The mission I served for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was one of the best things I have ever done. It solidified my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and has helped me in so many ways as an adult, a wife, and a parent. Those 18 months were the most intense life schooling a person could ever have (24 months if you are an elder).
I met some amazing people and had a lot of fantastic memories. It's funny, though, because as life goes on, you tend to forget the details. Amazingly enough, a little reminder can jolt a multitude of memories.
On Sunday one of the missionaries serving in our ward approached me and asked me a little about my mission. He's all grown up and I wouldn't have recognized him, but this was a young man I knew while I was a missionary. Seeing his name tag and chatting with him brought back memories of his sisters and his parents, even the details of the house layout and photos on the wall. In fact, this particular family was a real help to my companion and me. We'd been trying to meet with a particular individual for some time; someone I knew would be baptized soon. However, my companion became very ill and needed an opportunity to rest and recoup. I was unwilling to let the opportunity to teach this man go and we were able to make arrangements with this boy's family so I could be at the dinner and begin teaching. My companion stayed with the mother at their house while one of the daughters came out with me on the teaching appointment. Because we were able to start teaching that night, I was where I was supposed to be to help this man on his journey back to God's presence. I was transferred a few weeks later, but this man continued meeting with the missionaries and was baptized later that year. I was even able to go back to witness his baptism. This man was such a big part of the excitement of my mission and yet I forgot this "little" detail of who was with me when it started.
I'm so very grateful for man's family (because although he was a boy then, he has grown up!) and the opportunities they provided us to continue serving even when it seemed impossible.
This is a fantastic family. All of their children served (are serving) missions and the parents are also serving a mission together right now. What a great example they are!!
It was such a gift to be able to see this elder and catch up on a major portion of my mission (I served in his ward the longest of any of my areas AND I ended up moving there for a short time after my mission). It's wonderful the way the Lord pours out blessings upon me.
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