29 March 2010

Proud Wife

If you haven't noticed, I'm a big fan of my husband. I think he is simply amazing. He'll tackle just about anything and be successful at it. He's sweet, charming, and a whole lot of fun. I really did get to marry my best friend, and we still are best friends. I love him so much.
I'm extra proud of him because he gets to go to Winner's Circle again this year. He's gone every year he has worked at Verizon and it's a lot of fun and very relaxing. It's the one time a year that we are away from our children overnight. That part is a little tough, but at least we get a chance to be a couple on a very nice get-away.
See, we are pretty "cheap". We try to do as much as we can on as little as we can. So, going away to a resort isn't usually in our "budget"...the one where we decide what we are REALLY going to spend money on. It's great that Verizon pays for us to have this weekend together AND they honor Eric for the great job he has done at work.
The standards have stayed the same over the years, but, inevitably, as the business as a whole improves, it becomes harder and harder to maintain the above-and-beyond requirements necessary to be qualified for this special retreat. Eric is the only one in his district that is going. It's sad that we won't know anyone else attending, but I'm proud of my husband for his efforts.
This isn't just his efforts for his employer. It goes beyond that. My husband works as hard as he can to support our growing family. It's nice for his employer to recognize him, but I'd like to recognize him too.
Eric, you are amazing! We love you so much! Thank you for all you do for our family!!

1 comment:

The Roes said...

I always love to hear people loving their spouse. I too am very thankful to have my husband and all the hard work he does for our family. Congrats on going to Winner's Circle again!