13 August 2009

The Best Summer Ever

Summer ended for us yesterday.
We spent the past two months or so hanging out with my youngest sister who came down to visit us. It was a blast! I'm not saying we did anything truly out of the ordinary, she just made every day a bit more fun. I had no idea someone could fit into our little world so perfectly and am very glad she did!
Some great memories:
BoPeep in da house!
Ax Murderer Inn
Spankings at any game played (yes, we're such losers, Susan)
Mary Poppin's Umbrella
"A dog walker would be the best job!"
Crazy-talk Emily
Rock Band
Driving, driving everywhere!
Help on the homestead
Big Balls
Sweet Biscuits
Scrunchy-face Gianna
Seasoning the food
Movie Marathon
FB quizzes
All-night (almost) Mario Party
Baking Powder vs Baking Soda: who wins
BoPeep, because it deserves mentioning twice
We miss you, Susan! Come back soon!!!

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