28 February 2008

Burning Hot!!

We've had another cool spell and our house was chilly when we went to bed last night. I turned the heat on and went off without another thought. Around 12:30 this morning, I woke with an awful stomach ache and felt like I needed to throw up or something. It was incredibly hot and I was sleeping under my feather blanket. Toast-y! I turned off the heat (which was only set to 63 degrees anyway) and turned on the ceiling fan. I still had to escape to the bathroom for a few minutes just to cool off. So, even though we have this great house with a heat pump, it doesn't exactly work properly (the temp. gage) if all the bedroom doors are shut tight. It was probably 80 degrees in the bedrooms while the large, open living space was right around 63. Thankfully, once I cooled down, I went right back to sleep. I'm surprised no one else woke up because of it.


Stefanie said...

Ummm are you sure there's not another reason why you're burning up? ;O)

Boyd Box said...

I did think about that being a possibility, but then after me wanting it so badly last month...I guess I'm just not too expectant. But, you'll be the first to hear otherwise.