Sometimes I get annoyed with the "reverence talks" we have been drilled with lately at church. I understand the concept and am trying to instill it in my children. However, they should not be expected to never make a sound or to be able to sit still for an hour at the age of 2. Due to these talks, I have become a more nervous mother when I have my child in a quiet situation. However, I was very pleased to have many people come up to me tonight and comment on what a well-behaved child I have.
Emily, Gianna and I decided at last minute to go ahead and attend the ceremony tonight for the opening of the Berlin Airlift which is currently on display at the Warner Robins Museum of Aviation. The gentleman I've been working for (genealogy) was the Key Note speaker and invited us to go. Little did I know, I would be the youngest adult (by far) and no one else would have any children present. I was much relieved at the end of the night when several people commented on how well Emily did for sitting still and being quiet that long. One lady in particular commented that she noticed that I was getting nervous but that she really wasn't disrupting anything. In all reality, Emily was not as well behaved at the ceremony as she is at church, so I am inviting all mothers of young children to relax a bit. It'll be alright after all.
I'd also encourage anyone that is interested to check out information on the "Candy Bombers" and the Berlin Airlift. It truly shows the way of forgiveness as one moment Americans (and the Allies) were bombing these citizens and the next, they were assisting these citizens to overcome the barricade.
31 March 2009
30 March 2009
Less Than 2 Weeks
As the date of our departure edges closer, I realize how much there is to accomplish before actually getting on the road. I have a list a page long. My brain says that as I check items off, it will make the day arrive faster. In all reality, I probably won't be able to get everything done and will have to prioritize the things that MUST be completed. I just wish there was a way to get the house clean and make it stay that way for a week and a-half, but if it could happen for that long, I'd want it to happen forever...neither of which is possible. So, I will continue trying to figure out how to make sure we can cram everything in the van that we need to take/drop off while doing the daily chores and duties of being a sahm. The rest will just have to figure itself out.
29 March 2009
A Thought and Solace
Sarah Ann linked a particular talk from Pres. Uchtdorf on her blog. I read it and found something in it that I've never heard anyone speak of before, yet it has personal application for me and some difficulties I have struggled with during my time as an adult member of the church.
He was addressing the men of the church in this talk, but, as we know, all scripture can be applied personally: male or female. He states, "I believe that the Lord has a certain calling for every man. Sometimes He grants spiritual promptings telling us that we are worthy to receive certain callings. This is a spiritual blessing, a tender mercy from God.
But sometimes we do not hear the rest of what the Lord is telling us. “Although you are worthy to serve in this position,” He may say, “this is not my calling for you. It is my desire instead that you lift where you stand.” God knows what is best for us."
There is no "heirarchy" of callings in the church, although some feel this way. The reason one individual is chosen over another is not to be from personal preference or understanding. Rather, each servant is chosen for the particular need at that time; and sometimes the need is for that person to grow from service in that calling. When we think that we are better than another by being called to any calling (perhaps leadership roles), we then are demonstrating pride and lifting ourselves above our brothers and sisters, but only in our own mind. In fact, Pres. Uchtdorf refers to these individuals as seeking a crown. On the other hand, neither should we avoid opportunities to serve and grow. DO seek personal revelation when a calling is extended. This will enable you to begin serving by relying on the Lord for confidence to serve Him and our fellow man in that capacity.
Every righteous individual will have the aptitude to serve in any calling of the church (though, certain roles do have specific requirements). However, only the Lord knows who should serve where and when at any given point in time. Our further duty, then, is to pray also for those who are called and truly support and sustain them in their callings.
He was addressing the men of the church in this talk, but, as we know, all scripture can be applied personally: male or female. He states, "I believe that the Lord has a certain calling for every man. Sometimes He grants spiritual promptings telling us that we are worthy to receive certain callings. This is a spiritual blessing, a tender mercy from God.
But sometimes we do not hear the rest of what the Lord is telling us. “Although you are worthy to serve in this position,” He may say, “this is not my calling for you. It is my desire instead that you lift where you stand.” God knows what is best for us."
