04 July 2010

Meet The Hamster

It's a bird! It's a plane! No! It's The Hamster!!!
Err...well, so he isn't a superhero or a hamster, but we can't convince Emily that this animal is called a guinea pig. We can't decide on a name at the moment, so we just call him "The Hamster". It might just stick. We'll see.
Anyway, we have our friends to thank for this addition to our family. Somehow as they were trying to convince us to get one, Emily thought we agreed to get her one. She guilt-ed us about it afterward and was really upset that we didn't go home with one (our friends weren't giving us theirs, they just wanted us to go get one...but, explain that to a nearly 4 yr old). In fact, the next day she brought me my cell and told me I should call our friends to ask them if they were taking naps or if we could go get "The Hamster".
We eventually ended up at a pet store where Emily barfed (seriously, as soon as we got to that section of the store). She and I went to clean up and came back to find Eric and Gianna with guinea pig supplies loaded in the cart. He figured since they were "on sale" and that they were now only $8 more than where our friends got their newest (but there was a drive involved in getting the one from the farm), it was a go-ahead.
Lesson learned: guilt your parents then barf and you'll get what you want. =)


Crystal said...

Congrats on the "hamster." Zach and I had an orange one when we were dating and named him Hobbes. Then we got him a buddy and named it Calvin. So there are a couple suggestions for you. Or pick your own comic/cartoon character. Or you could name him/her Spots Pig. We have a little rubber cow that Austin calls Spots Cow (pronounced Sfots Cow). ANyway, I've babbled enough. Enjoy the pig and remember, we're not in Peru, so don't eat it.

Jodi said...

Cute! Auburn loves guinea pigs. Simon taught her the word in Spanish and that is all she used. She was looking at your blog with me and got all excited to see the "cuy".