17 December 2008

Wishful Thinking

So, we're 37 weeks and barely dilated at all (a "fingertip"). With Em, I was already at a 1, so I'm thinking we're in for the long-haul. However, it doesn't stop us from wishful thinking. There would be so many benefits (aside from that tax break) for having this baby before the New Year.
1. Eric is home and no matter what time I went into labor, could drive me to the hospital (he'll have to take the van to work for awhile after he returns to work b/c his shoulder won't be completely healed nor have we taken time/money to repair the bike yet).
2. We have adopted some girls as sisters and they are currently on Christmas break, so they could come at a moment's notice to keep Emily for us as our logical help people are not going to be able (yes, Stef, that means you running away to spend the holiday with your families =) but also my in-laws since Mama is laid up with her newly finished surgery).
3. Eric won't have to use up vacation time since he's already out.
4. I'm selfish and want to breathe and eat again...not to mention sleep comfortably (although I realize it may be interrupted the same amount).
5. I can keep my shirt down over my belly b/c Emily won't want to "see the baby" as she'll already be visible to her.
6. Yes, the tax break would be great.
SO, anyone who knows some extra tricks to help get things going, feel free to volunteer information.


The Doctors Wife said...

I did lots of squats,lunges, and stair stepping. Dance with Emily. but what finally worked...
Well, we got Katie to come out the same way she got in. LoL!

miss said...

I heard sex helped start labor!

miss said...

lol. i missed your last comment, Jules!

Momma Sarah said...

You just want to make sure her head is engaged before doing those squats and lunges to prevent the possibility of cord prolapse or a presenting part other than her head. And, yeah, what Julie and Sarah Ann said! Be sure to check out www.spinningbabies.com. I know, I keep harping on it, but it's good info! They say that when there's big storms, the babies start a comin' - isn't there a storm headed your way?
Good luck!