There is no "heirarchy" of callings in the church, although some feel this way. The reason one individual is chosen over another is not to be from personal preference or understanding. Rather, each servant is chosen for the particular need at that time; and sometimes the need is for that person to grow from service in that calling. When we think that we are better than another by being called to any calling (perhaps leadership roles), we then are demonstrating pride and lifting ourselves above our brothers and sisters, but only in our own mind. In fact, Pres. Uchtdorf refers to these individuals as seeking a crown. On the other hand, neither should we avoid opportunities to serve and grow. DO seek personal revelation when a calling is extended. This will enable you to begin serving by relying on the Lord for confidence to serve Him and our fellow man in that capacity.
Every righteous individual will have the aptitude to serve in any calling of the church (though, certain roles do have specific requirements). However, only the Lord knows who should serve where and when at any given point in time. Our further duty, then, is to pray also for those who are called and truly support and sustain them in their callings.
28 March 2009
Hot Tamale!
Last night was our ward's Chili Cook-off. It wasn't nearly as big of a turnout that was expected, but those of us who did attend had fun. There were four different awards handed out last night. Meatiest, Spiciest, Kid's Favorite, and Overall Best. The Bennion's landed best for meatiest and kid's fav while the Dixon's had it for overall. But, by a landslide, and no big surprise, Eric's chili took spiciest! It's interesting to see what different people favor: meaty, spicy, or sweet. We had to laugh because Eric's chili didn't turn out as spicy as we intended. If they think THAT is hot, they should never come over for Fire Noodles.
27 March 2009
Happy Birthday To ME
Yes, I'm one year older and wiser, too (I hope), but I also am very excited to be getting back into my jeans!! Gianna is now 3 months old and, although I still need to get toned again, I can button my small pants. I haven't tried on these jeans for a month now. Last time, I couldn't even pull them together b/c my hips. A little tight, but I'm happy I can wear them again.
26 March 2009
Emily's Curse Words
Listening to any toddler can be quite hilarious. Emily has several words that sound a bit too close to curse words.
Eric leaves for work on a rainy/overcast day. Emily says, "I want go Daddy in Emily fruck!" ("fruck"=truck, but hearing it, you'd think she's saying the other word!)
After playing barefoot in the yard, Emily screams. Questioning her about what had happened, she proclaims, "A-- bite me." (seriously, she was trying to say "ants" but it really and truly sounds more like we have a donkey in the yard.)
So, I'm constantly trying to work on her enunciation. Hopefully the uninformed passer-by won't think that we allow those words in our home.
Sadly, she has picked up on a "mormon swear" word. She hears "darn it" from a family member when she goes to visit. It isn't said in a bad tone, but it still isn't a good phrase to use and especially out of a 2 year old's mouth.
Eric leaves for work on a rainy/overcast day. Emily says, "I want go Daddy in Emily fruck!" ("fruck"=truck, but hearing it, you'd think she's saying the other word!)
After playing barefoot in the yard, Emily screams. Questioning her about what had happened, she proclaims, "A-- bite me." (seriously, she was trying to say "ants" but it really and truly sounds more like we have a donkey in the yard.)
So, I'm constantly trying to work on her enunciation. Hopefully the uninformed passer-by won't think that we allow those words in our home.
Sadly, she has picked up on a "mormon swear" word. She hears "darn it" from a family member when she goes to visit. It isn't said in a bad tone, but it still isn't a good phrase to use and especially out of a 2 year old's mouth.
25 March 2009
Emily's Art

Emily drew a picture of me last night. I'm amazed that she draws pictures already...and that they are sometimes recognizable. She has drawn a family portrait before but they were just different sized circles. Now she is drawing people: a head with an actual face and then adds arms and legs jutting out from the head.
Emily's Responsibilities
We have always encouraged Emily to help with chores around the house. In the past month, we have given her two assignments that are solely her responsibility: feed Hannah and make her own bed. She's done really well with these assignments (although, making her bed has become more difficult due to her new tall bed). We were so tickled this morning as she immediately started making her bed after she woke up. She heard a noise in the hall and shouted, "Hi, Daddy!" A moment later she announced, "I making Emily bed pretty." We peeked in the room and sure enough, she was on her bed, humming to herself as she pulled the covers up.
