18 November 2009


On Facebook there is a thing going on that everyday you post things that you are grateful for during this month in honor of Thanksgiving. I thought I'd do a blog post on the same subject.
1. I'm grateful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It isn't enough just to believe in Jesus Christ. There is more expected from our thoughts, actions, as well as ordinances mandated by our Savior. I am so grateful the gospel has been restored and that we are looking forward to the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for modern prophets to keep us on the right track. I'm grateful for my copy of the latest General Conference addresses both in the Ensign as well as the DVD's that arrived yesterday.
2. I am grateful for my patriarchal blessing. This is a special blessing (prayer with hands laid on my head) I received at the age of 17. There was no way the man speaking these words could have imagined what would happen to me and the choices I would need to make and the people with whom I would come in contact. There is great counsel within those pages that helps me to make correct decisions and recognize the Lord's hand constantly guiding my life.
3. I am grateful for my wonderful husband. I went through some rough times in my dating years and had trouble finding someone who could compliment me so perfectly. I am grateful to know the Lord guided me to Eric and confirmed His approval in my decision to marry Eric. He's the best man in the world for me. He brings out a better me than I would be by myself. We are truly, best friends.
4. I am grateful for my opportunity to be a mother. My girls are the world to me and I have so much fun raising them and discovering/rediscovering the world through their eyes. Daily I am able to find the little joys in life and to truly become more like a child in the simplicities that lead us back to God.
5. I am grateful for my extended family and the support they give me. Although I am not in close proximity to my siblings and parents, it is wonderful to have things bring us together, such as the Roe's sealing earlier this year. I love the random phone calls I get from my parents and siblings...or text messages or emails. It's nice to be sent love from all over the country. I'm also grateful for my in laws and the relationship we've been building for the past 4 years. They are great grandparents to my children, too!
6. I am grateful for answered prayers as well as unanswered prayers. The Lord truly knows what He is doing with my life.
7. I am grateful for good friends who can handle my specific personality. Sometimes I can be offensive, unintentionally, and it is through these friends that I can become a better person but still have my feet grounded because they can see that I am trying to be good.
8. I am grateful for my husband's job in these tough economic times. The Lord truly blesses us with his continued success at work. We are also amazed, through his job, to have amazing other benefits that make the company even more valuable as an employer. Health insurance and education are made possible through Verizon, and they do a great job of providing those!
9. I am grateful for my home and my van. I know we were led to this home and feel such peace and joy in being a homeowner. We have a clean and spacious environment to raise our small children. Although I wasn't very fond of the idea a year ago, I am also glad we were able to trade in our cars for my van. It's been a blessing on so many levels that I hadn't even considered. My back is appreciative!
10. I'm grateful for my body. I have always had a bit of a body image issue. I never truly felt beautiful until I married Eric. He has brought out more of my beauty because of the way he sees me. I am more confident in other aspects of my life because of it. I truly feel like Mahana...the post-marriage version.
11. I'm grateful for the country I live in. No matter the problems I may have with different political ideas and policies, I am still grateful that I can disagree with those things and have my free life. I am not in any danger for my views and am given the liberty to express said ideas.
12. I'm grateful for talents. Not just my own, but those that are shared by individuals who are confident enough to let their light shine. I love to listen to people play the piano and other instruments. I love to look at works of art and evaluate the way they make me feel. I love to read books and discover new and old truths about past and current societies and humans of all ages, race, nationalities and creeds.
13. I'm grateful for modern conveniences. I am grateful for whoever discovered how to make formula and the ensuing improvements to make it more like mother's milk. I'm grateful for disposable diapers because I just don't like to mess with the dirty aspect of raising an infant. I am grateful for baby wipes for the above mentioned as well as having something to wipe hands clean away from home. I'm grateful for running water, electricity, my washer and dryer (even if I don't like folding the laundry), and refrigeration. Thank goodness I don't have to figure out how to keep things cold living in the South!
14. I'm grateful for my calling at church. There is nothing like randomly running into the kids in my class and having them give me a big hug. It definitely brightens my day.
15. I'm grateful for my education and my continued desire to learn and find new skills and talents. I know that not everyone enjoys formal education, but I thrived in it. I also love discovering on my own with the skills I was taught in school. Reading and writing about literature is such a passion and I'm grateful to have found a group of women interested in this pursuit so I can share this.
16. I'm grateful for you because you are still reading this. There are so many things to be grateful for in this day and age. I'm still thinking about what I am grateful for, but I think I'll leave the rest to be recorded in my journal.

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