01 January 2012

It's Not About Me

It's a brand new year. A year bursting with excitement and anticipation of what all will happen; both those things we expect and the unknown that may surprise us.
With that in mind, I hope I can remember all through the year and, therefore, all through the rest of my life that it isn't about me.
I'm nearly finished with the "90 day challenge" that was given to members of my ward, nearly 90 days ago. There are so many things I learned, relearned, and increased in understanding through this most recent reading of this sacred book.
I wish I could convey those new insights I have gained. I am completely powerless to express them to you. I wanted to share them with my congregation today. I attempted again just now. I've tried to write them in my journal. At no point am I able to give words to the thoughts and understanding I am now blessed with. What I am required to do now is not to TELL you what I have learned, but hopefully, through my actions, you can come to understand the greater peace, knowledge and wisdom that has graced my life. Because, it is not about me. It is all about God. God and his wonderful, matchless love for each and every one of us. If I can just remember that it IS all about Him, I'll do okay.
Glory to God in the highest and peace on earth and goodwill to men.
Have a very fabulous New Year, my friends.

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