04 July 2010

Finally Put Together

A few years ago a lady in my ward gave me all her sewing materials. I sorted through and found this great fabric. I immediately knew I wanted to recreate a skirt another friend gave me, but adjust it to be longer. I made my pattern and cut the fabric and then realized that I had no clue how to put in a zipper...and that I didn't even HAVE a zipper.
Fast forward to yesterday when I was working on some other sewing when I remembered that we finally found an appropriate zipper (seriously, it's kinda rough trying to find certain sewing materials in my are). I decided to sew the skirt and attempt my first zipper.
Sure, if you look closely at it, or if you are a good seamstress yourself, you'll notice that it isn't perfect and that I need more practice. However, I'm so happy that I can create something that I can get past my perfectionist attitude and just wear it proudly. If I could have gotten over that when I was younger, I may have pursued a different course in life. I've only been teaching myself to sew since I got married and my in-laws gave me the most awesome gift of a sewing machine, but I think I've come a pretty long way and have become more confident in my abilities (which, truth be told, is the key to being successful in my book!).

(And, yes, I'm standing on the side of our tub to get a picture. My camera has been having issues and it's about the only way I could take a picture of myself...especially since the automatic focus no longer works. Do you know how hard it is to balance in heels on the side of a tub while looking through a camera? I'm just saying... Another point: I'm not sure why it looks like it's asymmetrical...it's not supposed to be. I think it is just the way it is hanging off my hips?? Maybe no one else noticed or they were too nice to comment at church?)

1 comment:

Momma Sarah said...

LOL! I didn't even notice that you were standing on the side of the tub until you mentioned it AND, I think the skirt looks GREAT! Way to go! I'm still to nervous to try zippers.