18 February 2008

Tornadic Storm

Eric just recently got an antenna for our new TV so we can get the local channels (better to pay $9 once than $6 every month). I randomly turned it on last night and found out we were in a Tornado Warning. Then I heard the sirens going off. I don't know how the rest of Macon fared, but we only had winds and heavy rain. Sometimes after these winds we end up with random things in our yard, but not this time. So, we made it through the storm all safe and sound. Now, if we can get our builder to come back out and reattach the pieces of siding that have partially come off over the past month (we have two pieces coming off).


The Doctors Wife said...

I love a good storm. Especially when the damage is minimal. We were supposed to have one the other day and I waited and waited and it never came. oh well, it's just the beginning of the season.

Momma Sarah said...

AHHH!!!! I really don't like those kinds of storms. A good thunderstorm, but not the tornado kind. I get a little panicked, and start going through all kinds of senarios in my head while trying to maintain composure on the outside. I remember waking up in the middle of the night while living at M&D's in MO with Mom yelling at us to grab Dalton and get into the closet because a twister was somewhere in the county... Ahhh, what a night!