23 April 2008

A Few Essentials

I've read other people's blogs and they post some of their essential items. Here are mine for Emily:
Sheepie aka Up-She
Washable crayons and an abundance of paper
Bubble blower machine

Sheepie is the cuddle-thing. She adores this stuffed animal, although it is looking more and more ragged. Sadly, it is only barely over a year old, too!!
Emily is quite the artist. She will sit and color things for hours. Of course, I have to check to make sure she hasn't gotten bored of the paper and has begun coloring other smooth surfaces. BUT, when she does, at least most things come clean with a soapy wash (I've noticed that even after that, there is some kind of grease residue on certain surfaces and you can see it when the light hits it right).
I'm not sure if Emily or Hannah (our dog) loves the bubbles more. At least when the machine blows them, I'm not battling Emily over who gets to hold the container and wand.
We just purchased Em her "song". It's a harmonica. She plays it all the time and it is quite hilarious. If I knew how to do it, I'd post the video we took of Em dancing to the harmonica. Funny, funny girl.
Stickers? Besides being fun to put on your skin and pull them off again until they no longer have stick, they are also the best reward system we've come up with for Em's potty training. Of course, we shot ourselves in the foot when we started with candy, so basically she is earning about 6-8 stickers and 6-8 pieces of candy every day. But, it's working.

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