Can anyone guess? No, it isn't something Hannah killed. It's actually Hannah...or at least her excess fur, that is. It's definitely summer time which means an enormous amount of shedding from our wonderful dog. It's a good thing she's a small GSD, because adding more inches to her would probably double the amount of fur she is shedding.
We got up this morning and Em and I went out and combed Hannah with her de-shedding comb(you can't get this stuff off with a regular dog brush/comb). Let me just tell you that I love this little tool. It's been so worth it. Hannah has a lot more fur to come off, but after awhile we both get tired of it. I put the frisbee next to it so you could appreciate the size of this hairball.
I hate dog hair, you guys should just have her shaved for the summer and not worry so much about it.
I can see it! A bald Hannah! Actually, that's kind of a scary picture. I don't like pet hair either Stef! But, I DO like Hannah! Hmmm...
Yeah, shaving sounds good until I have to smother her in sunscreen everyday. She's basically been relegated to her chain lately (I have no energy to fight her AND Em), so she stays outside most of the time right now.
really gross!
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