15 June 2011

Gratitude is Not Judging

I'm trying to stop wondering why people do things in ways that don't make sense to me or my life. In a moment of epiphany, I realized that instead of wondering at these people, I should just be grateful for my life. Some people have difficult children or strict schedules to keep to help their children be more relaxed and happy. I don't have to fall into that pattern, so instead of questioning it, I just give thanks for my children who have been raised in a home with a fluctuating schedule. I can see pros and cons of each way of living and I should just worry about my own...and since my own is working out so nicely for me, be happy.
I also am trying to see things in new ways. For instance, recently someone called me out and made me feel really bad about a certain situation. Actually, I didn't feel bad about my actions, I was hurt at the reaction that was given because of it. Instead of feeling like I was justified, I have, instead, tried to reconcile the way I do things with some suggestions this individual gave. Interestingly enough, it's more a matter of energy and animation, but I can work with that. And, it seems that everyone is fairly content with the way things are with those changes.
I am also seeing how some people think they have such firm testimonies. In the past I have been somewhat critical. I don't like hypocrites and when your actions demonstrate the opposite of what you say, I can't help but classify you that way. In yet another moment of enlightenment I realized that these people probably DO have testimonies of certain aspects of the gospel or life...they just don't have the full picture yet. I'm not claiming that I do, but I can be respectful of their journey and just, again, be grateful for where I am in my life at this time...and hopefully I'm not blinding myself to think that I'm progressing when I'm not.
So, I will turn a new leaf and be grateful for the many blessings in my life and reflect on my own thoughts and actions instead of questioning others.


April said...

My favorite scripture is 1 Sam 16:7 "...the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart." I don't think anyone can judge another's strength of testimony based on what's seen. A testimony is something that's inside our hearts, and while some aspects may manifest through our actions, all of us have weaknesses and we aren't going to live every commandment perfectly. I think someone CAN have a firm testimony of a certain aspect of the gospel and still not live it correctly or fully because he/she may have a weakness with it. I have family members who are less active and don't keep a lot of the commandments, but they still have strong testimonies of those commandments because they were taught them growing up and they saw the blessings from them, even though they may not currently be receiving those blessings. I once went to an AA meeting with a good friend battling an addiction and I was blown away by the Spirit I felt when she talked about her testimony... even though she had been breaking many commandments for many years, she had a VERY FIRM testimony and the Spirit bore witness to me of that. I know that some people are just being hypocritical about things, but I think most people are sincere and it's not our place to look down on them or determine how full their testimony is by what we see, because we can't see the heart.

Em said...

As always I enjoy reading your blog!

De Espana...I don't even know you but thank you for your words!

Boyd Box said...

Wow, April...I need to learn more from you because, as I said, I just figured this one out. Now you have further helped me to see how much I have to learn about this aspect. I love you!
And, I love you too, Emmilee!!