27 August 2010


There was some strange statistic out when I was in high school that there is a pause in conversation about every seven minutes. The problem is getting past that pause and continuing the conversation.
Well, I don't think that statistic really applied last night. We had some friends come over and we usually play games, but last night, we just sat on the sofa and talked. And talked. And talked. And, apparently, talked some more.
The wife finally mentions that they should probably get going. It was a pause in conversation and it was starting to get late. Someone asked what time it was anyway, and Eric replied, "Oh, it's just 3:45." Not believing him, we all questioned him again. Sure enough, it was nearly 4 o'clock...in the morning!! I really thought it was probably close to midnight or just past, which is a late night for us. NO!! We sat and talked with this couple for 7 straight hours!!
I hope they don't feel like we kidnapped them last night, but it was so fun and interesting to talk to them and get to know them even better. Instead of a pause every 7 minutes, we didn't really have one for 7 hours. Quite a bit of difference on that statistic, don't you think??


kemeki said...

WOW, that's impressive! I love (usually) when more time has passed than you could possibly imagine.

Momma Sarah said...

Sounds like you had a lot of fun and a lot to say! I'm tired just thinking about how late (early) you were up!