20 March 2011

Not to Teach Unbelief

So, you know when the man goes to Jesus and asks him to heal his son and then (Mark 9:17-29) Jesus explains that if we believe, all things are possible and then the father cries out "Help thou my unbelief!"? I think this story is so incredibly powerful...especially as a parent, now, myself.
I think there is great wisdom in this story. Yes, we must have belief, but we must also teach that belief to our children so they may know to which source they may look for a remission of their sins (2 Nephi 25:26).
I have a child who truly believes everything I teach her. I have to make sure that the things I teach her are truths. I also have to make certain that just because of my moments of unbelief or feelings of unworthiness that I do not teach her those things instead. For instance, and in particular, I don't think I'm an important enough person to have Christ manifest himself to me. So, in other words, I don't have the faith required for such an event. Yet, I do know, and that is definitely a KNOW, not just believe, that Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith just as he did to Moses and other prophets. My daughter has the faith that some day she just might have that experience herself. I have to make sure that I teach with words of faith even through my lacking.
She shared an experience today and although I believe I know what she was trying to convey, an individual actually checked with me to, uh, let me know, I guess, that my daughter has an "active imagination". I can only think of how Joseph must have heard similar comments after his vision. I don't know if Emily actually SAW Jesus or just felt His presence, but how dare I question the possibility! As she grows older, she will be better able to explain her feelings and experiences. In the meantime, I must stay believing and trust in the impressions the Spirit gives to me in raising my daughter as a True Believer. The world teaches enough unbelief on its own.

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