19 December 2012
Time for a Laugh at My Expense
You know how moms seem to be really good at multi-tasking and can basically be classified as superheroes? Well, not this mom. In fact, this mom learned something very profound tonight. Grilled cheese does not make for a good open-faced sandwich.
I carefully placed two slices of bread on the sandwich maker grill facings. I then applied the sliced cheese with added chunks in what would then become the center of those halves. Next, I closed the lid on the machine and walked away to set the table. When I returned, I noticed two slices of bread sitting patiently next to the sandwich maker. Horrified, I opened the machine and saw the rest of the sandwiches glued nicely to the top grill plates. Yep. Lesson learned: grilled cheese sandwiches do not make good open faced sandwiches.
15 December 2012
Heroes, a Dying Quality
Can you think back to the heroes of your childhood? Who were they? Why were they heroes? Did they accomplish something amazing? Did they have high moral codes?
As I ponder this, I am sad to say that I don't see many people in this world who are classified as heroes in my book. Gone are the days of good deeds and helping your neighbor. Instead, we have a world rife with pain and sorrow and few real, living heroes to look to.
I'm grateful to know there is a prophet of God living on the earth and guiding us. Thomas S. Monson is a true hero in my eyes. He follows the path of the Savior. He stays true to his morals and does good in this world. His life has been a pattern of doing good. I know there are other good people out there doing good, but this man and the others who serve and follow Christ with him are some of my heroes.
Let's all try to be the heroes this world, and especially our children, need. Do a little more to help others. Do a little more to show love, not just to say it. Let's lift our country and our world by doing a good deed daily.
My thoughts and prayers are also with those suffering from the terrible shooting yesterday in Newtown, Connecticut. May we all do more to lift those who suffer and mourn.
11 November 2012
If you know me, and you must since you can read my blog, you know that I'm a Mormon. Perhaps we haven't had the opportunity to really talk about my beliefs. In that case, you can either ask me questions or you can visit my I'm a Mormon profile. I believe in Christ. I know Christ. I've felt His guidance throughout my life. I know we can all have peace and clarity in this crazy life if we but learn to trust in Him. I love you all and hope you may come closer to God in your own lives as well.
07 November 2012
Sure, that was the candidacy term for his first election and now he has fashioned himself under the term "forward". Frankly, I don't see too much we can keep going backwards on.
All politics and disappointments aside, I really want Washington DC to get it together. Start functioning as a government. Get the job done and stop restricting cooperation based on biases to parties. We are NOT a people of party platforms. We are people. We are THE people of The United States of America. We need the government to remember that. We have put our trust in them and expect things to be done, in a cooperative environment where every one is expected to compromise for the better of the whole. Surely those in government offices are all earning a nice paycheck for their "service"...please make the time worth it.
I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or whatever. We shouldn't care if people are white, black, yellow, olive or purple, so we shouldn't be so overly concerned with a political party, either. We all bleed the same. We are all human and are divine children of God. Act like it.
I continue to hope for a brighter future; one where we actually accomplish things and take ownership for our mistakes. It's by making mistakes that we become better people. Accepting those failures doesn't make you weak unless you just don't do anything to change it.
So, Congress and Mr. President, do something significant this term: ACT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE REPUBLIC, not yourselves.
Thank you.
All politics and disappointments aside, I really want Washington DC to get it together. Start functioning as a government. Get the job done and stop restricting cooperation based on biases to parties. We are NOT a people of party platforms. We are people. We are THE people of The United States of America. We need the government to remember that. We have put our trust in them and expect things to be done, in a cooperative environment where every one is expected to compromise for the better of the whole. Surely those in government offices are all earning a nice paycheck for their "service"...please make the time worth it.
I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, or whatever. We shouldn't care if people are white, black, yellow, olive or purple, so we shouldn't be so overly concerned with a political party, either. We all bleed the same. We are all human and are divine children of God. Act like it.
I continue to hope for a brighter future; one where we actually accomplish things and take ownership for our mistakes. It's by making mistakes that we become better people. Accepting those failures doesn't make you weak unless you just don't do anything to change it.
So, Congress and Mr. President, do something significant this term: ACT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE REPUBLIC, not yourselves.
Thank you.
29 October 2012
I'm super excited. I finally figured out how to make sure that E understands the concepts she is learning....she has to teach G! This kills two birds with one stone because G sits and tries to be patient while we do E's homework every afternoon. Now she is more involved (she already has done spelling words and I'm surprised at how much she remembers!!) and loves it PLUS I now can see where E may have missed a step and catch it and correct it.
By the way, it is THE cutest thing in the world to watch the older sister teaching the younger sister. "It's so fluffy!!" has nothing on this cuteness.
23 October 2012
Full Family Fun Day
We were finally able to spend a full Saturday doing just anything our little hearts desired. And, we did. The first thing we did was take the girls to Raleigh to show them the CowParade...well, a portion of it. We had fun finding the cows and taking pictures with them. Eric got some good shots, so I'll have to figure out how to post them, but here are a few I took.
The CowParade is a bunch of different cows that artists have painted and stylized. It's a fun little thing and puts are in a public (read "free") forum.
We also did a bit of driving around and checking things out. To wrap up the evening, we went to another little town and did their Family Haunted Trail. It was a fun and random day of just doing what we pleased...and it was a welcomed day.
03 October 2012
Donating Blood, Confidence Boost
We had a blood drive at church tonight. We had a pretty good turnout. I donated, too, and I enjoy it because it makes me feel good that I can help others out in such a way. What I didn't expect was the confidence boost. Before allowing me to donate, the second lady did a double check on my birthdate...she thought I looked too young and needed to check that I was at least nineteen. Um, yep! But, it was really nice of her to think so!!
If you've been sitting on the fence to donate blood, let me encourage you to do so. Service always brings joy and this type of service takes about an hour, but in the end, you help up to three individuals! That's pretty impressive and doesn't require too much of you. There's always a need. Check out your local American Red Cross and go donate today or find out when the next local drive is scheduled. It'll bless your life and the lives of others!
28 September 2012
The Biggest Cheater
You want to know who the biggest cheater is in our family? It's not going to be any of your guesses, I just know it. It's Hannah.
