18 January 2012


I did not realize that kudzu was a plant that wasn't in common knowledge, so I will enlighten those not inhabiting the southeastern portion of The United States, China, or Japan.
Kudzu is a vine which grows rather rapidly. In fact, it is reported that it can grow as much as a foot a day during the summer months! Crazy! It turns the wilderness in Georgia into a tropical paradise. It transforms telephone poles and dead trees into living trees. Thus the reason for the significance of my "Quote of the Day" which has been up there for over a year (apparently I haven't found another good one).
If you haven't read it: "In the absense of facts, myth rushes in, the kudzu of history." --Stacy Schiff

1 comment:

The Doctors Wife said...

I miss kudzu. although, when I lived in GA I always thought of how many dead bodies somebody could hide just on the side of the road because the vines would cover them up.