27 January 2009

No Less a Woman

I thought I should add this as it does relate to my previous post.
It does NOT make you any less of a woman if you don't nurse. Some women are blessed to produce milk like cows while others are blessed to produce offspring like camels. Although I would like to be a 10 cow wife (or, rather, able to produce milk like 10 cows), I can't. I know there are a lot of people out there that believe that "any woman" can breastfeed their child. I've even been told that it's a matter of "really wanting" to do it. I proclaim loudly: "IT ISN'T AN ISSUE OF DESIRE!! IT'S A MATTER OF REALITY!" So, after a month, I've given in and acknowledged that like the desert, I'm dried up in that department. And no, I'm not going to go herbal crazy to try to squeeze out an ounce of milk per day, either.

Sorry if this offends anyone's delicate nature. No offense intended.


Momma Sarah said...

You are absolutely correct in that Liz! I have a couple of friends here that have little or no meat on their bones, like you. he he!! I say that all in love! But, they have troubles, too. One has to literaly eat like a horse and NO exersizing or she can't nurse. All that matters is that you feed your baby.

The Roes said...

I second the motion Liz. I only produced milk for one day and it was literally gone the very next day. I heard terrible horror stories about being engorged, but I never experienced that. I also am not 'blessed' to be a skinny person (at least not right now). So I don't know what my 'excuse' is...but I was not able to nurse my child and there definitely was a WANT involved. Just remember, if all women could nurse their children, then formula wouldn't have been around until after the "woman revolution" and women were in the workforce.

Ok, sorry for the ranting, but I was made to feel like I was less of a woman when I had the same issue.

miss said...

I am a proud bottle-fed baby! (I know it was weird for you to know that when we were in college, but it can be a good thing! Except, I honestly didn't know what breasts were for until I was like 14!)

If you're not a real woman, I shudder to think what little man-less,dried up me is?

Boyd Box said...

I think this title could also pertain to the unmarried. It doesn't change the fact that you are an amazing person, Sarah! I know you know that, but the rest of the (especially LDS) world should recognize that, too!!

Lori said...

don't have to defend yourself, but your totally right. people who have an easy time breastfeeding, think they can be on a high horse about it, then they start preaching about it and nursing without blankets....
tom is the poster child for the formula fed baby, he hasn't been to the doctor in almost 10 years, only gets a cold once a year, and is really, really book smart, but like i said, breastfeeding freaks would like to attribute all that stuff to breastmilk. crzy, it has nothing to do with it, they spit up and poop out most of what they eat for the first half of life anyways, right?

Crystal said...

I know this is an old post, but I want to comment anyway. No one in my family has nursed for one reason or another. I, personally, produced milk just fine but I am not built for nursing and neither was Austin. He was tongue tied. We quit trying and became much less stressed. I'm debating whether or not I even want to attempt with the next one.