03 March 2012

Her First Lost Tooth

In our home, we've been discussing how to refer to the missing spot in one's mouth after losing a tooth because....Emily lost her first tooth!!
I can't believe we've reach this stage already. It's funny how much of a mother's time is spent in nostalgia. It isn't that I need to relive those years, but it would be pretty awesome to have some video recording so I could replay those moments.
I now have a "medium" child and a "little" child. Apparently you become "medium" when you start losing your teeth.
It's hard to imagine being a happier mother than I already am. I look forward to what the future brings and these beautiful children who help me remember what it is to be a child and to continue discovering the world and experiencing life.

1 comment:

Momma Sarah said...

Seeing that picture of her makes me think I'm 10 years old again! She reminds me SO much of you!