Yes, our German Shepherd is the biggest cheater in the family. Every time I play hide-n-seek with the girls, she is pointing me out to them and getting overly excited. Does she point them out to me? As Pete the Cat would say, "Goodness no!"
I'm not even the best hider. I mean, come on, there are only so many places an adult can squeeze into. Hannah, if you think you need to help, help us find Gianna. She's the best hider and stays SILENT!
But then, she also likes to hinder my way when we play tag. Of course, Booga can get overly excited during this game as well and has been known to knock a child over because of his enthusiasm. But still, Hannah is the one who will ALWAYS stand in the way and impede my escape routes.
Well, at least she has the best interests of the girls at heart though, right?
14 September 2012
Different Learning Styles
I always hear tales of how the oldest child is always more reserved and usually more obedient and wanting to please the parents while the second child is less reserved and has more of a mind of their own. I have no idea how true this is because I think parenting styles change as a parent grows and matures and takes on more responsibilities with additional children. One thing I know for sure: there are no two children exactly alike.
Right now I'm amazed at the different things that motivate my children to learn. The older seemed to go step by step in a "logical" or "traditional" order, focused on letters then phonics then reading. The second child thinks things through differently, or perhaps has even already discovered things without me noticing the first steps of learning. She has had zero interest in learning her letters. However, she is now standing behind me writing words, yes, actual words on the marker board. Of course, she doesn't know she is writing words until she says, "Look! What this say?" I'm amazed at the patterns she puts together to form words. Sure, not all of them are words, but she does write a LOT of them that are. I've now realized that I can't sit her down and teach her letter by letter. She prefers the excitement of already writing complete words, and so that is how I will continue to teach her. It's amazing to see the sparkle in her eyes when she discovers that not only has she learned a new letter, but can now write a word...and then she actually remembers those words and will rewrite them day after day.
Have I mentioned that I love being a mom? This is an amazing experiement with which I am daily involved. I'm happy.
10 September 2012
That Moment
You know those moments that you are just so in love with your spouse that you can hardly contain it? Yeah, I'm having one of those moments. I just really, really love my husband and am so grateful for all of the blessings that have been poured out upon our marriage. He's amazing and I love him.
17 July 2012
Dora the Explorer Movie Trailer (with Ariel Winter)
Watch this, You'll appreciate it...especially moms and dads who have survived toddler-dom with Dora as your sidekick.
29 June 2012
Aside from installing a mid-bar brace (seriously, who leaves a ten foot clothing bar without a support in the middle?) so I can finish hanging our clothes and put the shoes inside the closet and one box of toiletry items that need a home (no storage INSIDE the bathrooms), we are all unpacked and getting into the routine of life in our new home.
It's beautiful here, although we hit a weird heat wave, so we haven't yet escaped the burning inferno we thought we left behind in Georgia. But, our home is situated in a little grove of trees, so it keeps the heat off the house and plenty of shade to enjoy the yard.
I just wanted to give everyone a quick update that we are here, happy, and hopeful in our newest adventure. We miss those we left behind and you are in our thoughts! Don't forget! There is plenty of room in our new abode for visitors!!
19 June 2012
Angels Around Us
I don't think I can convey the depth of gratitude I feel for one of God's angels today. We got the packet for our move yesterday and I had a night of anxious, fitful sleep. When I awoke this morning, everything was weighing on me and there were too many crazy things that needed to be accomplished today (I thought there were several things I could do over the next couple of days, but the prep. page demanded a certain time frame).
What to do?!?!! I couldn't get going on any of the other things until one aspect was taken care of. I called a sweet friend who assisted me in that situation and offered to assist in others. Because of her, I only have a few very minor things left on my task list for today. I am so incredibly grateful and just want to tell Amy how much it means to me that she quickly came to my rescue...both physically and emotionally.
14 June 2012
Surgery Success
After a couple of failed attempts at removing the offending portion, the doctor decided that placing a metal shaft between the head and body would solve the problem. Now there is a tiny metal appliance supporting the head on it's body, but the doctor feels confident that it is a permanent solution. I'm not sure how painful recovery will be, but that's what happens when a child knocks a crab's head off.
12 June 2012
I Just Don't Know What To Do With Myself
If you don't know this song...it feels like my life right now. All except the "now that we are through" part.
I just don't know what to do with myself...especially after being entertained by my family for two weeks. I just can't wait for us to close on this house, have the movers come, and to be permanently back with my husband again. I just miss him and look forward to our official move.
So, in the meantime, I've created a new nightgown for Emily out of one of his old t-shirts (especially great since it was a freebee in the first place for him). She has gotten so leggy that most of her pj's are a bit...revealing. I'm working on Gianna's afghan which is also one of her Christmas presents (I hope to have it finished before the movers get here to pack us). I want to do more sewing, but that is apparently a happy-happy hobby which is undermined while I'm missing my best friend. I keep practicing the piano and trying to keep up on my skill (oh! Did I mention that I got to play accompaniment in the women's group at church in Missouri a couple weeks ago? Intimidating a bit, but so satisfying that I could be at service). I've also gotten involved with indexing. I tried doing it a few years ago, but I didn't get batches that were very easy for me. The new system is AMAZING! It's so quick and it is easy to do a batch every day. Some of the names are like puzzles due to handwriting. It's always gratifying to figure out something that wasn't completely obvious.
10 June 2012
Farm Fresh
Hum a Little Tune
I am so grateful that my house is filled with music. You all have heard about my little songbird Emily. Well, Gianna is growing in her desires to sing and be musical as well. She now demands to listen to "Castle on a Cloud" and is very diligent in learning the lyrics. She is quick to pick up tunes. She likes to play "Name That Tune" and will hum something for us to identify. I don't always get it as quickly as Emily does. Both of the girls like improv. They will sing their own new words to tunes they know or tunes they make up on their own. It's delightfully entertaining and sweet as I often get a prominent name drop in the songs. =)
09 June 2012
Goin' Fishin'
The girls had their very first fishing experience this past week. They were so excited about it. While my Dad pulled out the gear, Gianna verified with me that the "fish sticks" (fishing poles) were the way we were going to catch fish.
I was afraid my girls might not enjoy the outing, but hoped for the best. I was concerned that they wouldn't catch anything and that they would be completely upset to discover you had to put bait on hooks to catch the fish.
