23 March 2010

Education Starts with Her

We were invited to go with some of our friends to see the Sea Lion Splash at our annual Cherry Blossom Festival. It was so much fun!
Because we were going to see the sea lions, Emily asked us what they were. We were trying to distinguish between a sea lion and a seal. It's easier than we thought! Anyway, it landed Eric and me on the internet searching for information and then passing it along to Emily. We do a lot of these "educational" moments because of Emily's curiosity.
A few days ago I had to go searching on the internet for a simplified picture of the skeleton. Emily has been fascinated with bones and the body since Eric's accident a couple years ago. I definitely am learning (or relearning) along with her. It's nice to be a mom and get to be educated constantly.

1 comment:

Momma Sarah said...

LOVE those 'educational' moments whether they are 'regular' life stuff or spiritual or ??. They are so fun! Did you get my email about the body stuff??