22 March 2009
Becoming a Peacemaker
The last two weeks at church, the lessons have seemed to revolve around being peacemakers. I guess I need to have those lessons. Although Eric is a good peacemaker, he's married to a person who can get very frustrated with people and situations. I'm trying to do better and be better, but it is a long, long pathway for me to become a peacemaker.
I have to say that it is interesting that these lessons happened at this time, although they were set this way prior to current situations. During the third hour of church, we split apart and have the men's meeting (priesthood) and the women's meeting (relief society). We have a teaching manual that is based off of different teachings of the modern prophets (the second hour, sunday school, is largely based from ancient scripture). At the beginning of 2008, the manual was released with the teachings of Joseph Smith. We are now over a year's worth of Sundays (and therefore, lessons) into the manual. Currently there is some hubbub going on around a particular television show that perhaps paints The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints in a less than flattering manner. Some church members have become offended at this and have wanted the Church to do something about it. The Church HAS done something about it...just not what these people felt should have been done. Setting a perfect example, church authorities have made a declaration that members are NOT encouraged to boycott or otherwise become an antagonistic people. Instead, we should be the peacemakers. An article on this matter can be read at
In this and other matters, we should recognize that becoming defensive is usually brought on by pride. Pride in not wanting someone to think of you in a particular manner. Let our actions and attitudes reflect those of the Savior's and others will better learn by that example than by upset words.
I have to say that it is interesting that these lessons happened at this time, although they were set this way prior to current situations. During the third hour of church, we split apart and have the men's meeting (priesthood) and the women's meeting (relief society). We have a teaching manual that is based off of different teachings of the modern prophets (the second hour, sunday school, is largely based from ancient scripture). At the beginning of 2008, the manual was released with the teachings of Joseph Smith. We are now over a year's worth of Sundays (and therefore, lessons) into the manual. Currently there is some hubbub going on around a particular television show that perhaps paints The Church of Jesus Christ of Later-day Saints in a less than flattering manner. Some church members have become offended at this and have wanted the Church to do something about it. The Church HAS done something about it...just not what these people felt should have been done. Setting a perfect example, church authorities have made a declaration that members are NOT encouraged to boycott or otherwise become an antagonistic people. Instead, we should be the peacemakers. An article on this matter can be read at
In this and other matters, we should recognize that becoming defensive is usually brought on by pride. Pride in not wanting someone to think of you in a particular manner. Let our actions and attitudes reflect those of the Savior's and others will better learn by that example than by upset words.
21 March 2009
My Best Friend
Emily is such a cutie! After scriptures and prayer tonight, she turned to me, gave me a big hug and told me "You my best friend." She jumped down and ran to Eric and gave him a big hug and told him, "You my 'nother best friend." Talk about melting our hearts!!
Sharing a Room
Gianna has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now. I didn't put her in her crib until last night. Of course, she goes to bed before Emily, so I was hoping that it wouldn't disturb the poor child when Emily came to bed (yes, we opted to have the girls share a room so later they don't feel cheated when the 3rd child comes along. Also, Eric needed a study for his classes where he could lock himself away while doing online tests so little hands didn't turn off the computer midway through.). After putting Emily down, I thought, "Wow! We get to sleep childless tonight!" How wrong was I? Emily got up twice during the night. The first time I didn't know she'd climbed into bed behind me until I turned over and discovered her quietly snoring. The second time, I just let her get in bed with us anyway. Of course, when I woke up to a wet back, I was a little frustrated (she's been potty trained forever at this point, so it was highly unusual for this to happen in the first place).
Still, I'm very excited to have the girls in their own room. Here's hoping for a better night this evening!
