05 March 2008

When We're Helping We're Happy

I got up this morning and started cleaning. When I came out of the laundry room, this is what I found. So, cute, huh? Emily really loves to do the things I do. She also helped me vacuum the cushions from the sofa and she loves helping me with the laundry and dishes. If only this would continue through life!!


The Doctors Wife said...

oh yes, I think I remember the days when my children thought cleaning was fun. Well, at least they still think scrubbing the toilet is fun. I just wish they wouldn't use their toothbrushes.

Momma Sarah said...

Go Emily! Love that hair! That is a different vantage point you given us in that picture! I love your house!

Boyd Box said...

rachel commented on the same thing about the view this gives of our house...when I sent pictures out, I was hitting them as "blah-blah room" instead of showing you how they work together. Thanks! I love my house, too!