14 January 2014

Sewing Bug

I have several items I already need to make, and I drooled over new items I want to make today.
I need to sew a couple of new dresses for my LongLegged Girl.  She just grows so quickly.  And then, I thought I really need another bookshelf for the girls and I discovered these:Book Slings.  Great idea and wonderful use of space.
I also swapped Eric his old camelbak which I was using as a temple bag, for the excuse to make a super cute one that I will love.  I came across a couple of ideas that I can't decide on, but found this and thought it was too cute!!  I'm pretty sure my kids are going to need these.  =)
 I also really want to learn to embroider because I think it is quaint and cute.  And, let's face it, I'm kind of obsessed with the days of yesteryear and all they did by hand or by themselves.

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