26 January 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter is True

Have you ever wondered about the saying, "Like father, like son" (original proverb being "qualis pater talis filius," or "as is the father, so is the son.") was true? Or, in like manner, like mother, like daughter? Let me give you a strong affirmative to that!
About two years ago a man by the name of M. Russell Ballard spoke about this concept and how daughters will do the things their mothers will. The influence of a mother is great, powerful, and very real.
I chose to ride a bike with a bike trailer attached in order to take my daughter to and from school. I've been doing this for awhile now and have only thought about how I'm saving gas, the planet, and precious time with my children...PLUS the fact that I kill two birds with one stone by also getting in daily exercise. Last week my children decided that they wanted to get exercise, too. Gianna refers to walking home as her "princess exercise." It's a full two miles between the school and our home. TWO miles that my children CHOOSE to walk. Why do they choose to walk? Because they see that I enjoy exercise and being fit and healthy and they have that influence in their lives.
I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be an example for my children. I just hope that my example is a good one more often than a poor one. =)

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