No problems there. Emily even was willing to bait her own hook...with crickets!! Dad still assisted her, but she held the bug and got it on the hook! I was so impressed with her because I wouldn't even do it.
Emily was the first to hook a fish. Mom, Dad, and I were all assisting her and instructing and getting pictures. In other words, all of our focus was on Emily. As soon as we got her fish out, Dad turned around and realized that Gianna had hooked her own fish and had reeled it in. A natural fisherman, er-uh, girl! Who would have guessed??
It was so fun and the girls wanted to go back. Too bad we were leaving and wouldn't be able to. However, they look forward to more fishing expeditions. Now, if I can only get over my squeamishness as baiting the hook...
06 June 2012
Vacation Station
I've had such a great time visiting my family. It's been way too long since I've been able to visit. It was much overdue and much appreciated. I got to relax and everyone pitched in to take care of my girls, making it so much easier for this temporary single-mom. I miss my husband so much, but having my family to help me has been a renewal of his wife that I know he'll appreciate.
So many pictures to come, so don't forget to stop back by in the next couple of weeks!
29 May 2012
Humbled on the Road
I wish I had a picture of this, but since I was the only adult in the car and I was driving, it was impossible.
On our latest trip, we drove through a town that was honoring fallen soldiers. All along the median there were white crosses topped with American flags. I was humbled as I drove along and pondered on the blessing of living in this country. Here, where I have the freedom to jump in my car and make a road trip and drive through the expanse of a unified country. Sure, there are parts that we, as a people, do not agree upon, but in the end, we are all citizens of a great country which has been protected and provided for through the sacrifice of something very great: the life of someone's son/daughter/parent/etc. I silently thank these people and give my gratitude for the freedoms I am blessed with because of their love.
21 May 2012
Traveling woman
We went to North Carolina for the weekend and ended up staying extra days due to unforeseen circumstances that left us unable to accomplish our mission: seeing and being with the hubby. Somewhere along the way I have stopped worrying about other people and only focusing on my family. If my family needs extra time to be together, they are going to get it no matter if someone might be counting on me for service, school, church, or other responsibilities. Family trumps all. Well...almost all. I did feel the need to get back so we can do all of the final things on the house (like be there to let the appraiser in and have the movers evaluate how much stuff we have....turns out we have the "average" poundage for a family of four, but with that acknowledging that we have a piano, scooter, and motorcycle to add to the transport that many families don't have....yes, that's said to make myself feel better about the things hanging about still).
Now that this is complete, I'm excited for more summer adventures. Stay tuned to read about an exciting trip to central America....aka "the big MO" and the actual move to our new home! I am really excited for the trip to see my family since I haven't been able to make it up there for over three years now. There are some serious photo ops in the future!
22 April 2012
Big Changes
It's official! We'll be moving this summer!! We are so excited but also a bit overwhelmed with everything. My husband will have to go on ahead of us but at least it won't be forever, just a little while to get things here tied up and finished and also so he can find us a place to live.
On that same note, I can't decide if I want to keep up this blog or retire it. If you are still reading this, let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to archive everything and move on as leaving this public is no longer informing my friends and family of our lives and I only receive spam through the comments.
On that same note, I can't decide if I want to keep up this blog or retire it. If you are still reading this, let me know. Otherwise, I'm going to archive everything and move on as leaving this public is no longer informing my friends and family of our lives and I only receive spam through the comments.
21 April 2012
Unsolicited Advice
I'm just pondering this morning why we, as humans, give unsolicited advice. It's one thing to ask someone for advice, but why do we offer it so often when it isn't requested and, quite frankly, not needed.
I was recently asked for what I interpreted as advice. I then proceeded to give ALL my feedback and didn't restrain. I should have clarified some points before just dumping all of my assumed expertise in the area...and that assumption was on my own part, not on the poor soul who asked a simple question. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but am now pondering my response because several people have now vomited their advice about my life unsolicited. I say "vomit" because it happens all the sudden without notice and it's all out before it's done...no one can seem to bottle it up.
Because this can seem quite the contradiction, I am first putting this out here for anyone who has ideas on why we do this but also how to check yourself so that I can NOT do this again. And, thirdly, I would love to hear your thoughts on how to kindly and gently but assertively guide a conversation away from the advice column.
I was recently asked for what I interpreted as advice. I then proceeded to give ALL my feedback and didn't restrain. I should have clarified some points before just dumping all of my assumed expertise in the area...and that assumption was on my own part, not on the poor soul who asked a simple question. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but am now pondering my response because several people have now vomited their advice about my life unsolicited. I say "vomit" because it happens all the sudden without notice and it's all out before it's done...no one can seem to bottle it up.
Because this can seem quite the contradiction, I am first putting this out here for anyone who has ideas on why we do this but also how to check yourself so that I can NOT do this again. And, thirdly, I would love to hear your thoughts on how to kindly and gently but assertively guide a conversation away from the advice column.
29 March 2012
Best Visit EVER!!
Seriously, it was! This was the most relaxed, enjoyable, but yet still doing lots of vacation stuff with my parents here. We did so much and yet it was never rushed. We went to the annual Cherry Blossom Festival and saw an alligator show. We had dinner with Mr. Jarrett and got him to sign books for us. We went to Savannah, Fort Pulaski, the beach. We hung out at the house and ran errands and just enjoyed being together. I just really, really enjoyed being with my family and my parents.
As if that wasn't enough, one of my friends just posted this beautiful blog entry about her newest addition to the family and her joy at motherhood. I'm so grateful to be a mother and to have my mother. I'm just so happy and enjoyed the past few days so much. We miss them already, but that's what makes the moments so sweet.
Love you, Mom and Dad!! I'd love to spend all of my birthdays with you!
Yes, she's sinking!! And enjoying every minute of it!! The girls braved the wind to play in the ocean.
Look closely at this picture to know why I put it on here...there is a unique architectural feature in there. Something to do with a carousel horse.
As if that wasn't enough, one of my friends just posted this beautiful blog entry about her newest addition to the family and her joy at motherhood. I'm so grateful to be a mother and to have my mother. I'm just so happy and enjoyed the past few days so much. We miss them already, but that's what makes the moments so sweet.