20 March 2009
A Word From Emily
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18 March 2009
Imagination Station
For the past couple of weeks, Emily has become very enthralled with her blocks. I have to admit, it has been very hard for me to play with her with this toy as I have been completely fascinated with her imagination. I can't really explain what she is doing, but she builds shapes I've never seen a child create (or, much less, an adult). When I was a child, I built maybe a wall, or a "castle" or even a block-style "house". She isn't creating buildings, but more like sculptures with these blocks. I'd take a picture to share with you, but her creating is a constant movement. I can't get an image of one creation before it is transitioning into another. It's kind of like watching inanimate objects taking on life. I just hope her thinking doesn't change too much as she grows up but that she can continue to view the use of objects in a different way...that's what they call inventors and artists, right?
15 March 2009
Good Dog
Everyone understands what an accomplishment it is for a toddler to become potty trained. Emily impressed us by doing this fairly early on. However, another member of our family has also earned the right of celebration for a huge accomplishment very similar to this.
We've allowed Hannah to stay alone in the house for longer and longer periods of time over the past week. An hour here. An hour there. A few hours. Well, yesterday, it was more like 9 hours!! We're so happy to know that she is trained well enough to be left unsupervised for so long. With no doggy door to let herself out, she has to be patient with us to arrive on time to let her go out for potty.
On top of no accidents in the house, she also did not chew on anything either. So, I'm shouting "great job" for Hannah!! You're a good dog!
We've allowed Hannah to stay alone in the house for longer and longer periods of time over the past week. An hour here. An hour there. A few hours. Well, yesterday, it was more like 9 hours!! We're so happy to know that she is trained well enough to be left unsupervised for so long. With no doggy door to let herself out, she has to be patient with us to arrive on time to let her go out for potty.
On top of no accidents in the house, she also did not chew on anything either. So, I'm shouting "great job" for Hannah!! You're a good dog!
12 March 2009
An Encounter with a Pick-Pocket
Have you ever noticed how quickly someone can take things out of your pocket? Maybe you've never had this encounter before. Luckily, our only encounter has been with our toddler.
Eric came home from work and had some money in his pocket. Apparently, Emily reached in and took one of the bills. He didn't notice it until she thew a wadded up piece of something on the floor. Only then did he realize that he'd been had for $5!
She also has quick hands at the store. I had her riding in one of those car-carts at our local Kroger. As I was checking out, the bag boy asked if I wanted the candy and held up a stick of Mentos.! So, now I have to be really careful going through lines and stores. (As a side note, I'm starting to purchase things at different stores because Emily grabs things. Twice last week she grabbed items in stores and broke them...thankfully, small and inexpensive items, but still! This girl needs to keep her hands to herself!)
Eric came home from work and had some money in his pocket. Apparently, Emily reached in and took one of the bills. He didn't notice it until she thew a wadded up piece of something on the floor. Only then did he realize that he'd been had for $5!
She also has quick hands at the store. I had her riding in one of those car-carts at our local Kroger. As I was checking out, the bag boy asked if I wanted the candy and held up a stick of Mentos.! So, now I have to be really careful going through lines and stores. (As a side note, I'm starting to purchase things at different stores because Emily grabs things. Twice last week she grabbed items in stores and broke them...thankfully, small and inexpensive items, but still! This girl needs to keep her hands to herself!)
10 March 2009
Bathroom Jokes
These are straight up from Emily.
Sunday we had a pot luck luncheon after church was over. A friend of the family asked Emily where her daddy was. She told him in a matter-of-fact tone, "Daddy go potty." In all reality, Eric left an hour before church got out because he had to be at work.
Then, tonight, as we purchased some feminine products, Emily asked me what I was doing. I told her that mommy needed them. She replies, "Oh, Mommy get diaper."
Sunday we had a pot luck luncheon after church was over. A friend of the family asked Emily where her daddy was. She told him in a matter-of-fact tone, "Daddy go potty." In all reality, Eric left an hour before church got out because he had to be at work.
Then, tonight, as we purchased some feminine products, Emily asked me what I was doing. I told her that mommy needed them. She replies, "Oh, Mommy get diaper."
Simple Mathematics, The Story
Okay, so you've had time to ponder what you should receive, right? Simple math says you should be returned "a" and "b". Simple. Well, that's not what happened.
