12 August 2010

Lovin' Life

Sure, life seems to have picked up since school started, but I have nothing to complain about. Life is good! I love my family so much. In fact, having a child in school only increases that feeling. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" IS true! I miss having Ms. Talksalot around, but I am so happy to have her in school and learning and growing and making new friends.
Snuggleupwithus is also growing and maturing. She's started saying more words and has even decided that potty training might be an option. Basically, if I'm paying attention, she'll use the potty. It's GREAT!!
We've also had an influx of activities recently and we've been on a go-go-go routine. While it is nice to be so active and social, I probably need to pull back a little and make sure we are still getting enough quality time together at home as a family, too. I only realized this last night as we came home from some friends' house and Emily broke down in tears saying she "missed Sheepie" and wanted to go home (of course, this was only AFTER getting her loaded in the car and actually driving away from her friends).
These are the days I have to remember when things get hard or something happens that dims this cheery outlook. In order for my life to remain this fairytale, there have to be some crazy things that happen, too. I'm not volunteering for trials, but just reminding myself to remember this.

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