Love you, Mom and Dad!! I'd love to spend all of my birthdays with you!
Yes, she's sinking!! And enjoying every minute of it!! The girls braved the wind to play in the ocean.
Look closely at this picture to know why I put it on here...there is a unique architectural feature in there. Something to do with a carousel horse.
22 March 2012
Just a Memo
I like my house to be clean. It isn't always spic and span, but it is never really bad. Anyway, for the past two years, the house has been on the market, so I have to keep it in even better condition than the normal Jack and Jane American. Someone called me today and asked what I was doing. I replied that I was tidying up the house. She said, "Again? Your house is always clean." Um, yep. That's what happens when you clean and tidy. And, it is especially important when you are trying to sell your house. At any given hour I could have someone in my doors wanting to visualize the space. The less clutter, the better for this activity.
So, if you have a problem with me "always" cleaning my house, STOP CALLING!! Obviously you call too often if you know how frequently I clean. And, PS, my parents are coming into town. I'd like them to have a nice and clean place to be while they are here.
Okay, vent done.
So, if you have a problem with me "always" cleaning my house, STOP CALLING!! Obviously you call too often if you know how frequently I clean. And, PS, my parents are coming into town. I'd like them to have a nice and clean place to be while they are here.
Okay, vent done.
Caterpillars and Bubbles
What is Spring without bubbles and caterpillars?
Gianna and I have had fun the last few days by enjoying both of these things (though, the caterpillars have been "enjoyed" more by me by having them NOT touch me).
She kept one caterpillar for a couple of days. It became her pet and she has loved on this thing like it was a cat or something. Tragedy of all tragedies occurred today as she was skipping through the house with the "pet" on her arm. He slipped off and went splat...right under her shoe. The poor child was horrified that she had killed her own pet! I was trying to be consoling, but it was rather funny at the same time.
Now we are blowing bubbles and she has identified different types of bubbles. My favorite is when two bubbles are joined together, it creates what she calls a "hippo". Hilarious! I love it.
Gianna and I have had fun the last few days by enjoying both of these things (though, the caterpillars have been "enjoyed" more by me by having them NOT touch me).
She kept one caterpillar for a couple of days. It became her pet and she has loved on this thing like it was a cat or something. Tragedy of all tragedies occurred today as she was skipping through the house with the "pet" on her arm. He slipped off and went splat...right under her shoe. The poor child was horrified that she had killed her own pet! I was trying to be consoling, but it was rather funny at the same time.
Now we are blowing bubbles and she has identified different types of bubbles. My favorite is when two bubbles are joined together, it creates what she calls a "hippo". Hilarious! I love it.
19 March 2012
Two Seasons: Hot and Less Hot
I know this isn't supposed to be "normal" weather in Georgia. However, over the course of the past twelve months, we have had two seasons: Hot and Less Hot. We are currently experiencing Less Hot, although by some people's standards this may qualify as Hot. It's not. Hot happens when the temperatures rise above 100. Anything less is simply Less Hot. Of course, we did have a few days of Cold, but again, that is relative to our own weather and not indicative of what others in the world may experience and count as being such.
And, in case anyone has followed the simple indicator of my attire, I still wear a light sweater indoors (because people are crazy with their AC) and in the evenings. Therefore, it is the season of Less Hot.
And, in case anyone has followed the simple indicator of my attire, I still wear a light sweater indoors (because people are crazy with their AC) and in the evenings. Therefore, it is the season of Less Hot.
14 March 2012
Say Hello to My Little Friend
Serious. Say "Hello!" because this little friend is here to STAY! Eric came across a website a couple weeks ago and found that our school district was getting rid of some old pianos. Since we have a goal to move and that means my current piano I have (thank you, BETH!!) will not be traveling with us, we thought we should start shopping around for a piano. Who knew we'd find one that quick!
Anyway, the story is worth telling. We took a friend who works on pianos (read, has great expectations in a piano). He gave his recommendations and we bid. Of course, he felt that what was available wasn't worth a penny and told us not to waste our time. We, obviously, didn't actually listen to him. We bid on one piano he recommended and another he didn't give the time of day. The second piano had suffered unknown damage and was in quite a terrible state. We bid on it ONLY to get the piano trucks off it and to use them on the "better" piano since it was the only piano with a set of working wheels.
Well, we won both of those auctions and brought the babies home today. With a bit of TLC and elbow grease, the pianos look SO much better. AND, the big surprise...we chose to keep the poor, greasy, water damaged piano (you know, the one we only bid on because of the piano trucks). Turns out we like it better and will be giving the second piano to a family member. Who knew such a treasure was under all of that mess! (Eric has plans to refinish it, too, but for now, it sounds pretty good and looks incredible for how it started out.)
For $10, we are going to have a lot of fun with this piano and are super happy!!
13 March 2012
A Goal Complete: Order Your Copy Today!
Mr. Jarrett and I are finished. Completely. We won't do any more changes. So, now you all can purchase your own copy of his autobiography and find out why it was so interesting for me to work on it and get to know this man!
But how would I find this book, you ask. Easy!! Here's the link. Just click on it and it will take you to the website. Order and enjoy!!
But how would I find this book, you ask. Easy!! Here's the link. Just click on it and it will take you to the website. Order and enjoy!!
10 March 2012
Yes, "Imagine," as in the John Lennon song. I always thought I liked the song, but recently, I've found that there is something in it that I'm opposed to.
It's this:
"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace"
See, I don't think that religion is the culprit here. In my faith, we are supposed to view each other as brother and sister. We, as a world family, are supposed to learn to get along with each other and to serve one another. Peace, therefore, ensuing. HOWEVER, and it is a BIG however, I believe that the "natural man" syndrome gets in the way. Now, if John Lennon could have changed those lyrics to imagine that there was no greed, no corruption, no forcing individuals into the same way of thinking and acting upon the world, okay. I can roll with that.
I feel that removing religion is not the answer. Teaching people to truly love each other is a much better answer. Isn't it easy to love an individual who is similar to you? How much harder (and more commendable) to love those who are NOT similar. I really appreciate those with different approaches to thinking because it helps ME to think and also rethink the way I have viewed things. It challenges me and creates a better and more diverse world, not an assimilated one.
