It's official. We have them home with collars on and snoozing in their kennel. Emily is a bit upset because they can't really play for about 5 days b/c of their surgery (pound puppies MUST be fixed before they can go to their new home). Yeah, try explaining that to the puppies, too!
The brown nosed one with the broader head tends to be the silent one. We still haven't heard her make a noise (typical of the Basenji breed)but is very loving and wants your attention. The other (the more GSD looking of the two) seems more outgoing and does make noise, but not just to bark, either...she just has to stand up for the 2 of them against Hannah and Emily hovering over them and hurting their owies.
No one thought these dogs were puppies, but they are!! They are only 5 months old, which is great because they are still young and impressionable. I DO have the joy of housebreaking them, but that's okay. I don't mind, although it will probably make for long days over the next week or so. And, no worries, they are basically full grown at this point, though they may fill out a bit more over the next year or so.
We're still up in the air on names. We're taking suggestions, so if you have a name for either of them or even just one of them, let us know!! It's fun to see what people think are good dog names, anyway. We are NOT looking for silly rhyming names (no Trixie and Dixie or Mandy and Sandy, please!) and I am also a non-fan of candy-named dogs, either.
So what you're saying is you don't want to name them Oreo or Cream Puff either? ahahha [galio]
It's hard cause I don't know personalities. I love the name georgie...esther is good too!
They are so cute!
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