30 October 2008

Change of Season Woes

I love autumn. I love the crisp, cool air and bundling up in warm sweaters and coats. I think those are my favorite articles of clothing. However, the change of season also brings a downfall. It doesn't matter if it is changing from cold to hot or hot to cold...I end up with a cold. Ironically, I had a sliver of chocolate (and I really do mean a sliver...like the wrinkle line on the side of the cup) when I gave Emily a peanut butter cup and then my throat started swelling. So, who knows if I actually triggered this to start anyway!
If any of you have a way to boost the immune system at the change of seasons, let me in on your secret!! I don't remember this happening before my mission, but it happens every season now and I'd like to stop the pattern. Of course, at the moment, it would be nice to know pregnancy-safe tricks, too.

24 October 2008

Dinner...Dinner...What's For Dinner?

Potato Soup. I've never made potato soup. I've made soups of different varieties, but never potato soup. It was chilly and rainy today and it just felt like a potato soup night. That's rarely the case, though. I am usually struggling to figure out what I should make for dinner. I've posted a couple sites on my blog list of other blogs/sites that have recipes listed (for any of you who may struggle with the same issue). I currently only have one cookbook, so these are great for me to look at and see what "real" people are making their families for dinner. I used to watch Food Network for ideas, but realize that most of the ingredients they use, I either NEVER have on hand (and who remembers them when you go shopping?) or they don't even sell in Macon grocery stores (or may be so expensive it isn't even worth attempting at the risk-cost factor). If any of you want to share a family favorite that you cook often (sometimes a family fav only gets made on the rare occasion b/c it is a labor of love), I'd love to add to my repertoire of Family Fare Dining (I am NOT an aspiring chef!).

23 October 2008

Three Years and a Breaking of Tradition

Yes, it is official, Eric and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary yesterday (and thanks to Amber, we get to REALLY go do something today!!). Sadly, due to this pregnancy, we have to skip our tradition of going to the temple. We've been there on or near our anniversary date (the day before when it fell on a Sunday) every year since we got married. I'm sad about that, but what can you do?
I am so grateful for the Lord knowing exactly what he was doing when he sent me to Vegas on my mission. Had I not gone at the time I did or served where I did, I would not have met my wonderful husband. I can't imagine a better companion for me. He's gentle and patient, so he's my perfect match to my stress-out self. I'm glad he's willing to put up with me for eternity!! I love you, Eric!

17 October 2008

Froggy Emily

We found the perfect costume for Em yesterday...and she hasn't taken it off since!
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Bedtime Boss Vs. The Light Nazi

In college I was quite the Light Nazi. Come on! I was poor and scrounging for every possible penny!! Anyway, I'm sure it caused some contention between me and a few roommates. In my defense, my Dad does the same thing...he really got on to us for leaving the lights on in rooms we weren't in (as well as leaving the outside doors open or standing "as a door" in front of the TV). Apparently, it's genetic. It's carried on to Emily as well.
For about the past week, Emily has developed a new pattern with her bedtime routine. After we get through everything and I go to close her door, she demands that I turn off the living room light. She'll even get out of bed to come check to see if Mommy and Daddy are going to bed like she has to or if we're staying up without her. If the TV or any other light is on, she will demand that it be turned off. It takes a lot for Eric and me not to snicker at her bossiness.

14 October 2008

A Good Reference Site

One of my college roommates got her degree in Marriage, Home, and Family Science. Basically, the art of happiness in the home and the way to apply it to real life.
Anyway, she has started a website where she utilizes her degree which I think is fantastic. I encourage you to check it out. There were a couple things on there that already made me go "OH!" As parents as well as educated members of our society and country, we should continue to educated ourselves in different matters. She gives tips and hints for the daily run of a family (ie: recipes or stain removal) but also other things such as important information on policies being voted on and updates in safety for children. Take what you want, leave the rest. I just found it to be an informative site (and I finally got her German Pancake Recipe...ah, the good old days of Apt 1 cooking!!). Hope you'll check it out.
Home Maker Etc.

12 October 2008

A Day of Follies

I'm not sure what was in the air yesterday, but I was at odds with the world. Here are a few examples of my inability to function correctly yesterday. Enjoy...and feel free to laugh!

After a week of being on this bland diet, I got heartburn (yes, even after drinking our watered-down version of kool-aid!).

When I let Hannah into the garage to eat her dinner, I got locked out of my house. Don't worry, the culprit was standing on the other side of the door laughing at me through the window (Emily recently learned how to do all the regular locks in the house...including the one on the garage door).

Next, I sliced some cheese for Emily, but not without it's own disaster. I somehow cut my thumb with a super sharp knife.

By the time Eric got home from work, I was exhausted and cautious about everything I did. I was grateful for more reasons than sleep to go to bed!

11 October 2008

Bland Diet Blues

I've been on a bland diet since Monday, as per order of the doc. At first it was okay. So, there's not some amazing flavors and foods I can eat...big deal! Actually, I retract that. It IS a big deal, especially when appetite (I'm not talking about ability to consume food, just having the desire FOR food) is already a problem.
Since Thursday, Eric has also had to alter his food choices due to doctor instruction. We are now officially the most boring family ever! Can't eat "fun" foods. Don't drive "fun" cars.
So, if any of you know some good recipes of bland foods...I'd love to have them. The following is what I can eat.

