09 January 2012

Math Brain Meets Linguist Brain

This may sound mean to some, but it was hilarious in the moment.
Emily is VERY much like me. Letters, words, art...it all comes fairly naturally and easily. Gianna is very much like Eric. They are both very good with shapes and numbers and patterns.
Emily learned that 3 and 2 is 5. She can recite that. She can demonstrate it with objects. However, if you ask her the questions, "What does 3+2 equal?" she will take a moment to set it up on her hands and calculate. No big deal, the child is in kindergarten. So, then we asked her the reverse, "What does 2+3 equal?" Having already put down her hands, she again holds them up and counts out the fingers. We played this game a few times until she finally caught on that we were asking the same question. Next, we changed it up doing the same thing with 4+1. Again, it took her awhile to catch on. Eric and I just kept giggling.
This morning, we played with Emily again. We thought she had surely figured it out and memorized the fact. No! Here's where it gets even funnier. After asking Emily the first time, Gianna sat quietly, but once we started asking more, Gianna would shout out, giving her sister ample time to have already replied, "Five!" So, here, my just-turned-3-year-old had already figured out that the answer to EVERYTHING we were asking was five.
Oh, we had a good laugh, including Emily, but it also really defines the different types of thinking (aka "brains") in our family. Emily is exceptionally bright. She'll memorize facts like nothing, but Gianna is just as bright and catches us all off guard.
It's fun living here.

1 comment:

Momma Sarah said...

It's it just amazing and awesome to watch each child's talents emerge? I LOVE it!!!