22 December 2008

I Got Your Nose!

One of Emily's favorite games is playing "I Got Your Nose!" She thinks it's hilarious and we all get involved in the chase of getting back whatever body part was "stolen". I about died this morning as she "stole" the baby out of my belly and put it in hers. I was laughing too hard to chase her.
Another funny thing she has said multiple times this weekend is also about the baby. She will randomly ask me, "Mommy have baby?" I'll tell her no and then she'll say, "Aw, man!" and sound really disappointed. This big sister is going to adore having a younger sister around. She visits with the baby a lot and hugs and kisses my belly and talks to her. It's really adorable, though I would like to have my belly back and private from these two girls!!


Momma Sarah said...

My kids liked that game, too. I love your tip of the day you've got up right now! It's SOOOO true!!!

The Doctors Wife said...

Whenever we played the "got your nose game" with Brian, he would burst out crying and beg for his nose back. We used it as much as we could. Ex. If you continue hitting your sister I'm going to steal your nose. He eventually figured out that I couldn't really steal his nose.