06 May 2009

Butterfly House

Emily, Gianna, and I went on our own adventure yesterday. We went to see the Butterfly House at Callaway Gardens. I got a lesson in photography...you can't exactly photo moving butterflies.


Picture this. They don't allow strollers inside the butterfly house (they don't want you to run over the butterflies), so I had to carry Gianna around inside this hot, extremely humid room. Of course, I have also lectured Emily on the "look don't touch" issue. So, being a somewhat paranoid mother of a toddler in a no-touch room, carrying a squiggly 4 month old, and trying to chase butterflies around with our camera. It must have been a sight to see. I eventually realized how pointless it was and how crazy I must have looked. I then started filming the butterflies...I'll post that later...hopefully I can figure it out. 
Anyway, here are a few of the pictures that weren't blurred and fuzzy images. Oh, and yes, there are two mating...there was a lot of mating going on around 4:30 yesterday afternoon. Blech!


Ryan said...

Looks like a cool place!

The Roes said...

I'm probably the only person you'll ever hear this from, but I'm not that fond of butterflies. They are just glorified moths. Blech! They make my skin crawl thinking of them. [antsu]