* Eat 6 to 8 servings a day from this list:
* 1/2 cup cream of wheat
* 1/2 cup cooked white rice
* 1/2 cup mashed potatoes
* 1/2 cup cooked pasta, noodles, or macaroni
* 6 small (2 inch square) saltine crackers
* 1 slice white bread
* 1 medium size (2-1/2 inch) roll or bun
* Do not eat these foods:
* Barbecue and taco chips
* Bran and granola cereals
* Breads and rolls with nuts, seeds, or bran
* Corn chips
* Hard crackers, such as Ry-Krisp®
* Popcorn
* Potato chips, french fries, and fried potatoes
* Whole-grain breads and rolls


* Eat 2 to 3 servings a day from this list:
* 1/2 cup applesauce
* 1/2 cup canned or cooked fruits without skins or seeds
* 1/2 cup mild juices, such as apple, grape, and pear
* 1/2 of a 9 inch banana or 1 small (5 inch) banana
* Do not eat or drink these foods:
* Berries with seeds, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries
* Cranberry, orange, pineapple, and grapefruit juice
* Lemonade
* Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes, and pineapples


* Eat 2 to 3 servings a day from this list:
* 1/2 cup cooked or mashed vegetables without stems and seeds
* 1/2 cup carrots
* 1/2 cup green beans
* 1/2 cup onions and celery in soups
* 1/2 cup summer squash or zucchini
* 1/2 cup winter squash
* Do not eat these foods:
* Raw vegetables
* Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and other vegetables that cause gas
* Mild or hot peppers
* Sauerkraut and pickled vegetables
* Tomato products, such as tomato paste, tomato sauce, and tomato juice
* Vegetable juice


* Eat 2 to 4 servings a day from this list:
* 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup cottage cheese
* 1/2 cup custard
* 1/2 cup ice cream or ice milk, without nuts
* A 1- to 2-inch-square slice of mild cheese, such as Longhorn, Colby, or Muenster
* 1 cup low fat milk
* 1/2 cup pudding
* 1 cup yogurt without seeds or nuts
* Do not eat these foods:
* Chocolate milk products
* High fat dairy foods, such as cream and half and half
* Spicy or strongly flavored cheeses, such as jalapeno and black pepper


* Eat the equivalent of 5 to 7 ounces of meat a day from this list:
* 2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter (equals 1 ounce of meat)
* 1 large egg (equals 1 ounce of meat)
* 1 cup of a casserole made from foods listed in this diet (equals 2 to 3 ounces of meat)
* Fish, turkey, chicken, or other meat that is not tough or stringy
* 1/2 cup tofu or other bland soy products (equals 1 ounce of meat)
* Do not eat these foods:
* Crunchy peanut butter
* Dried cooked beans, such as pinto, kidney, or navy beans
* Fried or greasy meats
* Processed, spicy meats, such as sausage, bacon, ham, and lunch meats
* Ribs and other meats with barbecue sauce
* Tough or stringy meats, such as corned beef or beef jerkey


* Eat 2 to 4 servings a day from this list:
* 1 pat or 1 teaspoon butter
* 1 pat or 1 teaspoon margarine
* 1 teaspoon olive, vegetable, or safflower oil
* Do not eat these foods:
* Fried foods
* Nuts and seeds


* Drink as much as you want from this list:
* Low-acid juices, such as apple, grape, or pear
* Mild herbal teas or weak regular tea
* Water
* Caffeine-free drinks
* Soda (do not drink more than 2 cans a day)
* Do not drink these liquids:
* Alcoholic beverages
* Coffee and regular teas
* Colas and other drinks with caffeine


* Eat or drink as much as you want from this list:
* Bouillon or broth
* 1 serving of a cream soup may take the place of a serving of milk
* Any soup without tomato or strong spices
* Do not eat these foods:
* Chile (any kind)
* Minestrone and other tomato-based soups


* Eat as much as you want from this list:
* Desserts made with approved foods from the lists above
* Herbs
* Mild gravies and sauces
* Salt and other mild seasonings
* Do not eat these foods:
* Chili, taco, or picante sauces
* Chili pepper
* Desserts with nuts or coconut
* Horseradish
* Pickles

06 October 2008

Budding Talents

Emily loves to "colee". We have several of these small doodle pads that go EVERY where with us. She was so proud of this drawing that she wanted me to take a picture. I'd be interested to know what you may see when looking at her drawing. I'm pretty sure of what she was trying to draw and it looks like it to me, but what are your ideas?
Another talent she has is her incredible imagination. I can not believe she has such a vivid imagination and she's only 2!! It's fun to play whatever she comes up with. The one that kind of hurts, though, is when she decides that I have frogs in my mouth and needs to extract them. My TMJ isn't too fond of that, but it still makes me laugh!
Oh, and just one more thing...she's taking after her great-grandma JoAnn Lasley. She loves to go to bed with her books. I was quite the bookworm when I was younger, but this takes the cake! I was talking to my grandma last night and she laughed because she sleeps with books, too...she had 13 on her bed at that moment. So, there is quite of bit of Lasley (or at least Dial) in her after all!

03 October 2008

Pres. Uchtdorf

Last Saturday was the RS General Broadcast. I enjoyed it in the comfort of my own home. I think the biggest part for me was Pres. Uchtdorf's talk about enjoying in the creation. I've recently felt impressed that I need to get "back on the horse" and start writing again. Ironically (or, perhaps, inspirationally) a week prior, I finally penned the rough draft to a children's story I had an idea for over a year ago. I think I see more of the pictures that goes with this story, so that's my next project, getting pictures drawn and then actually submitting it to be published!
After that, there are a lot of other projects I need to get going on as I've been wanting to write different stories largely based on my life. I've been disappointed in recent years going to the public library and finding published books that really don't deserve being published. If they can do it and it's terrible (whether it is the actual writing or the fact that society can't write anything without putting smut in it), I certainly could accomplish my life-long dream of writing something worthwhile!
My challenge to you, oh faithful readers of my blog, is to find out which creative part of you has been dormant and tell it to WAKE UP! SEIZE THE DAY!