When we returned a $40 item to a store ("c), the ladies told us that our $5 coupon ("a") was going to "roll over" and "carry over" to the exchange. We'd lose the coupon if we just returned it, but it was going to carry over since we were getting something else. However, when they rung us up, that was not the case. They only gave us back $35 ("b"). We tried to explain this and got in quite the discussion about what they were saying versus what they were doing. If they would have said that the coupon was no longer valid and that was store policy, so be it. However, they continued to say that it would roll over to the next product, yet couldn't figure out that this meant they would then have to give us a $5 discount on the new product. In the end, we tried to leave the store but they wouldn't let us. The manager did give us the $5 off. The cashier then stated that they had then given us $10 off the product (simple math, remember?). We couldn't believe how silly this had become and it was a simple matter of knowing what "roll over" and "carry over" actually means. To us, it meant that the $5 coupon still existed. To them, it only meant that we'd get credit for the $35 we actually gave them and the "roll over" really meant that it was credited TO the returned item, not the new one.
When we returned a $40 item to a store ("c), the ladies told us that our $5 coupon ("a") was going to "roll over" and "carry over" to the exchange. We'd lose the coupon if we just returned it, but it was going to carry over since we were getting something else. However, when they rung us up, that was not the case. They only gave us back $35 ("b"). We tried to explain this and got in quite the discussion about what they were saying versus what they were doing. If they would have said that the coupon was no longer valid and that was store policy, so be it. However, they continued to say that it would roll over to the next product, yet couldn't figure out that this meant they would then have to give us a $5 discount on the new product. In the end, we tried to leave the store but they wouldn't let us. The manager did give us the $5 off. The cashier then stated that they had then given us $10 off the product (simple math, remember?). We couldn't believe how silly this had become and it was a simple matter of knowing what "roll over" and "carry over" actually means. To us, it meant that the $5 coupon still existed. To them, it only meant that we'd get credit for the $35 we actually gave them and the "roll over" really meant that it was credited TO the returned item, not the new one.
08 March 2009
Beautiful Sunday
I love the spring in Georgia. Beautiful sun and warmth...yum! And, on a nice Sunday...double the yum! (Is is strange that I think "yum" describes how good it is?)
Anyway, we had a great day at church. Wonderful lesson in Relief Society. Great talks at church. One of our friends performed the special musical number which was beautiful. Then a potluck to follow. I have just thoroughly enjoyed today. If I could figure out the secret code to having such a great Sabbath, I would try to re-do it every week. So refreshing! And, ironic that it is the day of daylight savings where I technically lost an hour of sleep. Maybe I'm sleeping too long! (11pm to 6:50am was what I got last night...must be just about right.)
Anyway, we had a great day at church. Wonderful lesson in Relief Society. Great talks at church. One of our friends performed the special musical number which was beautiful. Then a potluck to follow. I have just thoroughly enjoyed today. If I could figure out the secret code to having such a great Sabbath, I would try to re-do it every week. So refreshing! And, ironic that it is the day of daylight savings where I technically lost an hour of sleep. Maybe I'm sleeping too long! (11pm to 6:50am was what I got last night...must be just about right.)
06 March 2009
It was a long day yesterday for a multitude of reasons. When we finally got to bed around 10:30, we were exhausted. I heard what sounded like our doorbell ringing, but it sounded really far away. I asked Eric if that was our doorbell, thinking that in my near-sleep state, it was just my mind creating. I heard the noise again and Hannah barked. This made me realize that someone WAS at our door. As I rounded the corner in the kitchen, I saw flashing red lights outside. The bell rang again before I got there. I fully expected to see a fireman, but was greeted with yet another neighbor we had not met yet. He alerted us (and the rest of the neighborhood) that our next door neighbor's house was on fire. He was concerned for our house since our property is separated by a thin line of trees. I came and told Eric that the neighbor's house was on fire. The two of us left our sleeping children and went to see what we could do to comfort or assist in any way. I was shocked to see such huge flames reaching out of the house and into the sky.
We found our neighbors (a family of 5. Mom is a nurse. Dad is a firefighter.) and made sure everyone was okay and supplied whatever immediate needs that had not already been offered.
