11 May 2013

Busy Bees

I have so much to share and so much for which I am grateful. It has been a whirlwind of a year thus far. Can someone please tell me what happened to the first 5 months of this year? How did we already get to May? Time flies when you are having fun and we ARE having fun. We love our little bit of heaven in North Carolina. We have a great church family and the community is awesome. Our girls are thriving and have tons of friends from many venues. I've been serving the young women in our ward. It keeps me busy, but in a wonderful and fulfilling way. It is truly awesome to work with these daughters of God. They are wonderful examples to me and my children. I love that they have so willingly and openly accepted us. I also get to work with some amazing women who are becoming very dear friends of mine. I think this is one aspect of serving that truly builds unique bonds. I learn so much from theses sisters as well. It is incredible to think of the growth I can actually recognize in myself over the past few months. There are other exciting things happening and I can't wait to share pictures from my brother's wedding! I'm super excited to have this new sister-in-law. I've known her for several years but have recently actually started a relationship with her. SHE is an amazing woman and incredibly talented in MANY ways. Just wanted to let anyone out there who still might be following to know that we are alive and well and loving life! Hope you are, too!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I'm so glad to hear that things are going well for you and your family! We hope to be able to visit with you soon!