18 August 2008

Good Sabbath

Yesterday we had some really great talks in sacrament meeting. These stake visitors both spoke on (well, what I took away from it) rolling with the punches. I can't remember the speakers' names, but the first gave an example of his old front door. It was solid wood and from the WWI/WWII era. He spoke about wanting to refinish the door but decided just to re-varnish it without putting putty in the dents and gouges. He talked about how it is the rough spots of our lives that builds character and that although we shouldn't pursue inflicting pain on ourselves, that when it is inevitable, to not hide away from those struggles, but to wear those bumps and bruises knowing that they truly do make us stronger. I felt these words and this image was easy for me to relate to at this point and am grateful for inspiration for complete strangers to be able to come and speak words of comfort to me.

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