So, John, don't imagine such atrocities. Instead, imagine the ultimate: where people can set aside their differences BY CHOICE, and live in harmony with each other. For me, that isn't hard to imagine, especially seeing the circle of friends I have and that they vary quite differently in many ways from myself, yet there is always one connecting factor of taste/interest/world view or whatever it may be, it is only a part and not the whole.
And as a man by the name of Dr. Benjamin Carson has recently stated, "The emphasis should be on learning to be respectful of people with whom they disagree.”
It's this:
"Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace"
See, I don't think that religion is the culprit here. In my faith, we are supposed to view each other as brother and sister. We, as a world family, are supposed to learn to get along with each other and to serve one another. Peace, therefore, ensuing. HOWEVER, and it is a BIG however, I believe that the "natural man" syndrome gets in the way. Now, if John Lennon could have changed those lyrics to imagine that there was no greed, no corruption, no forcing individuals into the same way of thinking and acting upon the world, okay. I can roll with that.
I feel that removing religion is not the answer. Teaching people to truly love each other is a much better answer. Isn't it easy to love an individual who is similar to you? How much harder (and more commendable) to love those who are NOT similar. I really appreciate those with different approaches to thinking because it helps ME to think and also rethink the way I have viewed things. It challenges me and creates a better and more diverse world, not an assimilated one.
So, John, don't imagine such atrocities. Instead, imagine the ultimate: where people can set aside their differences BY CHOICE, and live in harmony with each other. For me, that isn't hard to imagine, especially seeing the circle of friends I have and that they vary quite differently in many ways from myself, yet there is always one connecting factor of taste/interest/world view or whatever it may be, it is only a part and not the whole.
And as a man by the name of Dr. Benjamin Carson has recently stated, "The emphasis should be on learning to be respectful of people with whom they disagree.”
03 March 2012
Her First Lost Tooth

In our home, we've been discussing how to refer to the missing spot in one's mouth after losing a tooth because....Emily lost her first tooth!!
I can't believe we've reach this stage already. It's funny how much of a mother's time is spent in nostalgia. It isn't that I need to relive those years, but it would be pretty awesome to have some video recording so I could replay those moments.
I now have a "medium" child and a "little" child. Apparently you become "medium" when you start losing your teeth.
It's hard to imagine being a happier mother than I already am. I look forward to what the future brings and these beautiful children who help me remember what it is to be a child and to continue discovering the world and experiencing life.
24 February 2012
Sewing Sewing in My Little Home
I intended to make some Valentine's skirts for the girls...mostly to use up some fabric that I think is a little cheesy. Gianna was dying for a dress, so I made this jumper and shirt. Emily, on the other hand, wanted a white skirt. So, I created this for her. She hasn't seen it yet (or tried it on). I hope it is as cute on her as I imagine!
15 February 2012
My Parenting Dilemma
I've often heard the words "strict" when others have referenced our style of parenting. I see it as being consistent. So, when I'm presented with this, I have a bit of a parenting dilemma. I sent the girls to bed. Typically, they go to bed without argument or issue. Tonight, I went in to kiss them goodnight (we have a really funny ritual of hugs and kisses goodnight) and turn off their light, I discovered these adorable cutie pies sitting together and reading and discussing a book. Seriously? What is a parent (and a bookworm herself) to do?? =)
13 February 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
Did you know that making 30 unique Valentine's cards is hard work and requires more than an hour? Of course, that's partially because the designer and artist was a 5 year old. We just spent every moment from the time she got out of school until she went to bed creating these lovely works of art...and then deciding which one would go to which classmate at school.
It was a lot of fun. I definitely will try to do better next year and have the creation process completed before the eve of Valentine's Day, but I'm still a beginner at this!
I will also know that I cannot actually watch the creation process. I'm too much of a perfectionist and spent too much time freaking out over the abundance of glue my children used. BREATHE, Liz! It'll all be okay. Glue dries...eventually...
Anyway, we did enjoy the activity and I look forward to more years of construction paper creations with my children.
08 February 2012
04 February 2012
Amazed by You
I have been singing for quite awhile and have had several opportunities to sing in front of both small and large groups. I have yet to experience one of these events without shaking knees and a tremor in my voice. I wish I was that brave but I just am not. And, it doesn't seem to make any difference the frequency with which I "perform"...it's just always a bit uncomfortable for me.
In what appears to be a complete contrast with me, my daughter just nails it when she performs. The child is amazing and doesn't let nerves get the best of her. She sang very well last night at her school's talent show. This wasn't just an anybody can perform kind of deal...you need some talent to be selected. She was the only one her age that performed and she was one of the best singers last night. She stayed on key, knew her words and music AND wasn't even flustered by the mic not being turned on when her music started.
I'm definitely proud of my little darling girl. She draws her strength from her faith in Christ. She practiced a couple times on the way to the school and kept messing up. She said a prayer for herself and, well, the results are there to see. If you haven't gotten to see her yet, send me a message and I'll email you the info so you can watch the clip.
Emily, I am definitely amazed by you and all you do.
In what appears to be a complete contrast with me, my daughter just nails it when she performs. The child is amazing and doesn't let nerves get the best of her. She sang very well last night at her school's talent show. This wasn't just an anybody can perform kind of deal...you need some talent to be selected. She was the only one her age that performed and she was one of the best singers last night. She stayed on key, knew her words and music AND wasn't even flustered by the mic not being turned on when her music started.
I'm definitely proud of my little darling girl. She draws her strength from her faith in Christ. She practiced a couple times on the way to the school and kept messing up. She said a prayer for herself and, well, the results are there to see. If you haven't gotten to see her yet, send me a message and I'll email you the info so you can watch the clip.
Emily, I am definitely amazed by you and all you do.
03 February 2012
Last Year's Bob the Builder Project Completed
In a struggling economy, it really isn't the best idea to try to sell a house. But, sometimes it just IS the right time to be moving onward and upward. So, what you do is figure out ways to set your house apart from the rest without moving your price point upwards with it.
We decided to build a shed. This isn't some mambsy-pambsy tool shed or something pre-made. This is a built by the sweat of our brows and is wood and vinyl siding (yes, the exact siding as our house...the most expensive part of the project, except we actually already had the majority of the pieces we needed as they were left over from the house being built).
