03 November 2010

Dr. Emily, I Presume

I know there are tons of kids in the world that proclaim they want to be a doctor when they grow up. I just don't know how many of them are seriously considering it and doing things to get there at the age of four.
If you ask Emily what she wants to be when she grows up, she'll give you a list. She wants to be a mommy, a missionary, a doctor and a teacher. She talks a lot about becoming a doctor someday. It's really rather adorable. I don't know if she would site becoming a doctor if we didn't have the adventures in doctor visits a couple years ago (it was after this she began wanting to be a doctor). Between Eric's motorcycle accident and Gianna's birth, we were visiting doctors ALL THE TIME. She was curious about the bones on display at different doctor's offices. She asks questions about posters hanging on walls. Her request for toys have been skeltons and posters of the body (skeleton, circulatory system, etc which she saw at a school supply store).
I think she is serious, too. Not only does she say it, but she seems to know what it is all about. Tonight, for her bedtime story, she requested that I read from the First Aid booklet she was given this past Saturday at Verizon during a "pay back to the community" event held there. She chose the portion and then discussed it with me. You try explaining to a four-year old about cardiopulmonary resuscitation! She gets excited and her eyes light up and she tells me she wants to help make people live. How cute is that!!
It's funny that kids can see the excitement of different professions but it gets soiled later in life by the financial payout later on. I want my kids to grow up and study the things they have passions for instead of studying the things that will put the most money in their pockets. I want them to be happy with the professions of their choice, not because of prestige or price tag.
In the meantime, Emily has asked not to be called "Emily B." anymore (she has another Emily in her class at school, thus the designation of the "B.") but would prefer to be called "Dr. Emily" instead. Think they'll go for that?

1 comment:

The Roes said...

HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Too funny! Tell Dr. Emily I love her and can't wait to see her (whenever that will be)!