22 March 2011

To Wear or Not To Wear

Okay, so I've had a lot of thoughts about these two parts of modern fashion. Both the legging and the skinny jean have emerged and been found fashionable. I can't help but think they are a cool style...if properly done. However, I am in a conundrum now about modesty. Are they really modest? Are they fringing too much into the immodest department? Are they appropriate for church?
I ask this because although I find some trends to be perfectly fine in certain situations, that in others, they are not. For instance, wearing a ball gown to church would be inappropriate in my view and yet I'm perfectly fine if those who attended their HS prom wear the outfit to church the next day, considering that it is modest and not violating church standards. On the other hand, I don't think it is okay to wear leggings paired with a dress to church. I think it is too casual and we are supposed to wear dresses/skirts to our knees. This just feels like it's not quite right. However, I'm fine with someone wearing the legging-long shirt fashion elsewhere. Am I being a bit unfair?
I want some honest feedback. No being mean though, please. I AM an owner of a very cute pair of skinny jeans which I pair with a long tunic-type shirt which, obviously, I would never wear to church on Sunday but I may wear it to a church social function during the week. So, I am not calling the kettle black or anything. I'm just trying to get some feedback ...sort of a self-check on what I'm calling acceptable.
What are you thoughts?


Tanya Smith said...

While I was pregnant I wore leggings with a dress, simply because I couldn't get any panty hose on at that point and it was freezing cold winter. The dress was long enough to cover my knees. I agree with you that they may be too casual for church in general. I think you would look amazing in skinny jeans...

Hannah said...

I totally agree that leggings aren't really appropriate for church. Way to casual for my taste. We're supposed to dress nicely at church but I have no problems with them at other times, including church activities. Well, assuming they don't resemble tights and then I think if your bum's not covered it ought to be :)

Emily said...

OK, so here are my thoughts: Leggings are a replacement for tights, not pants, and should be worn with things you would wear with tights. So, dresses (of a modest length), skirts (also of a modest length), that sort of thing. However, I agree with you that leggings are too casual for church. I don't see leggings as an opportunity to wear what would normally be immodest dresses or skirts. And certainly should NEVER be worn with just a shirt (and that is my belief for non-Mormons, too). Unfortunately, I see a lot of people who share the same beliefs on modesty as I do who wear mini skirts, short dresses, and shirts with leggings that wouldn't be ok if the leggings were taken off.

As for skinny jeans, if we're talking skinny jeans in the true sense of the word, I think they are fine. If they are jeggings (or jegging-like), see above comments. :)

The Doctors Wife said...

There is a sister in my ward who wears leggings with a dress that would be too short with out the leggings. I cringe every time I see her. I agree with what was said: leggings on Sunday is a no go but to a church social where you will not be in the chapel I think it is fine. Skinny jeans are modest if they are paired with a modest shirt. Rock the skinny jeans if you can.

Nadia said...

I was told by my Sister in law that when she was attending BYU Idaho (she just graduated 2 years ago) that wearing leggings does not make it OK to be immodest if a skirt/dress would be to short wit out them then it is to short with them also.
I feel they are to casual for church. Plan for a weekly activity or going out to dinner ot shopping but not for church on Sunday Morning when we are to wear out best and dress up.
I think skinny jeans are OK with a tunic top.
That's just my opinion on the subject.

De España said...

I've never owned a pair of leggings, but I don't see a problem with them for church. I agree with what others have said that they should be worn with modest skirts and dresses. I guess I think of them, like Emily said, as a replacement for tights. Since we can obviously wear tights to church, I think leggings are fine too. We actually had this exact same discussion on a friend website I used to belong to (with a bunch of women I worked with at a Mormon YW summer camp). One person thought leggings were inappropriate and wanted people's thoughts. One of my good friends pointed out that she wears leggings (under modest skirts/dresses) to church all the time because she is constantly lifting up her children and putting them on her lap, etc., and there's a lot of opportunity for her skirt to come up. She feels that leggings help her be more modest, and I think that's a good point. If a current style HELPS you be more modest, why is it inappropriate for church? That's what I think, but I know everyone has different opinions. I can just say for myself that if I wore leggings to church I wouldn't feel inappropriate.

The Roes said...

I was recently looking at the dress code for EFY and they said leggings are definitely not ok, even under an appropriate length skirt or dress on Sundays. Here is the exact quote from their website "Leggings do not extend the length of a young woman's dress, nor are they acceptable for Sunday attire." I personally think leggings look silly on grown ups. On the other end of the spectrum, I think skinny jeans look silly on babies. I own some leggings and only wear them under my shorts during the cooler months when running or other exercise outdoors. I'm sure I look silly in my leggings, but I really don't care what I look like when I'm exercising.

The Roes said...

Oh to add to my previous thoughts...what is the difference in wearing leggings for a dress/skirt and wearing a cami for a shirt? My thought is you wouldn't wear a cami so you can wear a belly shirt.
Also, at what point do you teach your little girls to be modest. I cringe when I see little girls at church wearing dresses too short or sun-dresses. My bishop had a for strength of youth night for the 8-11 year olds in our ward and addressed that issue. You have chosen to be baptized and are now a member for the Lord's church. You need to dress that way. Apparently I can rant on this subject, so I'll stop.

kemeki said...

I don't know how to say exactly what I want to here.... I'm not Mormon and thus don't know all of your rules, but isn't it much more important for a person to be AT church, in whatever attire, then not at all (to you)?

I love leggings, and they make me feel more modest - you're actually covering a lot more of yourself and eliminating any accidental leg exposure. As far as the casual aspect goes - I think that it is entirely dependent upon the dress. Having leggings in an ensemble isn't an immediate "this is casual" indicator, to me.

Skinny jeans? Well... I think they just fall in the same category as any other jeans and that the same rules apply to them as to any others (and yes Liz, you look amazing in skinny jeans!)

Em said...

I think the point is that we are supposed to wear our "best" to church services. We can get caught up in the "rules" of what is or isn't appropriate. I always go back to what my mom taught me. She used to tell me to ask myself "How would I feel if the Prophet or even Jesus Christ were to walk in to church?"

Would I be comfortable in approaching Him for a handshake or would I be embarrassed, trying to cover my legs or pull-up the top. Would I be wishing I had ironed my clothes better or taken a little more time to "prepare" for Sunday?

Personally, I have worn leggings to church before, and I probably will again. I feel like leggings are a replacement for tights and are great for those that have active kids or energetic callings. (I can't tell you how many times I've had to catch myself from "flashing" in Primary or because one of my kids reaches up under my dress or down my shirt) Leggings and cami's help me be more modest, not less. I also agree that the level of "casualness" and modesty depends on the dress not the leggings or tights worn with it.

Just my two sense worth!