The girls refer to this as "Daddy's house" and it was actually built with the intention that Eric use it as a workshop and as housing for his bikes (motorcycles) for as long as we remain here.
31 January 2012
A Couple of Game Reviews
Who doesn't love the "Pigeon" book series? Guess what? They have a game, too! It's a simple board game that even my three year old can play...and beat us at. We found ours at a Target clearance. Fun game and the whole family can play. You have to move around the board, but sometimes your spin moves the pigeon around the board. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Game has given us a lot of laughs as Eric almost ONLY spins for the Pigeon. hahah! Neither of us has ever won a game, so apparently it feels the touch of a child's hand (seriously, it's kind of funny that we keep losing and we aren't ones to just let the kids win, either...losing and winning builds character).
Second game that I recommend? It's one we haven't purchased yet but had fun with last night with some friends. It's called Scrabble Slam. It's a quick card game version of Scrabble. It's great because it is limited to four letter words and you just play your cards until you empty you hand, changing the word one letter at a time! But, you have to be careful because as soon as you see a quick word change, someone else did too! Who is going to lay it down first? That's the fun! You can find this for around $5 if on a clearance sale, but can go up to about $15.
Second game that I recommend? It's one we haven't purchased yet but had fun with last night with some friends. It's called Scrabble Slam. It's a quick card game version of Scrabble. It's great because it is limited to four letter words and you just play your cards until you empty you hand, changing the word one letter at a time! But, you have to be careful because as soon as you see a quick word change, someone else did too! Who is going to lay it down first? That's the fun! You can find this for around $5 if on a clearance sale, but can go up to about $15.
26 January 2012
Like Mother, Like Daughter is True
Have you ever wondered about the saying, "Like father, like son" (original proverb being "qualis pater talis filius," or "as is the father, so is the son.") was true? Or, in like manner, like mother, like daughter? Let me give you a strong affirmative to that!
About two years ago a man by the name of M. Russell Ballard spoke about this concept and how daughters will do the things their mothers will. The influence of a mother is great, powerful, and very real.
I chose to ride a bike with a bike trailer attached in order to take my daughter to and from school. I've been doing this for awhile now and have only thought about how I'm saving gas, the planet, and precious time with my children...PLUS the fact that I kill two birds with one stone by also getting in daily exercise. Last week my children decided that they wanted to get exercise, too. Gianna refers to walking home as her "princess exercise." It's a full two miles between the school and our home. TWO miles that my children CHOOSE to walk. Why do they choose to walk? Because they see that I enjoy exercise and being fit and healthy and they have that influence in their lives.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be an example for my children. I just hope that my example is a good one more often than a poor one. =)
About two years ago a man by the name of M. Russell Ballard spoke about this concept and how daughters will do the things their mothers will. The influence of a mother is great, powerful, and very real.
I chose to ride a bike with a bike trailer attached in order to take my daughter to and from school. I've been doing this for awhile now and have only thought about how I'm saving gas, the planet, and precious time with my children...PLUS the fact that I kill two birds with one stone by also getting in daily exercise. Last week my children decided that they wanted to get exercise, too. Gianna refers to walking home as her "princess exercise." It's a full two miles between the school and our home. TWO miles that my children CHOOSE to walk. Why do they choose to walk? Because they see that I enjoy exercise and being fit and healthy and they have that influence in their lives.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be an example for my children. I just hope that my example is a good one more often than a poor one. =)
24 January 2012
Each of us has a set of priorities and we value things based on that. However, sometimes it really makes me laugh to see how priorities create interesting situations. I am only using the following to illustrate. I'm sure I'm guilty of the same thing in my own set of priorities, but this makes me laugh.
First, an individual calls me for a favor. I do some sewing for the individual because they just couldn't justify spending x number of dollars "just for hemming pants" but had no problem calling me to come and do it for free.
Second, the same individual allows me to borrow a movie they just purchased. Somehow it feels like this is my "payment" for services rendered.
Do you see the irony here? Because the priority was set for the purchase of an anticipated new release, the tailoring which was a necessity was valued less. The bottom line for me is to remember that necessities ALWAYS take precedence over wants.
So, I'll sit back tonight and evaluate why my priorities are set the way they are and try to find something to improve upon.
First, an individual calls me for a favor. I do some sewing for the individual because they just couldn't justify spending x number of dollars "just for hemming pants" but had no problem calling me to come and do it for free.
Second, the same individual allows me to borrow a movie they just purchased. Somehow it feels like this is my "payment" for services rendered.
Do you see the irony here? Because the priority was set for the purchase of an anticipated new release, the tailoring which was a necessity was valued less. The bottom line for me is to remember that necessities ALWAYS take precedence over wants.
So, I'll sit back tonight and evaluate why my priorities are set the way they are and try to find something to improve upon.
18 January 2012
I did not realize that kudzu was a plant that wasn't in common knowledge, so I will enlighten those not inhabiting the southeastern portion of The United States, China, or Japan.
Kudzu is a vine which grows rather rapidly. In fact, it is reported that it can grow as much as a foot a day during the summer months! Crazy! It turns the wilderness in Georgia into a tropical paradise. It transforms telephone poles and dead trees into living trees. Thus the reason for the significance of my "Quote of the Day" which has been up there for over a year (apparently I haven't found another good one).
If you haven't read it: "In the absense of facts, myth rushes in, the kudzu of history." --Stacy Schiff
Kudzu is a vine which grows rather rapidly. In fact, it is reported that it can grow as much as a foot a day during the summer months! Crazy! It turns the wilderness in Georgia into a tropical paradise. It transforms telephone poles and dead trees into living trees. Thus the reason for the significance of my "Quote of the Day" which has been up there for over a year (apparently I haven't found another good one).
If you haven't read it: "In the absense of facts, myth rushes in, the kudzu of history." --Stacy Schiff
17 January 2012
When a Pyramid Becomes a Plate
I've always been of the mindset that a good relationship with food will help you to be a happier, healthier person. That being said, when you haven't been raised with a well-balanced diet, I understand that that relationship can be a bit off. Thankfully, I was raised in a home that did a good job of well-balanced meals. Sure, it wasn't EVERY night (come on, sometimes we WERE on the run and a hotdog was the only thing we had as we ducked in and back out the door for activities), but it was more common to eat correctly than not. So, people need some guidance on how to properly balance their meals/eating opportunities to be healthy.
