn't see anything on the road and wondered what was in the woods only to be alerted by my daughter, "There's dirt on my toes!" Sick! I immediately made her put her shoes back on. Shoe on, no stench. Gross!
When someone asked one of my sisters what kind of "dirt" she could give on me, she had to think about it. I'm glad to know that the only "dirt" my sister could think of was that when I was younger, my feet were extremely stinky. We aren't talking that corn chips smell. We ARE talking stinking dead flesh smell. It's rather gross and only got worse as a missionary (you try keeping those feet smelling good while walking around in nylons in leather shoes in high temperatures in Vegas!). It isn't so bad now, especially as I go barefoot or socked-only most days.
However, we also now know that the condition is hereditary. My sister Susan was nearly asphyxiated yesterday as my oldest cuddled up on the sofa next to her. I have to make sure she puts on socks every day because I can guarantee she will shove on her favorite boots (entirely too warm for this weather to start with!). Stinky, smelly, sweating feet in fuzzy boots equals nasty, really gross dead-flesh-stank on unveiled feet.

23 March 2010

Education Starts with Her

We were invited to go with some of our friends to see the Sea Lion Splash at our annual Cherry Blossom Festival. It was so much fun!
Because we were going to see the sea lions, Emily asked us what they were. We were trying to distinguish between a sea lion and a seal. It's easier than we thought! Anyway, it landed Eric and me on the internet searching for information and then passing it along to Emily. We do a lot of these "educational" moments because of Emily's curiosity.
A few days ago I had to go searching on the internet for a simplified picture of the skeleton. Emily has been fascinated with bones and the body since Eric's accident a couple years ago. I definitely am learning (or relearning) along with her. It's nice to be a mom and get to be educated constantly.

20 March 2010

Look for Beauty

With the sun shining and not being able to enjoy it (headache and vertigo), I thought I'd jot down something that I found to be very poignant in The Diary of Anne Frank.
Is the cup half empty or half full? Are you an optimist or a pessimist? I think Anne Frank was knocking on the door of the difference between these types of individuals as she makes a comment about seeking the beautiful in life.
"As long as people feel that kind of happiness within themselves, the joy of nature, health and much more besides, they'll always be able to recapture that happiness.
"Riches, prestige, everything can be lost. But the happiness in your own heart can only be dimmed; it will always be there, as long as you live, to make you happy again.
"Whenever you're feeling lonely or sad, try going to the loft on a beautiful day and looking outside. Not at the houses and the rooftops, but at the sky. As long as you look fearlessly at the sky, you'll know that you're pure within and will find happiness once more." (p. 198)
I love this. She also comments on how her mother counsels their friend to look at those who are worse off to get out of self-pity. Anne counters that it isn't looking at how bad someone else has it as you may end up being there one day yourself. Instead, recognize the good and the beautiful in the world and know that it is there to uplift and sustain. Anne is definitely being an optimist here with her cup half-full of sunshine and hope! She should have given this information to Edna in Kate Chopin's The Awakening. It would have saved her life...literally!
It's so important to find the good in life instead of snuggling down into dark clouds for comfort. The joy of the gospel of Jesus Christ isn't in the sorrow and sadness of the world, but of the redemption He provides for each one of us. We see this evidence in beautiful days like today. God loves us and wants us to have joy!

