Apparently I was wanting that today. First thing this morning, I went out and mowed our lawn. While mowing I realized that we have never moved the tree trunk parts. Of course, part of the reason was because they needed to dry out some as they were too heavy with sap and water to try to maneuver.
Guess what I did? I moved every single last log and stacked the wood so it looks better. We don't have a need for the wood, but it is there until we can figure out what to do with it. In the meantime, I have regained my side yard and it is no longer an obstacle course to get to our beautiful shed (I probably haven't posted pictures of that as of yet. I'll get to that post as soon as we finish the gables).
There is definitely something to be said for hard work and good old sweat....and getting up early enough so you don't melt in the 100+ degree weather while doing it.
(And those logs are a lot bigger than they appear. Hannah is in the foreground, giving distortion to the size of the logs in the back. There were several (try all the ones on the bottom left) that I could only roll or flip end-to-end to get them over there. You'd be more impressed in person. =)
It looks great from what I can see. Wish it was in person:)
You never cease to amaze me!!
To quote Grandpa "that wood will warm you twice" but in all reality it was like 5 times. Once when we gather it, once when we unloaded it, once when we stacked it, once when we gathered it to bring into the house to burn and lastly when we burned it. I do not miss gathering the wood, but I do miss the warmth of a good old wood fire. Ahh...nostalgia. =)
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