12 January 2011

Gift Giving

I am so addicted to giving homemade gifts for baby showers. Seriously, I can't stop! I have so much fun. I also tend to think of the dress as truly belonging to the child I make it for. SO, this most recent one is Abigail. Loved, LOVED making this!
I've also found a pattern for a dress I hope I have the skills to make for myself to wear to Winner's Circle (an annual reward weekend Verizon does for their top employees). Yep! Eric made it again! We'll see if the dress does, though.


kemeki said...

I like doing cross-stitches for birth gifts - you know, something with the kid's name, length, weight, etc. My aunt made me one when I was born, and I always loved having it.

I haven't had the opportunity to do too many, and for "normal" people I pick a fairly simple one, BUT - when my nieceling was born (sister's sister-in-law's daughter) I got a custom cross-stitch pattern made that was a picture of the baby, AND did the name, etc. It was the best.gift.ever. if I say so myself :D And now she's about to pop out another one, so I think I know what I may be working on for next Christmas!

Momma Sarah said...

Ok, so if I send you the shirts I have set aside to make into those cute dresses, would you make them for me???? You are becoming quite the seamstress! Keep it up!