20 March 2008

From Another Point of View

If you haven't heard yet, my brother-in-law Adam is getting baptized next month!! We are so excited for him and his family. What an amazing blessing.
As Eric and I were discussing things last night we realized how amazing it is to have someone you have known for so long make the decision to be baptized. Don't get me wrong, those incredible individuals I was blessed to interact with and teach in Las Vegas who chose to be baptized are important and their baptisms are highlights in my life. However, as a close family member, this makes it all the more amazing. Adam has been around the family for seven years (or something like that...I get mixed up sometimes, so correct me if I am wrong!). In that time period, he has been an outstanding guy and a Christian. There's a quote that states, "The gospel will make bad men good and good men better" (quoted by Pres. Monson, Pres. Hinckley, Legrand Richards, and Pres. McKay...take your pick). Well, the latter pertains to Adam...it will make this good man even better!
Congratulations, Adam! May the Spirit continue to prompt and guide you in your life! We love you!

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