12 March 2009

An Encounter with a Pick-Pocket

Have you ever noticed how quickly someone can take things out of your pocket? Maybe you've never had this encounter before. Luckily, our only encounter has been with our toddler.
Eric came home from work and had some money in his pocket. Apparently, Emily reached in and took one of the bills. He didn't notice it until she thew a wadded up piece of something on the floor. Only then did he realize that he'd been had for $5!
She also has quick hands at the store. I had her riding in one of those car-carts at our local Kroger. As I was checking out, the bag boy asked if I wanted the candy and held up a stick of Mentos. Uh...no! So, now I have to be really careful going through lines and stores. (As a side note, I'm starting to purchase things at different stores because Emily grabs things. Twice last week she grabbed items in stores and broke them...thankfully, small and inexpensive items, but still! This girl needs to keep her hands to herself!)


The Doctors Wife said...

I caught Brian grabbing the cash people set on the counter to pay for their food at the Costco Food Court. He had quick hands but not quick enough.

miss said...

What do you teach your children?
lol...Emily is a klepto!