15 March 2008

Does a Fish Beg?

It was 9:30pm and Emily was DYING to go swimming again. Eric called the front desk and asked if he could take her out. They said as long as they were quiet, they could stay out all night. Well, taking her to the pool was actually going to keep her quiet, so out they went. It was way too cold for me, but they had fun swimming and floating in the pool at night.
We did go down to the beach, but Em was not a fan of the roar of the waves, so mostly we just walked or dug up the beach with her sand shovel. We're not at the point of understanding building; only tearing down.

(So as not to offend with Emily's nudity, I painted a suit on her in photoshop. If you'd like to order one of these designer swimsuits, please call 1800BoydSwm.)


Momma Sarah said...

Cute suit! I was wondering about that 2-pc! ha ha!!

Stefanie said...

America's Next Top Model watch out!