12 April 2008

It Makes Sense

Okay, I was one of the few college students that went in and graduated with the first declared major (and no, I didn't go in undeclared, either...however, "technically" someone in admissions typed it in incorrectly, so I did have to have that fixed). But, there were several times as I was contemplating grad school, law school, or just getting a teaching certificate. At one point, an adviser at BYU-H told me that I ultimately had never made a decision in my educational life. Majoring in Humanities, with an emphasis in Comparative Literature and a special studies in Classical Civilization and having French and ASL as my languages just didn't exactly point in any specific direction. I was all over the place, or so this man thought. Now I know why! Biology (which, I really did enjoy those classes) and Psychology (which I never had a course in, I chose Philosophy instead of Psychology for that requirement). I was way off in and of myself! Of course, perhaps the results are skewed as I had to choose answers that were close rather than correct on this quiz.

Which College Major Should You Be?

Your major should be part Biology. You work hard, and you're gonna keep working hard for many years to come. That's why you keep your work organized and your health in good shape.
Your major should be part Psychology. You enjoy understanding people, especially if it helps you get their numbers. You can save the books for grad school, right now it's all about field work.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com

1 comment:

The Doctors Wife said...

It said my major should be art. I don't think so. But then again, most of the questions didn't have a choice that I liked so it wasn't a good test for me.