I know I won't finish it this year, but I would like to REALLY start writing my autobiography. Working with Mr. Jarrett has encouraged me along this path. I can write EVERYTHING I want and edit later. We'll see how it goes.
How am I going to do this? Well, I have found the benefit of recording things online...such as this blog...but I also have an online journal that I write in. So, I will write in there and it will be a continuous entry or something. I thought about doing it with the self-publisher I found, but there is something screwy in the program at the moment. I mostly want to work on recording my mission memories and early marriage years before I forget important things. From there I will work backwards and start chronicling my college years, high school years, and such. My childhood still has others who can help me remember, but most of the rest is on my own.
So, here goes! Wish me luck.
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