02 September 2009

UPS Brings a Smile

I just watched a UPS truck (and trailer...how exciting!) drive into our little cul-de-sac. I couldn't help but feel those wonderful butterflies of excitement. Perhaps there was a package in that big brown truck for me!!
There wasn't. He didn't even slow down in front of my house. Still, there is joy in the air because someone is receiving something good. I just know it!
On the mission, district meetings were ended with the doling out of the precious material known as mail. If you were EXTREMELY loved, you would get a big, squarish box taped on every end and sealed with a packing label. Ah, to be so lucky!! Mail was the one outlet to your "old" life and the "real" world that was happily going on without you. Don't ask me how this actually makes you feel good to know you are "left out"...it just does.
Anyway, (and not complaining) I didn't receive very many of those highly anticipated envelopes. Even fewer packages. However, each one I received was like the Christmas orange: devoured yet trying to savor each piece. In fact, some of my companions and I chose to share our mail and would read our treasures aloud to one another. Oh, the wonderful words of a companion's letter shared on a disastrous week of enforced mail fasting!
Thank you to both those who sent letters or packages as well as those companions who shared their wealth with me. And, thank you, UPS man, for brightening my day even without delivering me a package!

1 comment:

The Doctors Wife said...

The UPS guy comes to my house at least twice a month (the benefit of running a direct sales business)He came 4 times in one week once and each day I was just as excited to see him. The UPS guy I had in Fort Worth new me well and sometimes when we were out walking several blocks away from where we lived he would drive by, wave, and inform me he'd be by later.
If you want the UPS guy to bring you something I could sell you Pampered Chef, Usborne Books, or Scentsy and give you a discount to boot on all of them.