I must admit, seeing those flames really scared me. My heart was racing and I was near tears myself. I don't know if I was helpful at all, but it was wonderful to see the entire neighborhood come together and help this family. I have to also mention that we live in an extremely quiet know, where we may wave at each other but we haven't necessarily formally met or anything. We have all decided now that we need to have the phone numbers for every house in our cul-de-sac and to know the names and perhaps jobs/schedules for everyone in the event that something like this happens again.
The really scary thing about it is that five fire engines reported to the accident and we didn't hear any of their sirens, see any lights, or even the first explosion (they lost both vehicles in the fire). It's nice to have a home that is insulated and built correctly to muffle the outside noises, but at the same time, it was a bit disturbing to know our neighbor's house was 1/2 burnt up before we even knew about it!

For those who are curious, they believe at this point that one of the vehicles started the fire (the Ford Expedition). Both of their vehicles are fairly new, so that's shocking. The other issue was the fire hydrant. We have one in the cul-de-sac to service all 7 homes. In fact, it is located right next to their property. However, it was an unknown dead hydrant (meaning, it had no water). Delay of the water caused the continued destruction of the home. They had to pipe from the next nearest hydrant that is down and around the corner and at the next corner (essentially an entire block away). That hose actually got kinked and delayed water yet again.
Knowing what my parents went through 3 1/2 years ago with their house fire, we were out there this morning with them advising them to take their own pictures of the smoke, water, and fire damage throughout the house as well as to go ahead and remove any important documents (such as their house insurance policy, checkbooks, ss cards and birth certificates).
We found our neighbors (a family of 5. Mom is a nurse. Dad is a firefighter.) and made sure everyone was okay and supplied whatever immediate needs that had not already been offered.
I must admit, seeing those flames really scared me. My heart was racing and I was near tears myself. I don't know if I was helpful at all, but it was wonderful to see the entire neighborhood come together and help this family. I have to also mention that we live in an extremely quiet know, where we may wave at each other but we haven't necessarily formally met or anything. We have all decided now that we need to have the phone numbers for every house in our cul-de-sac and to know the names and perhaps jobs/schedules for everyone in the event that something like this happens again.
The really scary thing about it is that five fire engines reported to the accident and we didn't hear any of their sirens, see any lights, or even the first explosion (they lost both vehicles in the fire). It's nice to have a home that is insulated and built correctly to muffle the outside noises, but at the same time, it was a bit disturbing to know our neighbor's house was 1/2 burnt up before we even knew about it!
For those who are curious, they believe at this point that one of the vehicles started the fire (the Ford Expedition). Both of their vehicles are fairly new, so that's shocking. The other issue was the fire hydrant. We have one in the cul-de-sac to service all 7 homes. In fact, it is located right next to their property. However, it was an unknown dead hydrant (meaning, it had no water). Delay of the water caused the continued destruction of the home. They had to pipe from the next nearest hydrant that is down and around the corner and at the next corner (essentially an entire block away). That hose actually got kinked and delayed water yet again.
Knowing what my parents went through 3 1/2 years ago with their house fire, we were out there this morning with them advising them to take their own pictures of the smoke, water, and fire damage throughout the house as well as to go ahead and remove any important documents (such as their house insurance policy, checkbooks, ss cards and birth certificates).
05 March 2009
Gianna's Tummy Time
At Gianna's two month doctor visit, her doctor "prescribed" tummy time twice a day for ten to fifteen minutes at a time. I had to laugh. I did the same with Emily and perhaps that is why both of my girls turned over so early, but she's had tummy time since we brought her home. So, this is Gianna's version of this mandated tummy time...yes, she is asleep with her eyes slightly open.
04 March 2009
Watch Your Mouth, Mommy
As everyone knows, toddlers pick up on things very quickly...especially the spoken word, and especially when you don't want them to do so. A few years ago, I unintentionally taught my nephew the word "brat," which he promptly began referring to me with. I've tried to be careful about what I say so I don't repeat that with my own children (sorry, Angela!). Too bad bad habits are hard to break. Eric showed me yesterday that I have taught Emily an inappropriate phrase. It's something I say to her when she is being annoying.
