31 January 2010

A Child's Faith

To learn from a child is great. We were reminded of this today as we listened to President Henry B. Eyring speak to us in our Stake Conference.
Emily amazes me sometimes with the things she says, does and believes. A few days ago she was singing a little song to herself, "Thomas-Monson, Thomas-Monson". I questioned her on who that was and she informed me that he was the Prophet (which, he is!) and that he was going to come to our house and bring Jesus (oh, if only!). I evaluated my life and our home and felt confident that I would be comfortable, though humble, to have both of them physically in our home.
Today Emily wanted the sun to come out, so she had me say a prayer with her. Emily got so excited and shouted, "Jesus is here for us!!" I can't say that I actually noticed any change with the sun. It's overcast and it's bright, but no actual sun showing through. It got me thinking, perhaps as "reasoning" adults, we truly forget to recognize that the Lord IS there for us. The sun didn't seem to change, but Emily's attitude DID. She recognized that the sun WAS there and giving us light. How many times have I forgotten in my life that the blessings I desire are already present, but perhaps in a different form than I expected?
I think we would all be happier and healthier people if we would just start to recognize the blessings in our lives; to be an optimistic people. Our sunny dispositions can always be set to "on" even when it is cloudy and overcast.

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