That being said, I always thought the food pyramid was a bit whack. It's not really relate-able and, therefore, not easily followed. So, now that they have adjusted to LOOKING at our plates, because, let's be real, things in theory are a lot different than reality, this can really help people to start realizing what they are really doing because...they LOOK at their plates when they eat!! When I am taught a concept using an image, and I later see that same image, I am reminded of the teaching. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, when I look at my plate, I will definitely remember the "Choose My Plate" system.
Here's to hoping for a better, healthier populace! And check this out, if you haven't yet.
http://www.choosemyplate.gov/ (I kept trying to make it a link, but there is something wrong with the server at the moment.) And, in the event you are interested at some studies about veggies, check out "Forks Over Knives" at http://www.forksoverknives.com/ or on Netflix. The main point I want you to listen to is the way your stomach processes on three levels to "know" it is eating right.
That being said, I always thought the food pyramid was a bit whack. It's not really relate-able and, therefore, not easily followed. So, now that they have adjusted to LOOKING at our plates, because, let's be real, things in theory are a lot different than reality, this can really help people to start realizing what they are really doing because...they LOOK at their plates when they eat!! When I am taught a concept using an image, and I later see that same image, I am reminded of the teaching. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, when I look at my plate, I will definitely remember the "Choose My Plate" system.
Here's to hoping for a better, healthier populace! And check this out, if you haven't yet.
http://www.choosemyplate.gov/ (I kept trying to make it a link, but there is something wrong with the server at the moment.) And, in the event you are interested at some studies about veggies, check out "Forks Over Knives" at http://www.forksoverknives.com/ or on Netflix. The main point I want you to listen to is the way your stomach processes on three levels to "know" it is eating right.
Cuteness Comes from Kids
Seriously, you want to hear something adorable? Ask Gianna to quote "her" scripture. She memorized John 14:15 last week and shared it with our Primary on Sunday. Although she can recite it completely on her own, she wasn't sure what she was supposed to do so I prompted her (um...it was her 3rd Sunday ever in Primary and remember, she JUST turned 3 before the New Year) . I love her version of "commandments"..."mamandments". Too cute!
And, Emily did the Family Home Evening lesson last night, which was super cute. She told the story of Jonah and then related a time in her life when she needed to repent...which she prepared that all on her own. This girl is going to be such a great example to people her whole life...namely ME. She informed me today that when she is old like me she is going to get married and say, "Time for Scriptures and Prayer! Just like you, Mommy. And then we'll do it."
And, Emily did the Family Home Evening lesson last night, which was super cute. She told the story of Jonah and then related a time in her life when she needed to repent...which she prepared that all on her own. This girl is going to be such a great example to people her whole life...namely ME. She informed me today that when she is old like me she is going to get married and say, "Time for Scriptures and Prayer! Just like you, Mommy. And then we'll do it."
16 January 2012
Learning from a Child
There are two things I want to share that actually go together.
First, I'm learning more and more what TRUE forgiveness is. There is a child with whom Emily plays with on occasion (see previous post about me being a recluse). I've had frustrations with the way the friend treats Emily and I've broached the topic with my child. Her response is so Christlike and put me in my place in that sweet, loving way the Spirit can move you. She told me, "But Mommy, I forgive (this person) and it's okay." OUCH! Apparently I was harboring a lot more pride than my daughter ever thought about.
Secondly, when praying this morning over our breakfast, Emily prayed thanks for "The man who's birthday is today." I have to say this really excites me. She can't remember the incredibly long name (come on, technically it IS four names!), but she does remember that he was an important figure in our nation's history. I KNOW I have shirked in my responsibility to explain what Martin Luther King, Jr. did and why, but I have to applaud her teachers for helping her to be culturally aware. And, because I want to encourage that, we're going to have a birthday party in honor of him and accomplishing that dream of black and white and all others of playing and getting along together. If we all were a little more liberal in our forgiving, we CAN have that world where we become not only color-blind, but remove all of those barriers that divide and anger citizens of planet earth.
First, I'm learning more and more what TRUE forgiveness is. There is a child with whom Emily plays with on occasion (see previous post about me being a recluse). I've had frustrations with the way the friend treats Emily and I've broached the topic with my child. Her response is so Christlike and put me in my place in that sweet, loving way the Spirit can move you. She told me, "But Mommy, I forgive (this person) and it's okay." OUCH! Apparently I was harboring a lot more pride than my daughter ever thought about.
Secondly, when praying this morning over our breakfast, Emily prayed thanks for "The man who's birthday is today." I have to say this really excites me. She can't remember the incredibly long name (come on, technically it IS four names!), but she does remember that he was an important figure in our nation's history. I KNOW I have shirked in my responsibility to explain what Martin Luther King, Jr. did and why, but I have to applaud her teachers for helping her to be culturally aware. And, because I want to encourage that, we're going to have a birthday party in honor of him and accomplishing that dream of black and white and all others of playing and getting along together. If we all were a little more liberal in our forgiving, we CAN have that world where we become not only color-blind, but remove all of those barriers that divide and anger citizens of planet earth.
69 and Counting
I've finally gotten around to getting my sewing supplies organized. In doing so, I have scanned in all of my new patterns. By "new" I mean those patterns which I personally have purchased since getting married. I have a whole other collection of cool finds from patterns people have either given to me or that I have scavenged at estate and garage sales (those vintage patterns are really cool and I hope to resurrect some of them in the future...however near or far that future may need to be).
Anyway, 69!! That's a lot. And, sadly, a large majority of them are UNUSED!! Of course, since I only purchase them when they are on sale....okay, not "only" but some patterns just never do go on sale....I tend to purchase them in lots of 10, because that is typically the limit. So, with that in mind, I've only purchased patterns about 7 times in the past 6 years. Not really that awful when it is put into perspective, but STILL!! I hope to have a greater portion of these used by the end of 2012. We'll see if that can be accomplished.
Sewing is fun, but drooling over designs may be even more fun...because they stay perfect and I don't know the flaws of construction personally.