Yesterday Eric had to tell Emily four times to close the garage door. At the fourth command, Emily responds to him by saying, "Oh-kay, Daddy!! You killing me!" Uh, good one, Liz. That'll go over well the first time she says it in nursery.
Yesterday Eric had to tell Emily four times to close the garage door. At the fourth command, Emily responds to him by saying, "Oh-kay, Daddy!! You killing me!" Uh, good one, Liz. That'll go over well the first time she says it in nursery.
Simple Mathematics
Although I can't say that Math was a favorite subject of mine, I always did well with it. Perhaps because you can actually have a finite answer and you can double check the outcome. I won't say that it is my strong suit and avoided it when I got to college, but I could do basic word problems. For instance:
Jean and John go to the store. They find a product with a price of "c". When they take it to the counter, they pay for it with "a" and "b" which total "c" (a+b=c). However, when the product turns out to be faulty, they return it to the store and want to exchange it for another product. How much should Jean and John have from the returned item to purchase the other product?
I'd like to hear your responses before telling you the rest of the story.
Jean and John go to the store. They find a product with a price of "c". When they take it to the counter, they pay for it with "a" and "b" which total "c" (a+b=c). However, when the product turns out to be faulty, they return it to the store and want to exchange it for another product. How much should Jean and John have from the returned item to purchase the other product?
I'd like to hear your responses before telling you the rest of the story.
03 March 2009
Best in Show
Hannah may get dirty (she loves to be on her zip line outside) and appear to be a little crazy (because she is still walking around the house backwards at times), but she is a good dog. She'll never compete in anything, but she has won our hearts.
She really impressed us last night. When Eric went to get her to bring her in, she was sitting by her dog house (she doesn't go in it unless it is pouring rain and we aren't visible to her). She was a little scared when he called her and made cautious steps towards him. At that point, Eric realized that she was NOT tied up and we could have been missing a member of our family. We don't know when it happened, but at some point from late afternoon to somewhere around 8 pm, Hannah's tether to the zip line broke off. She stayed in the yard and didn't go galavanting across the neighborhood with her freedom (we are frequented with visitors of the canine kind...sometimes with their tethers in tow). She's such a good dog! And, she's getting a reward in two so perhaps she won't be such an attractive female to the neighborhood dogs. =)
She really impressed us last night. When Eric went to get her to bring her in, she was sitting by her dog house (she doesn't go in it unless it is pouring rain and we aren't visible to her). She was a little scared when he called her and made cautious steps towards him. At that point, Eric realized that she was NOT tied up and we could have been missing a member of our family. We don't know when it happened, but at some point from late afternoon to somewhere around 8 pm, Hannah's tether to the zip line broke off. She stayed in the yard and didn't go galavanting across the neighborhood with her freedom (we are frequented with visitors of the canine kind...sometimes with their tethers in tow). She's such a good dog! And, she's getting a reward in two so perhaps she won't be such an attractive female to the neighborhood dogs. =)
02 March 2009
Where We Met?
In Paradise...a section of Las Vegas...when he and the other office elder delivered a third mattress to my apartment. It was also the moment I told him I was old enough to be his grandma.
How long did we date before we were married?
Officially together May 8th. Engaged August 7th. Married October 22nd. Total: 5 1/2 months...long distance, too!
How long have we been married?
3 1/2 years.
What is my favorite thing about him?
He gets me to do things I might not do on my own: riding bikes, photography, etc.
What is your favorite quality about him?
He is the most patient and kind person I know. I've only seen him really upset twice in the past 4 years, and both times in defense of me.
What is his nickname for you?
Hon/Honey, but more often than not, it's "mommy" b/c the kids are around.
His favorite food?
Kickin' Chicken sandwich from Zaxby' ranch, extra tongue torch.
His favorite sport?
Who said the "L" word first?
Most definitely him. He baked the most perfect PB cookies for me and brought them to me at work for lunch. Then we went back to where he was staying and there was a gigantic heart shaped one on the counter that had the words "I Love You" written in pink icing...does that count? Otherwise, I can't remember...and neither can he.
First Kiss?