09 March 2010

Set Your Mind To It

"The too great care we take of our bodies is the only obstacle to the success of those projects which require a rapid decision and vigorous and determined execution." --Bertuccio in The Count of Monte Cristo
I grew up in a family of resourcefulness. My Dad was always fixing the cars and changing oil (it wasn't until I was in college that I discovered that people take cars to a shop to have the oil changed). I also remember my Mom always having a HUGE garden and canning so we had fresh unadulterated food throughout the year. My Dad was also a plumber and carpenter. My Mom, a seamstress. Both of them were barbers/hairstylists. Anything that you could possibly do by yourself, my parents did. It saved a lot of money and I guess I always figured that was the reason they chose to do things that way.
This became my perception of do-it-yourself projects. If you think you can do it, you can. Plus, I'm cheap! What can I say? I love to save money but still be able to enjoy life. One of Eric's coworkers made the comment to him the other day that "Eric's wife can do anything." I may not really be able to, but I try. And, I believe the same about Eric. So, between the two of us, we are pretty self-reliant. Between the two of us, we can make a buck stretch pretty far.
That's the number one reason I encouraged Eric to build bunk beds for the girls. We searched for one that we liked, was affordable, AND sturdy...but there wasn't one in existence. I had faith in Eric's ability not only to build one, but to come up with his own plans and design. Sure, it consumed the greater portion of the day, but we built as we came up with the concept. It fits our needs. It looks great. The girls adore that their daddy built something for them (you should have seen Emily's eyes light up!). It was cheap. We got to spend time together.
This last item is probably the best benefit from building our own bunk bed. As I think back, sure, there was work to be done in my home, but being able to do it together was more important. It also makes me realize how important it is to take time to work together. The phrase, "The family that prays together, stays together" may be true, but a family who works together, builds tighter bonds, too. Perhaps we should always being doing both.

06 March 2010

Being a Mother

There's a birthday party my daughter has been invited to on the same day as a baby shower I am invited to. The times don't exactly overlap...except the fact that they are held in opposite directions and far apart from each other. What to do? Who gets to go to their party?
Without my friends, Emily would have lost out. I was a bit stressed out about the situation and my first impulse is to throw in the towel. Granted, I usually try ONE option before feeling this way, but it still isn't a good quality. So, my friends came through to enable attendance at both events.
I'm not one to leave Emily in the care of others. Her couple of near-death experiences in her young life leave me, perhaps, a little overly attached. So, today is not all fun and games. I get to do the "will my child survive without me" routine. I know she will, but I hide myself behind this question. Really, the question is, "will I survive without my child?"
Being a mother completely changes a person. Well, it at least did that to me. There is something that happens after giving birth that increases your capacity to love and care for others.
We watched "Charlie" the day. The first time I watched the movie, it did NOT affect me at all. However, being a mother, now I can't watch the movie without choking on my tears and emotions. It's the same feeling when I see people at the exits from the interstate with their signs. I tear up and practically suffocate on the situation. I can't help but thinking, "That's someone's mother/sister/daughter. How sad they are alone in this moment and seeking assistance from strangers!" I try to give some kind of help whenever I can, but it never alleviates that powerful emotion.
I know our Heavenly Father must experience a similar emotion as He watches all of us in this world. How do we treat our own family? How do we treat our extended family? How do we treat our friends and neighbors? How do we treat the strangers we have encountered? How do we respond to strangers we have never met and yet they need our assistance? The Gospel of Jesus Christ is all about teaching us to learn to love. It's just that being a mother helps me to get on the "fast track" to understanding the "whys" about love and true charity (the love of Christ). I'm so grateful to be a mom and to be on this path of trust that the Lord has given me.

04 March 2010

Withhold Thy Judgment

Emily has started to read her first words. She can sound out just about anything, but putting those sounds together to make a words doesn't always take. I'm not too concerned. The child is only three! She has always been super smart and has accomplished things quickly and hit milestones before I knew that something was a milestone. So, when a friend asked me if I could tell if one child was perhaps smarter than the other, I quickly identified Emily over Gianna.
I'm not saying I don't think Gianna is smart. I think she's just slower to manifest things. I would definitely say she has a lot of her father in her since he was a little perfectionist as a child and slower to demonstrate his abilities in an area (he seriously would practice a new word in his room before using it in the "public" space with the family).
Well, she's going to give Emily a run for her money on learning to read. I'm not kidding. It isn't something I can get her to do on command, but she will offer letters of her own accord. She'll climb up in my lap to point to a letter on the page and loudly announce "A"! Or, she'll tell her daddy the letter on a license plate (seriously this one happened yesterday at the Tag/Tax office), "I"! Then, while watching Super Why, she shouts out letters like "L" at the correct place! It's pretty amusing to hear my one year old have as much interest in letters and reading as her older sister.
Eric was joking that Gianna will be able to spell but not walk and read but not talk. Sure, she's quieter and more reserved, but I have to take back my judgment of which child is smarter. They are both smart and I have to let them show me in which areas they have higher skills. I am a lucky and blessed mother of two very intelligent girls.