Anyway, 69!! That's a lot. And, sadly, a large majority of them are UNUSED!! Of course, since I only purchase them when they are on sale....okay, not "only" but some patterns just never do go on sale....I tend to purchase them in lots of 10, because that is typically the limit. So, with that in mind, I've only purchased patterns about 7 times in the past 6 years. Not really that awful when it is put into perspective, but STILL!! I hope to have a greater portion of these used by the end of 2012. We'll see if that can be accomplished.
Sewing is fun, but drooling over designs may be even more fun...because they stay perfect and I don't know the flaws of construction personally.
09 January 2012
Math Brain Meets Linguist Brain
This may sound mean to some, but it was hilarious in the moment.
Emily is VERY much like me. Letters, words, art...it all comes fairly naturally and easily. Gianna is very much like Eric. They are both very good with shapes and numbers and patterns.
Emily learned that 3 and 2 is 5. She can recite that. She can demonstrate it with objects. However, if you ask her the questions, "What does 3+2 equal?" she will take a moment to set it up on her hands and calculate. No big deal, the child is in kindergarten. So, then we asked her the reverse, "What does 2+3 equal?" Having already put down her hands, she again holds them up and counts out the fingers. We played this game a few times until she finally caught on that we were asking the same question. Next, we changed it up doing the same thing with 4+1. Again, it took her awhile to catch on. Eric and I just kept giggling.
This morning, we played with Emily again. We thought she had surely figured it out and memorized the fact. No! Here's where it gets even funnier. After asking Emily the first time, Gianna sat quietly, but once we started asking more, Gianna would shout out, giving her sister ample time to have already replied, "Five!" So, here, my just-turned-3-year-old had already figured out that the answer to EVERYTHING we were asking was five.
Oh, we had a good laugh, including Emily, but it also really defines the different types of thinking (aka "brains") in our family. Emily is exceptionally bright. She'll memorize facts like nothing, but Gianna is just as bright and catches us all off guard.
It's fun living here.
Emily is VERY much like me. Letters, words, art...it all comes fairly naturally and easily. Gianna is very much like Eric. They are both very good with shapes and numbers and patterns.
Emily learned that 3 and 2 is 5. She can recite that. She can demonstrate it with objects. However, if you ask her the questions, "What does 3+2 equal?" she will take a moment to set it up on her hands and calculate. No big deal, the child is in kindergarten. So, then we asked her the reverse, "What does 2+3 equal?" Having already put down her hands, she again holds them up and counts out the fingers. We played this game a few times until she finally caught on that we were asking the same question. Next, we changed it up doing the same thing with 4+1. Again, it took her awhile to catch on. Eric and I just kept giggling.
This morning, we played with Emily again. We thought she had surely figured it out and memorized the fact. No! Here's where it gets even funnier. After asking Emily the first time, Gianna sat quietly, but once we started asking more, Gianna would shout out, giving her sister ample time to have already replied, "Five!" So, here, my just-turned-3-year-old had already figured out that the answer to EVERYTHING we were asking was five.
Oh, we had a good laugh, including Emily, but it also really defines the different types of thinking (aka "brains") in our family. Emily is exceptionally bright. She'll memorize facts like nothing, but Gianna is just as bright and catches us all off guard.
It's fun living here.
07 January 2012
Accomplishment Wish of 2012
I know I won't finish it this year, but I would like to REALLY start writing my autobiography. Working with Mr. Jarrett has encouraged me along this path. I can write EVERYTHING I want and edit later. We'll see how it goes.
How am I going to do this? Well, I have found the benefit of recording things online...such as this blog...but I also have an online journal that I write in. So, I will write in there and it will be a continuous entry or something. I thought about doing it with the self-publisher I found, but there is something screwy in the program at the moment. I mostly want to work on recording my mission memories and early marriage years before I forget important things. From there I will work backwards and start chronicling my college years, high school years, and such. My childhood still has others who can help me remember, but most of the rest is on my own.
So, here goes! Wish me luck.
How am I going to do this? Well, I have found the benefit of recording things online...such as this blog...but I also have an online journal that I write in. So, I will write in there and it will be a continuous entry or something. I thought about doing it with the self-publisher I found, but there is something screwy in the program at the moment. I mostly want to work on recording my mission memories and early marriage years before I forget important things. From there I will work backwards and start chronicling my college years, high school years, and such. My childhood still has others who can help me remember, but most of the rest is on my own.
So, here goes! Wish me luck.
01 January 2012
It's Not About Me
It's a brand new year. A year bursting with excitement and anticipation of what all will happen; both those things we expect and the unknown that may surprise us.
With that in mind, I hope I can remember all through the year and, therefore, all through the rest of my life that it isn't about me.
I'm nearly finished with the "90 day challenge" that was given to members of my ward, nearly 90 days ago. There are so many things I learned, relearned, and increased in understanding through this most recent reading of this sacred book.
I wish I could convey those new insights I have gained. I am completely powerless to express them to you. I wanted to share them with my congregation today. I attempted again just now. I've tried to write them in my journal. At no point am I able to give words to the thoughts and understanding I am now blessed with. What I am required to do now is not to TELL you what I have learned, but hopefully, through my actions, you can come to understand the greater peace, knowledge and wisdom that has graced my life. Because, it is not about me. It is all about God. God and his wonderful, matchless love for each and every one of us. If I can just remember that it IS all about Him, I'll do okay.
Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth and goodwill to men.
Have a very fabulous New Year, my friends.
With that in mind, I hope I can remember all through the year and, therefore, all through the rest of my life that it isn't about me.
I'm nearly finished with the "90 day challenge" that was given to members of my ward, nearly 90 days ago. There are so many things I learned, relearned, and increased in understanding through this most recent reading of this sacred book.
I wish I could convey those new insights I have gained. I am completely powerless to express them to you. I wanted to share them with my congregation today. I attempted again just now. I've tried to write them in my journal. At no point am I able to give words to the thoughts and understanding I am now blessed with. What I am required to do now is not to TELL you what I have learned, but hopefully, through my actions, you can come to understand the greater peace, knowledge and wisdom that has graced my life. Because, it is not about me. It is all about God. God and his wonderful, matchless love for each and every one of us. If I can just remember that it IS all about Him, I'll do okay.
Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth and goodwill to men.
Have a very fabulous New Year, my friends.
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