Mother's Day, the day we were officially together. He actually leaned in for a kiss and I backed away telling him I wasn't ready for that. I went to the bathroom, gave myself a pep talk about how I was NOT going to kiss him. I came back to the living room and promptly kissed him. =)
Favorite Couple thing to do?
We're not out of the honeymoon stage. I'll leave it at that.
How many kids We have?
2, but we do want more.
His hidden talent?
Scrapbooking. He made me a scrapbook of us together before we got engaged. Sadly, it hasn't been added to, but I loved that he did that for me. He also has amazingly good print, too. The first time he mailed something to me, I thought he had a girl address the package for him.
His age?
26 years on his next b-day which is less than 2 weeks away now.
His favorite music?
Varies. He likes to make us CD's to listen to, and one song that makes it on every CD is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. I'd be able to pin down his favorite movie or TV show better than this.
What do You admire most about him?
Two things. His Christlike patience (especially with family and roommates can vouch for the need for this) as well as his good work ethic.
His favorite pass time?
When he finishes school and has a regular schedule, I'll answer this question. At the moment, who knows! Spending time with the family doing whatever.
Will he read this?
No, but we'll discuss it.
I tag...Rachel, Sarah Beth, Kelli, Stef, Lori, Mel, Crystal...okay, any of you ladies that are married and have a blog! =)
In Paradise...a section of Las Vegas...when he and the other office elder delivered a third mattress to my apartment. It was also the moment I told him I was old enough to be his grandma.
How long did we date before we were married?
Officially together May 8th. Engaged August 7th. Married October 22nd. Total: 5 1/2 months...long distance, too!
How long have we been married?
3 1/2 years.
What is my favorite thing about him?
He gets me to do things I might not do on my own: riding bikes, photography, etc.
What is your favorite quality about him?
He is the most patient and kind person I know. I've only seen him really upset twice in the past 4 years, and both times in defense of me.
What is his nickname for you?
Hon/Honey, but more often than not, it's "mommy" b/c the kids are around.
His favorite food?
Kickin' Chicken sandwich from Zaxby' ranch, extra tongue torch.
His favorite sport?
Who said the "L" word first?
Most definitely him. He baked the most perfect PB cookies for me and brought them to me at work for lunch. Then we went back to where he was staying and there was a gigantic heart shaped one on the counter that had the words "I Love You" written in pink icing...does that count? Otherwise, I can't remember...and neither can he.
First Kiss?
Mother's Day, the day we were officially together. He actually leaned in for a kiss and I backed away telling him I wasn't ready for that. I went to the bathroom, gave myself a pep talk about how I was NOT going to kiss him. I came back to the living room and promptly kissed him. =)
Favorite Couple thing to do?
We're not out of the honeymoon stage. I'll leave it at that.
How many kids We have?
2, but we do want more.
His hidden talent?
Scrapbooking. He made me a scrapbook of us together before we got engaged. Sadly, it hasn't been added to, but I loved that he did that for me. He also has amazingly good print, too. The first time he mailed something to me, I thought he had a girl address the package for him.
His age?
26 years on his next b-day which is less than 2 weeks away now.
His favorite music?
Varies. He likes to make us CD's to listen to, and one song that makes it on every CD is Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. I'd be able to pin down his favorite movie or TV show better than this.
What do You admire most about him?
Two things. His Christlike patience (especially with family and roommates can vouch for the need for this) as well as his good work ethic.
His favorite pass time?
When he finishes school and has a regular schedule, I'll answer this question. At the moment, who knows! Spending time with the family doing whatever.
Will he read this?
No, but we'll discuss it.
I tag...Rachel, Sarah Beth, Kelli, Stef, Lori, Mel, Crystal...okay, any of you ladies that are married and have a blog! =)
01 March 2009
Snow in Georgia
Typically, March ushers in Spring in Georgia. Little did we expect the forecast of snow to come true! I don't know how much has actually accumulated, but it's beautiful to see snow covering the ground. Emily has been very excited at the "snowman". She also asked us if Santa was coming (her favorite movie at the moment is still "Reindeer" known to you and me as "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer" the claymation Christmas classic).
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